198 - From the ashes: Now, no holding back

Evelyn thought that she would hesitate, but her feet moved on their own to descend the rest of the staircase, and she took the hand clad in the dark glove that was waiting for her.

The hand might be dark and bloody, but it made her feel so safe.

In that calm moment, Evelyn missed the smile that shone in Daemon's eyes. Relief and love outshone the cold darkness in his eyes for a moment, before they retreated back into the background.

No words were exchanged as Daemon put Evelyn's hand back on his shoulder and continued leading the way, his breathing steady, as if the previous battle had hardly required any effort from him.

Evelyn's eyes fell onto the dead bodies in spite of her attempt at ignoring them.

As if he had predicted that reaction, Daemon hastened his pace, leaving the scene faster as his ears were already perceiving the other incoming threats.