Actually, it’s better. (2)

During special forces training, survival training was included. It was for situations like infiltrating enemy territory or surviving if left behind.

Naturally, this included procuring food locally, so hunting and eating animals in the wild was already familiar to him.

"Hehehe. This wall-gazing training is a piece of cake."

Wiping away the drool from his mouth, Mu-Jin headed out of the cave.

Recalling his survival training, he moved as stealthily as possible.

After a short while, he spotted a red dot in the bushes.

'A rabbit!'

It was an excellent source of protein.

Mu-Jin carefully approached the rabbit, taking a long way around to avoid leaving any traces.

'No traces should be left.'

The simplest way to catch the rabbit was to use a fallen branch to pierce its throat, but that would leave blood and a scent.

Moreover, if blood splattered on his monk's robe, he would have no excuse.

Approaching the rabbit as cautiously as he did during his top-secret missions in the special forces, Mu-Jin got closer.

Then, at the right moment,


With a swift movement, he lunged at the rabbit.


The startled rabbit leaped away, dodging Mu-Jin's attack, but—

"Sorry, little rabbit. But I need to survive too."

Mu-Jin's hand was already clutching the rabbit's ears as it jumped into the air.

* * *


After making sure to leave no traces, Mu-Jin had dug a hole in another nearby cave and cooked the rabbit in clay, making a hearty meal.

He didn't have the luxury to clean the fur properly, so he coated it with clay and baked it whole, pulling the fur off with the clay once it was cooked.

"Now that I've replenished my protein, I can sleep well."

Though it wasn't perfect, he had managed to replenish his protein. Additionally, having eaten meat for the first time since arriving in this world, he felt very content.

As soon as he lay down on the cave floor, Mu-Jin fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, as always, Mu-Jin woke up before the morning bell of Shaolin Temple.

He adjusted his posture and sat cross-legged facing the wall.

Was it to earnestly engage in wall-gazing meditation?


It was because he sensed someone approaching the cave.

As Mu-Jin had anticipated, Beob Gang soon appeared near the cave with a bowl of water and rations.

Instead of immediately offering the food and water, Beob Gang looked inside the cave with a slightly surprised expression.

'Though I had hoped, I didn't expect him to already be up and meditating again. Or could it be that he stayed up all night repenting?'

Surprised by Mu-Jin's diligence, Beob Gang watched his back for a while, just in case.

Even after about two hours, there was no change, so Beob Gang carefully entered the cave and placed the bowl of water and rations next to Mu-Jin.

Mu-Jin flinched slightly when Beob Gang approached but didn't make the mistake of speaking or turning his head.

'Hehe. Looks like he didn't know I was here.'

Sometimes, sudden appearances of a supervisor could catch a meditator off guard.

"Well, if it's this guy, there probably isn't even a need to go this far."

Satisfied with Mu-Jin's unwavering meditation despite being startled, Beob Gang soon left the cave.


Mu-Jin let out a deep sigh, adding a touch of surprise to deceive Beob Gang.

"Having to survive on just this for a week. It's really too much."

He muttered while roughly stuffing the rations Beob Gang left behind into his mouth.

Having quickly finished his meal, he then stretched his legs out and began loosening his muscles one by one, starting from the muscles in his legs.

Now that he had found a way to replenish his protein and the supervisor had disappeared, it was time to exercise freely.

Following today's rotation, it was a day to focus on chest and back exercises.

Mu-Jin decided to start with some light push-ups.



Repeated typical breathing techniques commonly found in gyms.


A certain topic struck Mu-Jin's mind.

"This seems similar to the Danjeon method, doesn't it?"

Curious, Mu-Jin decided to try practicing the Danjeon method while exercising.

Inhaling through the nose as he lowered his body during push-ups, and exhaling through the mouth as he pushed up with his arms.

Normally, the focus should have been on the chest muscles or the muscles near the scapula, but this time, he focused not only on the muscles but also on his breathing and energy.


Focusing his mind, he confirmed that he could feel the energy circulating through his body even in this process.

"Then, could I possibly use the Internal Energy Manipulation as well?"

Feeling a bit more ambitious, Mu-Jin concentrated on the energy as he bent his arms while inhaling.

Instead of exhaling as he extended his arms, he concentrated on the energy while keeping his arms bent.

Following the principles of the Danjeon method, he tried to circulate the energy drawn in through breathing to various parts of his body.

"Indeed. It's not as easy as I thought."

As he stopped his posture and continued to focus, he found it difficult to maintain focus solely on the Internal Energy Manipulation, as his breathing became faster and some of his concentration was diverted to his muscles.

"Still, with a bit more practice, it should be manageable, right?"

If he could naturally manipulate the Internal Energy without forcing it consciously, then it seemed entirely possible to gather Internal Energy while exercising.

In fact, what Mu-Jin was doing now was quite risky.

Operating the energy along the meridians was a very delicate task, and if he touched the wrong meridian, he could easily deviate onto the path of injury and illness.

However, Mu-Jin was able to do this safely because the method he was using was the Danjeon method.

As the most stable method of Internal Energy cultivation in Shaolin, each meridian traversed by the Danjeon method was in a stable position.

"Alright. During this wall-gazing session, let's incorporate exercise and Danjeon practice!"

And so, Mu-Jin began practicing Gong during meditation, even though no one had taught him.

* * *

The day before.

As the sun set, Shaolin Temple, which was usually quiet, was now completely different.

The occurrence of bullying among the novice disciples in Shaolin Temple was a significant disgrace for the prestigious temple.

Naturally, the atmosphere in the The Hall of Arhats, responsible for managing novice and third-level disciples, had to be solemn.

"You must confess the truth! If your testimony differs from the others, you will face severe punishment!"

The third-level disciples in charge of investigating this incident began interrogating each novice who was resting one by one.

Of course, as disciples of the Shaolin, the interrogation was not conducted with violence.

But now, the young novices, aged between 11 and 14, dared not lie in front of the intimidating third-level disciples.

Before even a day had passed, all investigations were concluded, and a report stating that all children's testimonies matched was delivered to the head monk, Master Hyun Song.

"Heh. It's all because of my incompetence."

As the abbot of Shaolin Temple, could there be a more embarrassing incident than this? Hyun Song's face turned red as he read through the report.

"I apologize, Master. This is all because I failed to manage properly."

Seeing such a humble demeanor from their master, Hyu Jong, who was in charge of educating the entry-level disciples, bowed deeply.

At that moment, a sound was heard outside the Hall of Arhats.

"Senior Disciple Beob Gang. I have just returned."

"Come in."

As Beob Gang entered the hall, Hyun Song, trying hard to conceal his bitter expression, asked, "How is Mu-Jin?"

"As always, he was truly admirable, Master Sasukjo."

Beob Gang briefly recounted what he had observed during the one-hour session he had watched. It was about Mu-Jin's unwavering focus while facing the wall.

"Hehehe. It seems Shaolin's fortune and misfortune have come together."

"Isn't it fortunate that fortune discovered and prevented misfortune? It was fortunate that the child intervened early; if we had found out later, who knows what would have happened."

Hyun Song and Hyu Jong nodded as if in agreement with Beob Gang's words.

"We were just discussing this. According to the interrogation results, Mu Gyeong and Mu-Jin's words have been proven true."

"All of this, because of my lack of virtue."

As Hyun Song and Hyu Jong spoke in turn, Beob Gang cautiously spoke up.

"Master, I have one thing to say about this incident."


"It may seem presumptuous, but this incident is not because of anyone's virtue. It's just everyone's fault. But what's important now is not blaming or regretting but preventing such incidents from happening again, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's quite right."

"Do you have any thoughts on how to do that?"

In response to Hyun Song's question, Beob Gang answered with confidence.

"In the disciple's opinion, the main reason for this incident is inadequate training."

"Inadequate training?"

"Yes. It's because there was enough physical stamina left to do such wicked deeds."

If Mu-Jin were here, it would have been a solution suitable for military-style resolution. But this was Shaolin Temple, and Shaolin was a place closer to the military than a school, given its focus on martial arts.

"That's a valid point."

"If they are disciples of the Shaolin, they should devote themselves to mental cultivation through honest Buddhist scriptures and practice martial arts diligently. I suggest that the children put more effort into martial arts and mental cultivation. Would it be acceptable to proceed in that way, Abbot?"

Upon Beob Gang's inquiry, after a brief consideration, Hyun Song nodded.

"Then, leave that matter to you and Hyu Jong. I seem to be busy for a few days, wrapping up this matter."

Since the sins of the three disciples from the laymen's side were proven, corresponding punishment should be given. The only issue was whether to punish their families or end it with the children. And, most importantly, the matter regarding the father of Mu Gyeong, who had been treated almost like a stepchild, also needed to be addressed.

"I will do my best to conclude the matter."

"We will make sure such incidents never happen again, Master."

Seeing the serious faces of Beob Gang and Hyu Jong, Hyun Song nodded with a reliable expression.


Icheon County, an area some distance away from Seongsan, where Shaolin is located. Monks wearing Shaolin robes appeared there.

They were none other than the senior and junior disciples sent from Shaolin, along with the disciples from the laymen's side and the Court of Law.

As soon as the Shaolin disciples entered Icheon County, they scattered in all directions. They sought out the countless civilians living in Icheon County, engaging in various conversations and gathering information.

"Let's go."

Shortly afterward, they arrived at the entrance of a manor displaying a signboard that read "Seo Bul Escort Agency."

"I am Hye Gul, the vice abbot of the Shaolin Outer Sect."

When the leader of the disciples introduced himself, the person guarding the entrance of Seo Bul Escort Agency immediately stepped aside.

"Welcome! I am Seo Mun-pyeong, the head of this Seo Bul Escort Agency. It is an honor to have the opportunity to meet the renowned Five Fist Invincible Group here.

The escort agency's head, a Lay Disciple of Shaolin, intended to welcome them warmly. That was until his son appeared.

"…Could you explain why Ji-tae is in such a state?"

Seo Mun-pyeong asked, looking at his son, who was known as Mu Tae in Shaolin. In response, Hye Gul, the representative, explained what had happened at Shaolin a few days earlier. However, they did not come here just to explain that incident.

"Furthermore, during our investigation in Icheon County, we discovered that Seo Bul Escort Agency has been intimidating and extorting valuables from the civilians here!"

"What are you talking about!?" Seo Mun-pyeong exclaimed in disbelief, but Hye Gul paid no attention to his outcry. Just as the child reflects the parent, Mu Tae's parents were also engaging in misdeeds, all under the guise of being Lay Disciples of Shaolin.

"You must pay for the sin of intimidating the masses with Shaolin martial arts, Seo Mun-pyeong! Disable the martial arts of everyone here!"


As soon as Hye Gul gave the order, the Shaolin disciples moved swiftly. They began subduing the martial artists affiliated with Seo Bul Escort Agency one by one.

"Stop them! I said stop them!!"

Seo Mun-pyeong shouted in panic, but it was impossible for the mere escort warriors to fend off the true disciples of Shaolin. In an instant, all the warriors of Seo Bul Escort Agency, including Seo Mun-pyeong, were subdued.

"Disable all their martial arts and distribute the wealth they've accumulated to the surrounding civilians!"

That day, the tyrants of Seo Bul Escort Agency in Icheon County had their energy centers destroyed and their tendons severed. As the Shaolin disciples distributed the gold and valuables from the agency's warehouse to the civilians, Hye Gul asked a group of gathered laborers:

"Is Mr. Bang Geon here by any chance?"

"I, I am Bang Geon."

A middle-aged man named Bang Geon answered in a trembling voice. To him, the escort warriors were terrifying figures. How much more frightening must the Shaolin disciples have seemed, who subdued those warriors as if twisting a child's wrist?

However, unexpectedly, Hye Gul, who was seeking Bang Geon, bowed his head deeply instead of threatening him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bang Geon. The child we mentioned earlier who was bullied by Seo Ji-tae is none other than your son, Mu Gyeong."

"W-What do you mean!? Are you saying my child was bullied?"

"I'm deeply sorry for not preventing it sooner. This won't be enough to make amends, but we will take full responsibility for the aftermath."

As promised, Hye Gul and the Shaolin disciples transferred Bang Geon to another Shaolin-affiliated escort agency, Pyo-guk. One that was reputable and honest, unlike Seo Bul Escort Agency.