love markings (2)

Angel was Alex. Of course it was, because who else could it have possibly been? Out of all the people at the party, I just had to sleep with the most obnoxious person there. I should have never went there in the first place, that right there was such a dumb move on its own, but when you're Andre Gilbert you have no choice but to start mischief. It's what the people expect— it's what they want and you always gotta give the people what they want.

That's the most important thing in all of this. You got to give the people what they want; even if it's kill you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop acting , and you don't stop pretending, and you give the people what they prefer.

Is it worth it though? Because here I am with holes in my cloth, hickies and bite marks covering my body, and a pounding headache that only seems to get worse by the minute.