The Cost Of Power

The team gathered in the Silvermoon Safehouse, tension thick in the air. The ritual for Darryl's ascension was at hand, but first, each member needed to confront their own Cost and choose a second one. They sat in a circle, the gravity of the moment pressing down on them.

Damien spoke first, his tone serious. "Before we start, you all need to pick your second Cost. This isn't something to be taken lightly. It will affect you deeply, and you need to choose wisely."

Constantine looked around at his friends, then back to Damien. "What's your second Cost, Damien? I know the first is like mine."

Damien's eyes darkened. "My second Cost is the inability to feel romantic love."

Everyone was flabbergasted. Jane's eyes widened. "Why would you do that?" she asked.

"I already fell in love once, and that was enough for this lifetime." Damien sighed dramatically. Darryl and Marcus shot him odd looks but stayed silent.