183 - From the ashes: Open the door

From three people in the car, the number went down to two people after the youngest had been dropped off at his school.

A quiet atmosphere nested itself inside the car. Maybe that was the preferred atmosphere of the couple, one they had always appreciated even when younger, one that simply let them enjoy the presence of each other.

It was Evelyn who broke the silence a few minutes en route to the next destination:

"What plan do you have for the coming days?"

Daemon showed a soft smile:

"You could just ask directly."

Evelyn didn't say anything, and after he saw her smiling from the corner of his eyes, he finally decided to provide the answer she wanted:

"It doesn't matter that I don't celebrate either Christmas or the end of the year. I will spend them with Jason and you."

Evelyn smiled helplessly as she looked at Daemon softly: