Internal Energy and External Energy (2)

Internal Energy and External Energy (2)


Mu-Gung, who hadn't thought that far, looked perplexed.

"So, that's why the essence of Small Hong Fist is so vague. No, it's probably the case for all martial arts we'll learn in the future. Because... everyone's subtle differences are inevitable."

This was the conclusion Mu-Jin reached as he trained in Small Hong Fist last night.

It was the conclusion about why the essence of martial arts was all vague nonsense.

While using Buddhist scriptures to comfortably explain abstract concepts played a part, it was mainly because... the essence had to be abstract from the start.

There couldn't be specific figures on exactly how much internal energy should be concentrated in Gyeonguhyul or how much time should pass before releasing the energy.

The reason was simple. While the big picture might be the same, the details varied for everyone.

Mu-Jin was able to reach such a conclusion because he was a highly competent fitness trainer and rehabilitation therapist.

Novice trainers always impose the same posture on all members. But competent fitness trainers knew how to make slight adjustments to the posture based on the members' body condition and physique.

Even to stimulate the same muscle, it was necessary to make subtle adjustments according to the physique.

"So, does that mean understanding the essence is meaningless?"

Mu-Gung asked, sounding confused by Mu-Jin's conclusion.

Surprisingly, this time, it was Mu-Gyeong who spoke with a hesitant tone.

"Th-That's not it. Doesn't it mean that while the big picture is the same, the details are different for everyone?"

"You hit the nail on the head."

Mu-Jin chuckled as if praising Mu-Gyeong, flicking his finger.

"Maybe that's why the higher-level martial arts become much more difficult as you learn to manipulate internal energy. To analyze and understand the internal energy essence, and to have the skill to manipulate it according to your own body condition precisely."

Mu-Jin's speculation was only halfway true.

Because the essence of higher martial arts was already complicated, it was nearly impossible for anyone other than geniuses to modify it to suit their own physique or constitution.

Therefore, as one progressed to more difficult martial arts, they ended up learning martial arts that suited their own physique or constitution.

In fact, there were indeed practitioners in the martial arts world who reached conclusions similar to Mu-Jin's.

The only problem was that in this era, there was no scientific research on physical training. There were only primitive, experience-based training methods.

Physical training already took time to show results, but experience-based, primitive training methods didn't produce the desired results.

On the other hand, if you knew how to handle internal energy well, you could easily produce the desired results. But that skill was only available to a few "geniuses."

After accumulating such histories, in the current martial arts world, "external training" was nothing more than a means to assist internal training. 

However, it was different for Mu-Jin. 

In his mind, there was information about countless exercises and stretching techniques to develop strength by muscle group or flexibility. 

It meant creating a physique that could use each martial art form without discomfort. 

"I don't know how far this will work, but at least this is the only way for me to survive." 

This was the best way that Choi Kang-hyuk, who possessed Mu-jin's body, could come up with.

Maybe it's Mujin, the original owner of the body. Because Choi Kang-hyuk, a modern man, was not a genius in internal skills.

Instead, Choi Kang-hyuk, a master of body enhancement, ended his lecture with a very confident expression.

"Well, to put it simply, my head is suffering because my body is bad."

"Isn't that the opposite? I thought it meant your body suffers because your head is bad?"

 When Mu-Gung countered with his own words, Mu-Jin lightly clicked his tongue.

 "Tsk tsk. That's just nonsense made up by those with bad bodies. 

Don't fall for such nonsense, okay?"

 "Heheh. So, does that mean we don't need to use internal energy anymore?" 

With hopeful eyes, Mu-Yul, who had been struggling because of the internal energy essence, asked, but Mu-Jin shook his head. 

"Not exactly. It means it's easier to use internal energy when your body improves. I didn't say you can rely solely on your body without internal energy."


With Mu-Jin's sharp response, Mu-Yul slumped his shoulders. 

Seeing Mu-Yul, who used to laugh off physical strain, slump like this, Mu-Gyeong felt sorry and spoke to him.

 "Mu-Yul, do you want... me to, to help if you don't understand the essence? Well, it might not be much help, but..."

 He opened his mouth to offer help but trailed off, worrying that he might be more of a hindrance. 

However, Mu-Yul, whether from lack of confidence or not, was cheerful and replied,

 "Yes, Mu-Gyeong sahyung! Please teach me!" 

"Um, are you sure it's okay for me to help...?" 

"Heheh, Of course." 

"Hmm. Oh, I haven't interpreted the essence of Small Hong Fist up to the tenth second yet..." 

Watching their exchange, Mu-Jin interjected with a puzzled tone. "Wait a moment. 

What did you just say, Mu-Gyeong? You understood up to the tenth second?" 

"Uh, I mean, I just understood the essence. Oh, I still can't use it properly like you do." 

Despite Mu-Gyeong speaking with embarrassment, Mu-Jin didn't seem to hear it. 

And no wonder. 

"I've barely interpreted up to the third second." 

The incident last night was when he threw away the Diamond Sutra in frustration after interpreting up to the third second. 

But who was this guy to already understand up to the tenth second of the essence? 

"Ah, right. He was martial art expert"

 Seeing his dejected appearance every day, he occasionally forgot, but upon reflection, this guy was also a genius. Apparently, the reason why this guy became martial art expert in external training was because he understood the essence of martial arts much better. 

"Mujin, who had thought it through to that extent, grabbed Mugyeong's hands abruptly and said,

 'Teach me those techniques.'"

 The translation tool for deciphering the essence of martial arts was right in front of him.

* * *

Mu-Jin and the kids began intensive training to properly use the Small Hong Fist.

 Mu-Jin identified the shortcomings in the kids' bodies to enable them to fully utilize the power of Small Hong Fist and, in the evening, they practiced handling internal energy by listening to Mu-Gyeong's interpretation of the essence and how to control it. 

And around two months later,

 Mu-Jin was able to raise his body to a level where he could use the Small Hong Fist effortlessly. 

And the trio who trained under Mu-Jin also began to use all fourteen seconds of the Small Hong Fist after about two months.

The main difference was that while Mu-Jin could seamlessly perform all fourteen stances in succession, the other three remained at a level where they had to pause between stances. Mu Gung lacked flexibility to connect each movement smoothly, Mu Gyeong lacked the strength to execute smooth transitions, and Mu Yul struggled due to memory issues. While they could perform each stance individually with concentration, Mu Yul became confused when trying to execute them in succession, disrupting the flow of his movements.

However, even this was enough to astonish Hyu Jong, who was responsible for their training. It wasn't just because they were all able to perform all fourteen stances of the Small Hong Fist. Even aside from them, about ten other children could also use the Small Hong Fist to some extent. The biggest difference between the rest of the children and these four was precisely their power and speed.

"Did you already master the Small Hong Fist up to the tenth level!?"

The power and speed were so impressive that Hyu Jong couldn't help but murmur in surprise.

Naturally, Hyu Jong couldn't help but express his surprise with an astonished expression. The Small Hong Fist wasn't a martial art that children who had just learned martial arts and hadn't even spent a year could master up to the tenth level in just two months. However, his surprise was short-lived.


Hyu Jong noticed something strange. If they could perform each stance of the Small Hong Fist in sequence, it would be at the fifth level. If they could perform all movements in succession according to the sequence, it would be at the seventh level. Mastering the entire sequence and being able to create a powerful strike, it would be at the tenth level. And finally, when they could generate a martial art aura, it would be considered as the twelfth level of mastery. Currently, Mu-Jin was performing all movements in sequence and creating a martial art aura appropriate for the tenth level. However...

"Why are the movements of the other children so disjointed?"

The power was similar to that of the tenth level, but for some reason, the movements of the other children were disjointed. Since the achievements of the fifth and tenth levels were mixed, it was natural for Hyu Jong to have questions. And to resolve those questions, Hyu Jong willingly approached them.

"Ahem. Your achievements are quite remarkable."

When Hyu Jong briefly addressed Mu Gyeong, who was on the far left, Mu Gyeong lowered his head shyly and replied softly.

"M-Mu-Jin helped a lot. master."


Impressed by Mu Gyeong's response, Hyu Jong exclaimed and asked a question.

"What kind of help did Mu-Jin provide? Did he explain the sequence?"

"Th-The sequence, I figured it out myself. master."


What's this about? With a puzzled expression, Hyu Jong looked at Mu Gyeong until Mu-Jin stepped forward.

"What I did was simple. master I trained the children's bodies."

"Their bodies?"

Seeing Hyu Jong's expression of disbelief, Mu-Jin explained to him what he had taught the trio two months ago.

It was about reducing the tasks that internal energy had to perform by training the body.

"Is, is that possible?"

With an expression of disbelief, Hyu Jong asked.

Of course, as a senior disciple of Shaolin, he had heard about how the role of internal energy differed depending on the person and how the flow of energy varied subtly. And the better the completion of the physical body, the more advantageous it was. So, when he looked for disciples, he checked the children's muscles and physiques to see if they were in good condition.

The reason he was astonished was that he wondered how Mu-Jin could find and fill the gaps in each child's muscles in just two months.

"Is this also part of the training method of your family that you mentioned?"

"Yes, master. Our family's training method compiles exercises to develop strength and flexibility for each muscle."

Upon hearing Mu-Jin's answer, Hyu Jong thought.

This was not a matter he could decide alone.

* * *

In the Hall of Arhats.


Upon hearing the events from Hyu Jong a while ago, a hollow laugh burst from Hyun Song's mouth. And Mu-Jin, who was brought by Hyu Jong, could only watch them as he couldn't understand what was going on.

For a while, in the quiet Hall of Arhats, only the hollow laughter of Hyun Song resounded.

"Listen well, disciple Mu-Jin."

"Yes, Dangjoo-nim."

After organizing his thoughts, Hyun Song spoke in a calm tone.

"There is about ten days left until the agreed date, but it seems that the test is sufficient. Indeed, it seems that your family's training method is superior in training the body compared to Shaolin's training method. So, how about you start instructing the novice disciples' morning training

 from now on?"


Hyu Jong exclaimed with a surprised expression at Hyun Song's sudden and immense proposal. But even with his disciple's surprise, Hyun Song remained composed.

'I have been trapped by my own stubbornness, haven't I, as it is said, killing Buddha and killing ancestors.'

As a monk aiming to become a Buddha before others, he realized that he had forgotten the most important thing. Therefore, he decided to take a big adventure this time. Conducting a different training than the millennium training of Shaolin, specifically in the Hall of Arhats responsible for the training of novice disciples and third-generation disciples.

This was literally a gamble.

If this fails, Hyun Song will also receive punishment from the Court of Law.

However, this time, he decided to take a gamble to advance Shaolin further.

'If Mu-Jin's training method is really effective, the pillar of our millennium Shaolin will become even stronger.'

A perfect harmony of external and internal energy.

'If Mu-Jin's training method settles in Shaolin, in ten years. Twenty years later, the name of Shaolin will carry even greater weight.'

With such expectations, Hyun Song looked at Mu-Jin with a determined gaze.

And Mu-Jin, facing Hyun Song, replied in a firm tone.

"It's impossible."