137 - From the ashes: War scars, bloody hands

Evelyn wore a long-sleeved white cotton t-shirt with cutouts on the shoulders, along with jeans pants, and heeled sandals. She didn't use a long time to comb her hair, letting it frame her face while resting on her back. She distractedly added a very light touch of makeup to her face, her mind on the expression Daemon had on his face earlier.

He had been calm, not cold, nor indifferent, but very calm. And he had been less intense than the night they met in the bar, the only time he had not shown a smile in front of her. She couldn't help but force herself not to think about the promise that was not even one day old, about whether she had been wrong to hope, contrary to what she had decided that night in the cab she took to run away from her nightly workplace. Maybe she should have lived with her unhealed scars, full of expectations, and without hopes that could crash down, or be crushed.