That couldn't be possible (2)

That couldn't be possible (2)

Beob Gang subtly mentioned the name of the martial art that had come to his mind to Mu-Jin.

"Mu-Jin, have you ever heard of Iron Cloth Shirt (鐵布衫)?"

Mu-Jin's face showed surprise when he heard the name of that martial art, and for a good reason.

"…Isn't that a third-rate external martial art practiced by bandits?"

This martial art was generally regarded as such.

Cho Kang-hyuk, who had possessed Mu-Jin's body, had stopped reading martial arts novels after his school days, but he still had a faint memory of Iron Cloth Shirt. It was a martial art frequently mentioned in martial arts novels, often practiced by third-rate villains, like the bandits of the Green Forest.

"Is that really a Shaolin martial art?"

When Mu-Jin asked in disbelief, Beob Gang cleared his throat before answering.

"Ahem. There's a bit of a hidden story behind it. In fact, Iron Cloth Shirt was one of Shaolin's basic martial arts, practiced by those who had passed the introductory martial arts, just like the Prajna Heart Technique you're learning now. One of Shaolin's famous martial arts, the Iron Palm (鐵砂掌), was also practiced by those who had mastered Iron Cloth Shirt to a certain level."


Mu-Jin had also seen Iron Palm in old martial arts movies. It was a martial art where one trained by thrusting their palms into hot sand, leaving a strong first impression on him.

"But how did such a foundational Shaolin martial art become a third-rate martial art practiced by bandits?"

"It's related to the decline in the number of practitioners within Shaolin. Iron Cloth Shirt was a martial art that strengthened the skin to withstand attacks from sharp weapons like swords. However, it wasn't very useful against masters who had reached a higher level."

"Oh, I've heard about that. They say it's ineffective against masters who use internal heavy hand techniques."

Internal heavy hand techniques (內家重手法) refer to techniques that destroy the opponent's internal organs rather than the surface using internal energy.

"Exactly. Additionally, while it could block common metal weapons, it couldn't withstand the sword energy (劍氣) or saber energy (刀氣) used by high-level masters. It's said that if one reached the highest level, they could block those as well, but it became accepted that it couldn't block strong energy (剛氣)."

In other words, it was useless against masters. Shaolin trained its martial arts to counter masters like the demonic heads of the Demonic Cult or high-level villains from the undorthodox schools.

Thus, its practicality decreased, leading to fewer people practicing it.

Ultimately, this meant it wouldn't be useful for Mu-Jin either. The enemy he had to face was likely to be an incredibly high-level master, given that it was the final villain in the novel.

"But why did you suddenly bring up Iron Cloth Shirt?"

"Ahem. Iron Cloth Shirt, like Iron Palm, is known to strengthen the skin through constant impacts, making it as tough as steel. However, this is only half the truth. The true Iron Cloth Shirt also includes techniques for absorbing energy through the skin."


"This was because Iron Cloth Shirt was originally a basic martial art. Lay disciples who hadn't fully mastered it spread only the partial version of Iron Cloth Shirt after leaving Shaolin."

The true Iron Cloth Shirt was considered useless even in Shaolin, so only the incomplete version spread through the lay disciples.

'Since it's a basic martial art and only a half version, Shaolin probably didn't care much,' Mu-Jin thought.

Having reached this conclusion, Mu-Jin asked with a gleam in his eye.

"Then, if I master the true Iron Cloth Shirt, can I absorb internal energy through my skin?"

Absorbing energy through the skin meant one could build internal energy even without breathing.

If one could absorb energy through the skin while practicing, the effect would be doubled.

Seeing the eager look in Mu-Jin's eyes, Beob Gang shook his head.

"Yes and no."

"…What do you mean?"

"The true essence of Iron Cloth Shirt is to absorb energy through the skin to strengthen it. The energy absorbed through Iron Cloth Shirt doesn't add to your internal energy but instead fortifies the skin."


So it was useless after all!?

Just as Mu-Jin was thinking this, Beob Gang fortunately added more.

"However, it is true that you can absorb energy through the skin using its techniques. So, why not research a way to convert the energy absorbed through your skin into internal energy?"

Beob Gang looked at Mu-Jin with serious eyes, full of expectation, as if saying, 'You can do it.'

Of course, Mu-Jin didn't feel burdened by such expectations, nor was he the type to shy away from a challenging task.

'Hmm. It seems worth a try.'

At least theoretically, Mu-Jin thought it might be possible. Compared to understanding the incredibly complex and difficult techniques of the Seventy-Two Supreme Skills he would learn in the future, finding a way to convert the energy absorbed through the skin into internal energy seemed faster.

"Master, although my skills are still lacking, I will give it a try."

When Mu-Jin spoke confidently, Beob Gang nodded in satisfaction.

"You have made a wise decision."

"Then, are you going to teach me the formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt from now on?"

"That's impossible."

"…Why is that?"

When Mu-Jin asked with a puzzled expression, Beob Gang, uncharacteristically, answered with an awkward face.

"Because I haven't learned Iron Cloth Shirt myself, so I don't know the formulas."


As Mu-Jin stared at him in disbelief, Beob Gang turned his head slightly to the side, looking embarrassed.

"Ahem. It can't be helped. It's been over fifty years since Iron Cloth Shirt started to be neglected. Although there are records of it being practiced in the past, hardly anyone in Shaolin practices it now."

Beob Gang knew this information because of his strong pride in Shaolin and his extensive knowledge of its past records. Some of the second-generation disciples of Shaolin didn't even know that Iron Cloth Shirt was a Shaolin martial art.

However, Mu-Jin didn't care about such circumstances.

"Then how am I supposed to learn Iron Cloth Shirt?"

"Don't worry. Although no one practices it now, the formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt are still kept in the Library of Scriptures (藏經閣). Since it's a basic martial art, I will learn it first and then teach it to you."

Beob Gang spoke with confidence, but Mu-Jin only looked at him with a skeptical expression.

Despite his soldier-like appearance, the more Mu-Jin saw Beob Gang, the more he seemed like a bungler.


A few days later.

Despite his seemingly clumsy nature, Beob Gang, who was not a second-generation Shaolin disciple for nothing, succeeded in learning the formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt.

Thanks to this, Mu-Jin was able to start learning Iron Cloth Shirt in earnest through Beob Gang.

The formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt were completely different in direction from the martial arts Mu-Jin had learned so far.

Although the metaphysical jargon from Buddhist scriptures was the same, whereas other martial arts described methods of handling internal energy, the formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt were more about 'sensation.'

The core of Iron Cloth Shirt was to feel and absorb energy through the skin and to strengthen the skin.

For this purpose, the training of Iron Cloth Shirt involved applying impacts or shocks to the skin.

By applying moderate impacts or shocks, one could make the skin more sensitive to the 'stimulus' applied to it.

The formulas for Iron Cloth Shirt dealt with how to feel the sensation through the stimulus and how to absorb external energy through that sensation.


To practice this, whenever he had spare time, Mu-Jin kept slapping his skin with his palm.

"Why is he doing that again?"

Of course, to those who didn't know, it looked like a crazy scene.

Mu-Gung asked with a puzzled face as he watched Mu-Jin repeatedly hitting himself.

"He used to do that before, Sahyung Mu-Gung!"

"When was that?"

"Um… let's see…."

Mu-Yul briefly counted the days on his fingers at Mu-Gung's question before giving up and answering brightly.

"Back when Mu-Jin first challenged Sahsookjo Hye Jong!"


"At that time, he even asked me to slap his face! When I refused, he slapped his own face."

"…I guess he really is crazy."

Mu-Gung muttered quietly in response to Mu-Yul's bright answer, worried that speaking too loudly might get him a smack on the back of his head from Mu-Jin again.

A crazy guy who was also a great fighter was indeed scary.


Half a year passed.

In that time, autumn passed and white snow fell on Songshan Mountain, where Shaolin Temple was located, and the white snow melted, giving way to budding sprouts.

As the sprouts began to appear, about twenty novice monks left Shaolin Temple.

These were the novices who had failed to master the introductory martial arts within a year.

No matter how much Mu-Jin raised the level of external martial arts training in the morning sessions, if they couldn't handle internal energy at all, they couldn't learn Shaolin martial arts.

The twenty children who left were those who either couldn't feel energy within a year or lacked the talent to handle it even if they did.

However, despite sending away twenty children, Hye Jong, who was in charge of their training, didn't look too gloomy.

"Master, this year, there are still forty-nine children remaining."

The fact that only those who couldn't handle internal energy were sent away meant that those who remained had at least the minimum talent to handle it.

Usually, more than half of the children were sent away at this time, but this time, less than a third were sent away.

The same thought seemed to cross Hyun Song's mind, as a small smile appeared on the old monk's lips.

"This is also thanks to Mu-Jin."

Usually, even if they had the talent to handle internal energy, there weren't many children who could master the three introductory martial arts to the level of seven stars within a year.

However, this year, thanks to Mu-Jin's external training methods, some children managed to overcome their lack of talent with their physical training. By now, it was foolish to deny Mu-Jin's training methods. No, beyond just denying, Hyun Song and Hye-Jung had already become ardent supporters of Mu-Jin.

"Hoo. We really need to bring in more steel bars, iron rods, and weight plates to the Hall of Arhat soon."

Hyun Song, who greatly benefited from Mu-Jin's training methods, hoped to bring in a large quantity of the tools Mu-Jin used. However, even though Shaolin was a prestigious sect, it didn't overflow with wealth due to its just and righteous practices. Simple tools like the ones made from woven reeds were one thing, but steel bars and weight plates required precise engineering to match the center of gravity and specifications, making their production costs quite high. This meant that the The Hammer Registry Hall (錘譜堂), which managed Shaolin's budget, wouldn't easily approve such expenses.

But there wasn't no way to get them.

"Hohoho. I've been training in the Way of Buddha for almost fifty years, and I should be beyond desires by now, but I can't wait for the entrance examination day to come."

"I feel the same, Master."

The entrance examination.

The final test for novice disciples and the test to select prospective disciples.

If Mu-Jin's training methods could be proven through this test, it wouldn't be a dream to bring in a large number of tools to the Hall of Arhat.


Another half year passed.

The seasons had moved from spring through summer, and now, as autumn was beginning again, the trees of Songshan's Shaolin Temple were turning crimson.

And during that one year, Mu-Jin had also achieved significant accomplishments.

Being in a period of growth, his height had increased to just over five feet eight inches (171 cm) in one year.


Mu-Jin took a deep breath and began lifting the steel bar. The weight plates attached to the steel bar now weighed a total of 102 kg (170 geun).

Mu-Jin, who started lifting nearly 100 kg with the bench press instead of the squat, had now reached a total of 400 in his three major lifts.

Despite having worked out for over one year and nine months, a total of 400 might seem like slow progress, but there was a big reason for that.

Mu-Jin was not a fitness trainer but a martial artist.

If his goal had been solely to increase muscle size, he might have aimed for a total of 500 in his lifts. That's how robust Mu-Jin's body was, and also because Choi Kang-Hyeok was a competent trainer.

But the reason he was building his body was to use martial arts more effectively.

Overly enlarging muscles could actually hinder his movements. Just like how bodybuilders with bulky muscles can't even scratch their own backs.

Therefore, Mu-Jin increased his muscle size only to the extent that was optimal for using martial arts. About the size typically seen in celebrities known for their athletic builds.

Once he reached that level, Mu-Jin maintained his muscle mass with the three major lifts while focusing on exercises that stimulated small muscle groups.

As a result, Mu-Jin's body had transformed from the bulky muscles of his trainer days to a more defined, sinewy, and muscular physique.

Moreover, he managed to learn several more basic Shaolin martial arts that were allowed to novice disciples.

While Mu-Jin was intensely focusing on his training,

Master Hyun Song, who oversaw Hall of Arhat, entered one of Shaolin Temple's grand halls, known for its long-standing tradition.

"Abbot, this is Hyun Song, the head of Hall of Arhat. I have come to speak with you regarding the entrance examination to be held in five days."

It was the Abbot's office, the central hub of Shaolin Temple.

"Come in, head of Hall of Arhat."

The Abbot of Shaolin, Hyun Chun, greeted Hyun Song with his characteristic benevolent expression.

"I have heard the story briefly. Most of this year's children have managed to stay until the entrance examination?"

"Haha. This is all thanks to the deep benevolence of the Abbot."

Hearing this response from Hyun Song, who was both the head of Hall of Arhat and his disciple, a light shone in the kind eyes of the Abbot, Hyun Chun.

'If Hyun Song says so, it must mean he is quite confident. Amitabha.'

The Abbot, Hyun Chun, was quite looking forward to the entrance examination to be held in five days.