Lowest Level: Sixth World, Leon is OP

The doctor was checking his pulse and told everyone the great news. 

"Sir Leon is pregnant. Which one of you is the father?"

Ronan shook his head real hard in rejection and Zaydis and Caine were silent.


"Umm, doctor. I am his adopted son. I'll discuss with you about mom's pregnancy. I also have some questions about the care of Gers."

The doctor didn't mind and allowed Rory to come with him into his office and the four men were left in the patient room.

"So…who is the baby's father?"

Ronan was curious since he knew all of them were sexually active. 


The two men were silent. Would there be complications as the public finds out Leon is in a relationship with two men? Leon continued his routine as usual until his belly grew and he couldn't hide it with his baggy clothes. The two men were worried that the harsh public population would see him pregnant and bully him. So they didn't allow Leon to go out much. Rory decided to travel home from University instead of staying at the dorms and hanging with his mom. Leon was amused at their careful actions and stayed obedient for a while. But the mood swings and cravings popped up and Leon sometimes disappeared without anyone noticing. Leon was chatting with his system as he walked around the mall and looked at baby stuff.

'Are you positive that it's twins?'

'Yes. My analysis is that each child will look like their fathers.'


'A target with evil intentions is moving towards you.'


Leon frowned as he acted normal and pretended to be finished with shopping. He went down to the parking garage and the stalker finally revealed himself.

'Isn't this guy the one that wanted to rape the original me?'

'Correct. What is your next decision?'

'Hmm. Revenge.'

Leon smirked.

"Can I help you?"

"Of course, I finally have the opportunity to be alone with you."

The old fat male leered at Leon as he looked all over Leon's body with his eyes in a disgusting way. The man was about to grab Leon's wrist but Leon took action before him and slapped the other real hard. The man's body swung to the side and he fell to the ground. The man touched his bleeding face and pointed at Leon in disbelief and anger.

"Y-you! How dare you attack me! Slut!"

Leon's smirking expression glazed over with cold sharpness. He took a step forward and broke the man's foot. The man screeched in pain and Leon continued to watch expressionlessly as he grind his foot on the broken one. Ronan was tasked to find Leon and had arrived at this moment. Ronan felt cold sweat form on every pore of his body. He silently stayed to the side, not wanting to head in the front line of disaster. Leon was bored and turned to see Ronan trying to silently back up and ran away.

"H-hi! I was told to find you by everyone."

"Hmm, okay. You can go now. I'm just going home after this."

"What about that guy?"

Ronan pointed at the unconscious man on the ground. Leon shrugged and got in his car. Ronan watched Leon reverse and his tires ran over the guy's toes and most likely broke the bones there. The man screeched in pain again and Ronan had to check there were no security cameras that recorded this incident. But then when he saw one, he watched it from beginning to end. He showed disgust towards the pervert stalker. It was an act of self defense for Leon. When he explained to the two henpecked husbands of Leon, they were furious and the rest was history. The man was placed in jail because Leon was not his only victim. The ones before were contacted and saved by them. They had more than enough evidence to prove this guy's sins. The pervert was also tortured for half his life until he died in an accident in a prison fight. System No.369 watched as Leon lived peacefully and acted like a mature and responsible adult in this world.

'You have changed.'

The system sighed as they returned to The Realms of World Ords, RWO for short. 

'What do you mean, LordKittyCat?'

'You're more…ruthless, coldhearted, and just…not naive anymore.'

'What's wrong with that?'

'Nothing, I was remembering how you were more childish and carefree at the beginning.'

'That was before we had experienced all this world traveling and now I have more on my plate.'


'You have also changed as well.'


'Wow, way to burst the good moment. I thought we had something.'

'Yeah, my rage and grievances being your system. The shit I have to go through, you little akjehfkjhfd!'

'...heehee. Love you too, muah~'

'Tch. Look at your game system notifications.'


> As THE CREATOR, you have access to creation skills. As long as it is within the World Will's acceptance, the player is able to request anything from it. You will not be restricted by the World Wills any longer. Their power and energy is accessible since it has recognised that you are the one that gave life to all.]

"Fucking awesome! I'm God! The chosen one!"

'The End is also a god as well, in your terms then.'

"As he should. I expect nothing less from my significant other, my soulmate!"

'Alright, alright, your highness. Are you going to rest or go to the next world?'

"Hmm, let me sit down and brainstorm first."

'Alright. Whenever you're ready, just grab a world floating around.'