Hyun Kwang (1)

The old monk, Hyun Kwang, was simultaneously astonished and filled with a new sense of curiosity. Understanding pre-existing martial arts was one thing, but creating an entirely new martial art was an entirely different concept. Even if it was based on pre-existing martial arts, the principle still stood.

Each martial art had its own unique internal energy principles. Mixing these martial arts meant also mixing their energy flows. Simply performing them simultaneously was akin to a suicide mission. Internal energy principles were intricate; combining one with another did not just make two. It could amplify to three or four, or even become detrimental.

Even if amplification occurred, the amplified force could become problematic. It was the law of nature that when creating powerful force, a reaction occurred. Thus, the internal energy principles of powerful martial arts always included methods to enhance power and ways to mitigate side effects. Martial arts that didn't address side effects were often called "Unorthodox sects," while creating a proper martial art that eliminated all side effects was extremely difficult.

So, how could this young boy mix six different martial arts, even if they were basic ones? From what the old monk could sense, Mu-Jin was merely using the internal energy principles of six martial arts in tandem. There was no special technique to resolve the side effects.

Pondering this for a moment, a hypothesis popped into the old monk's mind.

"If my hypothesis is correct, this boy is truly deserving of the term 'great master.'"

The old monk realized the need to confirm whether his hypothesis was indeed true. If his hypothesis was correct, unfortunately, there was no disciple in Shaolin who could handle this boy.

"Beob Gun."

"Yes, Master."

"Can you move to the center of the training ground?"

"But Master…"

"I am fine. There is something I must confirm. Please, move to the center of the training ground."

Reluctantly, Beob Gun had no choice but to carry the old monk on his back and move. To move forward from the outermost part, Beob Gun had to pass through other Shaolin disciples who were watching Mu-Jin's evaluation.

The disciples, engrossed in the intense evaluation of Mu-Jin, turned their heads at the sudden presence behind them.



Surprised by the unexpected arrival, they looked at Beob Gun and the old monk in astonishment.

* * *

Meanwhile, Mu-Jin was completely absorbed in his sparring with the top disciple. The thought of this being an entrance examination had already vanished from his mind. He was simply enjoying the sparring of the moment.

'This is the martial world.'

For nearly two years, he had trained and built his body. However, during that time, he never had a chance to fully exert his strength. Occasionally sparring with other kids, but they were just kids. He had never faced anyone seriously.

But now, the top disciple he was facing was a grown man in his late twenties and a master who had trained for over a decade more than Mu-Jin. Here was an opponent he didn't have to worry about hurting, someone he could pour all his strength into.

The thrill of facing a strong opponent, the pleasure of colliding with all he had accumulated, fully immersed in the feeling, Mu-Jin felt as if the world was moving in slow motion, continuously charging at his opponent.


Mu-Jin's forearm clashed with the opponent's palm again.


A kick powerful enough to cause fatal injury if it merely brushed past came flying towards Mu-Jin. Despite the formidable force, Mu-Jin eagerly pushed forward, his eyes solely focused on his opponent.

After dozens of exchanges with the top disciple, suddenly, the top disciple stepped back significantly.


The disrupted Mu-Jin finally noticed the chaotic atmosphere around him. The numerous spectators watching his sparring were looking in one direction. Not just looking, but as if the Red Sea were parting, the two hundred Shaolin disciples surrounding the training ground were moving aside.

### Translation

Following the path like a stream, a young monk carrying an old monk on his back walked in. Mu-Jin immediately realized that the old monk's health was in a very poor state. The limbs visible between the robes were extremely thin, as were the legs carried by the young monk. 

However, the frail appearance of the old monk was not the most significant issue at the moment. The fact was:

"Greetings to Hyun Kwang Sabaek."

"Greetings to Hyun Kwang Sabaekjo."

Two hundred Shaolin disciples, who had made way for the old monk, were respectfully bowing to him. 

"Greetings, Senior Brother."

"Greetings, Senior Brother."

Even Hyun Song, the head of The Hall of Arhats, and Hyun Chun, the abbot who had been observing the sparring, stood up to show their respect to the old monk. 

This was indeed a peculiar sight. Who could command such respect from the abbot, one of the highest-ranking elders of Shaolin?

Naturally, Mu-Jin realized that something extraordinary was happening. Amidst the warm reception from everyone, the young monk carrying the old monk arrived in front of Mu-Jin. Before speaking to Mu-Jin, the old monk first addressed Abbot Hyun Chun.

"Whew. I apologize for interrupting the entrance evaluation, Abbot."

"There must have been a reason for your actions. Amitabha."

In response to Hyun Kwang's words, Abbot Hyun Chun replied with a tone and expression full of reverence.

After seeking the abbot's understanding, Hyun Kwang spoke again.

"The truth is, I have a question for this child, which is why I have come."

As soon as Hyun Kwang spoke, the eyes of everyone in the training ground turned to Mu-Jin again. Of course, Mu-Jin was not one to be flustered by mere attention. Instead, he was curious about what the old monk wanted to ask him, leading to this situation.

Fortunately, the old monk got straight to the point instead of beating around the bush.

"Child, if it's not too much trouble, could you take off your robe?"

He asked directly for Mu-Jin to take off his clothes.


Naturally, Mu-Jin had a puzzled expression, but surprisingly, no one in the training ground found Hyun Kwang's request strange. The Shaolin disciples had absolute faith that there must be a reason for such a request from him.

'Well, there's nothing to be embarrassed about.'

There was nothing to hide, and Mu-Jin was confident in his body, which he had trained for nearly two years. With that thought, he took off his robe without hesitation.

This revealed Mu-Jin's steel-like physique.


"Indeed, it is a body worthy of being called the Heavenly Martial Body!"

As they gazed at Mu-Jin's revealed body, exclamations of admiration naturally burst forth from those present in the training ground. His muscles, trained for functionality rather than size, were not particularly prominent under clothes. However, because he had meticulously developed even the smallest muscles for functionality, his body represented near-perfection for a martial artist.


The old monk, after briefly examining Mu-Jin's body, chanted a Buddhist prayer once and then asked again.

"Child, in the sparring earlier, did you indeed use six different martial arts combined into one?"

"Yes, I did."

Mu-Jin answered Hyun Kwang's question with a slightly surprised expression. To think he figured that out just by briefly watching the sparring. However, Mu-Jin's surprise was a bit premature.

"Then, were you born with that body, or did you train it intentionally?"

"I have worked hard to develop it this way during my time as an apprentice."

"Did you train your body that way to use the martial arts you employed in the sparring earlier?"

Mu-Jin was not the only one surprised; everyone watching the sparring displayed shocked expressions.

The old monk asked Mu-Jin again.

"Our Shaolin has a vast array of martial arts. Can you explain why you chose this method instead of learning other martial arts?"

"Because I believed that learning many martial arts was not suitable for me."

"Not suitable? Why did you think so?"

"…I am not exceptionally talented. Therefore, instead of learning many martial arts, I wanted to create the one that suited me best."

This was the solution Mu-Jin had come up with after a year and a half of contemplation. He was not originally the Mu-Jin from the novel, who could easily master high-level martial arts like Mu-Gyeong. Without confidence in his ability to master superior martial arts, he had learned only three entry-level martial arts in just four months. For the remaining year and a half, he only added three more basic martial arts, aside from the Prajna Heart Technique.

He had trained in techniques involving the hands, feet, and fingers, and began researching how to use the core principles of these martial arts simultaneously. This was not an easy task. While it was feasible to practice and execute the core principles simultaneously, the problem was the side effects.

Each martial art's core principles were designed to handle the increased power when used individually. For example, using the concept of the Shaohong Fist involved gathering energy in the shoulder and releasing it through a punch, with the core principles protecting the arm and shoulder for that specific power level.

However, Mu-Jin used the Nine Palace Step and Autumn Wind Step to gather energy from his feet, amplified it through his waist, and then sent the intensified energy through his shoulders and arms, finally further enhancing it with the Guanyin Hand and Stone-Crushing Finger. The amplified power could not be endured with the original core principles alone.

To solve this, most would create new core principles and complex solutions. But Mu-Jin found a solution that aligned with his motto: "If the body is strong, the mind is at ease." He trusted and pushed forward with this belief. Through a year and a half of training, he managed to develop a body capable of withstanding the power.

Regardless of Mu-Jin's reaction, the old monk added with a benevolent expression,

"Hehehe. It seems you've even mastered the Iron Cloth Shirt. To control the excessive flow of power with an extremely trained body and skin—that truly is creating your own martial art."

Hearing Hyun Kwang's words, Mu-Jin could only stare at the old monk as if possessed. Hyun Kwang, having figured out Mu-Jin's abilities instantly, nodded with satisfaction, as if he had made a decision.

"Abbot, I dare to make a request of you."

"Please, speak freely, Senior Brother."

"I wish to take this child, Mu-Jin, as Beob Gun's disciple."

"Are you saying you want to train Mu-Jin yourself, Senior Brother?"

Hyun Chun asked in surprise, and the old monk responded with a gentle smile. Mu-Jin, caught in the middle, could only look around with a bewildered expression.


That evening, Mu-Jin found himself in the abbot's office. Hyun Song, the head of The Hall of Arhats, had brought him there, saying Abbot Hyun Chun wanted to see him. It had been an eventful day for Mu-Jin, being marked by an unknown old monk during the entrance evaluation and then suddenly being summoned to the abbot's office.

Hyun Chun observed Mu-Jin silently for a moment before speaking.

"Do you know who Hyun Kwang, whom you met today at the training ground, is?"

"…I have not heard, Abbot."

In truth, Mu-Jin was dying to know who that old monk was. Despite searching his memories, he could not recall this character from the first part, [The Return of the Demon Lord], or the second part, [The Saga of the Evil King].

"The reason I called you here today was to inform you about your new master, Beob Gun, and your Grandmaster, Hyun Kwang."

With that, Abbot Hyun Chun began to calmly explain who Hyun Kwang was.