Beob Gang (1)

In the late morning, a time when the young disciples were likely immersed in their scripture studies.

"Hyu Jong, what happened to Mu Gung's sparring with the kid named Mu-Jin?" 

Hyun Song, the head of the Hall of Arhat responsible for the education of disciples, to which Hyujeong belonged, and also Hyujeong's master, asked the question in a subdued tone.. As seven days and nights had passed since Cho Kang-hyuk possessed Mujin and caused his first accident, Hyun Song had already received a report about Mujin from Hyu Jong, who was in charge of Mujin, and Hyeonmun, the dining hall leader

Responding to Hyun Song's query, Hyu Jong, inwardly anxious, recounted the events of the previous night while forcing herself to maintain composure.

"So, you're saying that this child Mujin managed to subdue Mugung in just one bout?"

"Yes, Master."

"Hmm... It seems he wasn't just a crazy child after all."

"That's what I think too. While he behaves recklessly during morning training, when it comes to practicing Chain-Linked Fist, he has always been more dedicated than anyone else. It's just..."

"I understand your concern. Perhaps he trained in Chain-Linked Fist not to learn its techniques, but to uncover its weaknesses?"

"Yes, Master."

After a moment of contemplation, Hyun Song raised his head.

"It's probably not the case. Logically, if he were a spy from an unorthodox sect or demonic cult, they wouldn't go out of their way to do such conspicuous things.."

"But what if that was his aim?"

"So what if it is? Chain-Linked Fist is merely an introductory martial art. It might be different if it were one of the seventy-two supreme techniques of our Shaolin. Why would the Demonic Sect bother researching the weaknesses of an introductory martial art?"

For someone who had reached a certain level of mastery, finding dozens of weaknesses in a simple martial art like Chain-Linked Fist would be child's play.

"There's no need to worry. That child hasn't even become an official third-generation disciple yet. If we observe him patiently, we'll eventually find out whether he's truly a spy or just a slightly unusual child."

"Yes, Master."

Hyun Song, who had reassured Hyu Jong's concerns, absentmindedly stroked his beard for a moment.


From his mouth came a curious tone that sounded somewhat interested.

"If that child is not a spy from Magyo, he might be from some martial family."

"...I also thought that might be the case. It's unlikely that a young child would come up with such bizarre training methods on his own, so perhaps they were techniques from his family's training."

Both Hyu Jong and Hyun Song considered the strange items reported by Hyeonmun, such as "protein supplements," to possibly be special foods consumed during training in his family.

"For young children, the greatest teacher is their father. That child probably wanted to prove that his father's training was superior to even our millennium-old Sollim training."

Hyun Song, who shared his prediction, added with a sense of regret, "It's truly a shame."

"If he managed to defeat Mugung this time, he probably gained confidence in his futile training methods. What should we do about this?"

"...What if we somehow forced him to undergo Sollim's training, to let him feel its effects firsthand?"

After briefly considering Hyu Jong's suggestion, Hyun Song shook his head.

"That wouldn't be appropriate. Based on what you and Hyeonmun said, that child seems to possess a great sense of integrity, like a mighty tree that bends but doesn't break. We shouldn't force him; he needs to experience it himself."

It was reported that Hyu Jong, who had reached a level far higher than that child, along with several senior disciples, confidently expressed their thoughts even as dozens of peers watched them intently. Elder Hyun Song of Shaolin could easily surmise that a child with such courage would not bend to anyone's coercion.

"It's even more regrettable when I think about it like this. He has excellent talent in martial arts, but his character is like a big rock pushing forward the justice he believes in, no matter the situation. Hyun Song was convinced that if properly nurtured, he would become a pillar of Shaolin.

"Keep an eye on that child. Not only to confirm if he's from the Demonic Cult, but also to seize the opportunity to prove that Shaolin's training methods are superior to his. Somehow, we must make sure that he starts training in Shaolin's methods. We cannot afford to let him waste more time on futile training. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

As they discussed the matter, they both became lost in thought, pondering how to manipulate Mu-Jin.

At that moment, Hyun Song, who had been deeply contemplating, seemed to have a good idea.

"Ah. How about entrusting Mu-Jin to Beob Gang?"

"Beob Gang is currently under the jurisdiction of the court of law, isn't he? Are you seriously considering sending Mu-Jin there?"

"Hehehe. Don't worry. Beob Gang is scheduled to move to The Hall of Arhats tomorrow."

Upon Hyun Song's explanation, Hyu Jong looked at the teacher with a nod of approval.

"As the Master says, if it's Beob Gang, he should be able to lead Mu-Jin onto the right path."

The two disciples smiled with satisfaction as they thought of Beob Gang.


That evening, after finishing their activities in Shaolin, the junior disciples gathered in groups of three or five, heading somewhere.

"Huh. Beob Gang. No, Beob Gang is being executed."

At that moment, as one junior disciple, walking towards the area where the quarters were located, muttered in surprise with a bewildered expression, the others who were heading in the same direction turned without hesitation.

"Phew. Why would Beob Gang, who used to train in the training grounds until late at night, be there of all places?"

"Did he run away without even properly saying goodbye to the masters? Wasn't he supposed to be under house arrest?"

"...Why would he choose such a harsh place over the comfortable quarters?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? It means to go to the training grounds instead of returning to the quarters."

"Ugh. It's really harsh. So harsh."

As one junior disciple shook his head, another burst into laughter.

"Is Beob Gang's punishment only for a day or two? He's not even a novice, why make such a fuss?"

"Well, it's not for nothing that he's Beob Gang."

"Tsk. I think Beob Gyeon(Law Dog) suits him better than Beob Gang."

One junior disciple, who had recently been properly disciplined by Beob Gang, grumbled.

"He's gone to a place that suits him well, hasn't he? The watchdog of the court of law! Haha."

"Tsk tsk. The news travels slowly among the disciples. I heard that Beob Gang is being transferred to The Hall of Arhats starting tomorrow."

The average age of the current junior disciples at Shaolin is in the late twenties to early thirties. Though considered adults in their own right, in the martial arts world, they were still relatively young.

During their time as junior disciples, they would rotate through various temples and monasteries at regular intervals to gain experience, and after a certain level of experience, they would fully commit to one place. So, it wasn't unusual for junior disciples to transfer to different temples or monasteries. Except for one exception—Beob Gang.

"Wasn't Beob Gang's sahyung confirmed by the court of law? He's been the expected successor to the next chief Court of Law since he was one of the three great disciples."

Beob Gang, who had quite a high profile among the junior disciples, had been a man who tried to establish Shaolin's principles by giving the masters a hard time since his days as a junior disciple.

Although everyone wondered why such a dedicated person like Beob Gang would transfer from the court of law to The Hall of Arhats, they couldn't help but nod along when they heard the explanation about maintaining Shaolin's principles.

"In order to uphold the laws of Shaolin, I told the Lord of the Law Center that I would return to the Law Center after going through all the parties and circles according to the regulations.".

"...Indeed, he is Beob Gang sahyung."

"A man who lives and dies by the law."

"Well, he's intimidating, but also worthy of respect."

As one junior disciple conveyed the news of Beob Gang's transfer, the others who had previously criticized him ended up nodding in agreement. They had all been tormented by him since their days as junior disciples, fearing and avoiding him.

Undoubtedly, he was an impressive figure, in many ways.

And now, having exposed himself and been sent away by the masters to the training grounds, Beob Gang was currently dripping with sweat as he repeated his training, enduring immense pain.

He hadn't used his inner strength for training, hence why he was sweating profusely, even though it wasn't the typical sweat but rather cold sweat due to the tremendous pain.

Being feared as the guardian of the law in Shaolin, Beob Gang had tried to set an example for the disciples ever since he had declared himself the guardian of the law. He believed it wasn't right to reprimand others for things he didn't uphold himself.

Therefore, it was natural for Beob Gang to have invested more time in basic training compared to other disciples.

Rain or shine, after finishing their daily tasks, he would continue training every evening until dawn, without taking even a single day of rest.

His knees, which had been constantly worked without respite, were now completely damaged.

Even just walking without using inner strength caused him excruciating pain.

But he didn't care.

For him, basic training was both training and asceticism. He considered it natural for pain to accompany training.


Enduring the excruciating pain for more than thirty minutes, Beob Gang straightened his trembling knees and took a deep breath.

"Mu-Jin, was it?"

Having heard from Hyun Song Sasukjo about the problematic yet promising junior disciple of The Hall of Arhats. Talented but refusing to train in Shaolin's methods.

"I will definitely teach that child what the spirit of Shaolin is."

Making a firm vow to himself, he bent his knees again and resumed his horse stance.

Despite the terrible pain, he simply regarded it as part of his asceticism.


The next morning, as usual, Mu-Jin, having risen early for morning training, stretched his muscles with Mu Yul before heading to the training grounds.

And as the bell rang at dawn, Hyu Jong and the other junior disciples began to appear in the training grounds one by one.


Mu-Jin noticed that there were a few changes among the junior disciples in the training grounds.

And among them, one particular disciple caught Mu-Jin's eye.

"Hmm, isn't he just a regular soldier?"

If it were modern times, anyone would mistake him for a soldier. And strangely enough, it wasn't just Mu-Jin who found the soldier-like junior disciple puzzling.

"Be... Beob Gang's sahyung?"

The junior disciples who had suffered greatly during their time as junior disciples called out his nickname in surprise at Beob Gang's sudden appearance.

"Is this some kind of mistake? sahyung?"

"Starting today, I've been transferred to The Hall of Arhats and will be with you all. Please take care of me from now on."

Why was that? Although Beob Gang greeted them with a blunt tone, the disciples all wore expressions as if they had just received a death sentence.


And Mu-Jin, who had been observing the scene from beginning to end, quickly grasped the situation.

"The newcomer is the military leader of these junior disciples."

Like recognizes like, having spent seven years in the military, Mu-Jin instantly understood the role Beob Gang played among the junior disciples.

"Begin the morning training!"

Whether the military leader had arrived or not, there was only one thing Mu-Jin had to do. Train his body to see the end of this novel.

Whether Beob Gang had caught his attention or not, Mu-Jin focused on refining his breathing and concentrated on his exercises.

After a few rounds of exercise, today's focus was on training the lower body muscles.

Like the other disciples, Mu-Jin bent his knees and began squats, focusing solely on his own routine.

While Mu-Jin was immersed in his exercise, Beob Gang approached him and began to observe his posture.

Beob Gang thought to himself. To reprimand someone, you need to understand their actions accurately.

To understand one's actions is to be better equipped to criticize them logically. Mimicking is the best way to learn.

"Is this how it's done?"

In order to directly experience how futile that training method was, Beob Gang willingly began to mimic Mu-Jin's posture.

After repeating squats several times, Beob Gang soon stood up. Because, just like in horse stance, intense pain emanated from his knees.

As Beob Gang was about to conclude that this was a clever trick to avoid the tough training of Shaolin, Mu-Jin spoke up with a stern expression, pointing out Beob Gang's posture.

"That's not how you do it."

Ironically, it was Mu-Jin who corrected Beob Gang's posture, looking strict.