The Apostate Monk (2)

"Cutting your hair is supposed to eliminate the distraction of maintaining an appearance for others. If that's the case, shouldn't we shave off all facial hair as well?"

As Mu-Jin spoke, he alternated his gaze between Hyun Gong, Hyun Chun, and Hyun Kwang, specifically eyeing their well-groomed white beards and untrimmed long eyebrows.

"Hahaha. What shall we do? Disciplinary Head, I have no intention of shaving," Hyun Kwang said, stroking his long white beard as he looked at Hyun Gong.

While Hyun Gong was conflicted between the beard he had grown for decades and his role as the Disciplinary Head, Mu-Jin subtly added, "If you look at the portrait of our founder, Bodhidharma, he only shaved the top of his head. He kept the sides and back of his hair, as well as his eyebrows and beard. Ultimately, severing ties with the secular world is what's important, not the style."

Hyun Gong glanced at Mu-Jin. The reason all the elders could justify growing beards was because their founder, Bodhidharma, also had a beard. In this light, Mu-Jin's hairstyle wasn't much different from Bodhidharma's.

Bodhidharma had shaved only the top of his head. Mu-Jin, though not completely bald, had shaved the sides and back of his head closely, with a swastika etched in. Both hairstyles disregarded worldly opinions.

"Ahem. As long as you don't let it grow further, it is permissible," Hyun Gong finally conceded, unable to sacrifice his beard. Thus, Mu-Jin's undercut Mohawk with etched designs was officially sanctioned by the Disciplinary Head.

* * *

Early the next morning, during the time the third-generation disciples trained their bodies in The Hall of Arhats...

"Mu-Jin, what on earth is with that hairstyle?" Beob Gang asked, stammering like a broken toy soldier. He spoke on behalf of everyone, as all the second and third-generation disciples and Hyu Jong in the training ground were staring at Mu-Jin's hair.

"Ah. Didn't the Disciplinary Head inform you? This hairstyle has his approval."

"Did the Master say that?" Beob Gang recalled the Hyun Gong he knew.

"He didn't burn your head off with his Thunder Palm the moment he saw you?"

Mu-Jin, seeing Beob Gang's disbelief, reiterated his logic for everyone present, including the second and third-generation disciples and Hyu Jong.

"Ahem. So, you're saying that expressing one's renunciation of the secular world and devotion to Buddhism is what's important?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"And Master Hyun Gong accepted that?"


Beob Gang was still skeptical but couldn't argue with the Disciplinary Head's judgment. When Beob Gang accepted Mu-Jin's hairstyle, so did the other disciples.

'So, that's how he did it!'

Some of the third-generation disciples were particularly impressed with Mu-Jin's hairstyle. Among them was Mu Gung, the largest of the third-generation disciples.

'Will Master allow it?'

Mu Gung shivered at the thought of his stern Master, Hyu Dam, but the allure of individuality during his rebellious teenage phase was stronger.

'Yes! I'll memorize Mu-Jin's logic and persuade Master too!'

Mu Gung imagined convincing his Master and grinned broadly, already contemplating various hairstyles.

Elsewhere in the training ground, other third-generation disciples wore similar smiles, inspired by Mu-Jin. Meanwhile, Mu-Jin, oblivious to the influence his hair had on the Shaolin's younger generation, was captivated by something else in the training ground.


While Mu-Jin was confined to the cave for a month, the exercise equipment he had requested from Hyun Song, the master of The Hall of Arhats, had been prepared. As always, Mu-Jin began with some light stretching using the Muscle Stretching Technique before starting his full workout. Nearby, Mu Gung, Mu Gyeong, and Mu Yul had gathered, drawn by curiosity.

"Mu-Jin! What is this thing?" asked Mu Yul.

"We've seen it in the training hall for a few days, but even the Hall Master didn't know how to use it," added Mu Gyeong.

Mu-Jin grinned and replied, "What do you think it is? It's a tire. Or rather, a rubber wheel."

Of course, in a world without cars, he didn't mean an actual tire. It was a wheel made of steel, with natural rubber melted and attached to it. After his explanation, Mu-Jin bent his waist and legs, grabbed the bottom of the rubber wheel with his hands, and lifted it with all his might.


Lifting the massive rubber wheel, he held it for a moment before carefully letting it drop.


The heavy rubber wheel landed back on the training ground with a thud.

"I'd say it weighs about 150 kilograms," Mu-Jin estimated with a satisfied smile.

"One hundred and fifty kilograms!?" Mu Gyeong exclaimed in shock.

"Humph. I can lift a 150-kilogram steel bar. That seems harder," Mu Gung boasted, to which Mu-Jin chuckled.

"If you're only going to lift it once or twice, this exercise isn't for you," Mu-Jin replied, lifting the rubber wheel again and flipping it over.

"You keep flipping it around the training ground like this."

Mu-Jin was demonstrating a tire flip exercise, a full-body workout.

"Unlike a steel bar, you have to use your whole body to lift this. It's a full-body workout. Plus, because it's broad and round, the weight balance shifts with every lift, requiring different muscle coordination each time. There's nothing better for training your whole body and learning how to distribute your strength."

Satisfied with his explanation to the trio, Mu-Jin continued flipping the rubber wheel around the training ground. By the time he completed a lap, he was drenched in sweat.

"See? Doesn't it look easy? Now, you try lifting it."

"Humph. You think I can't do it?" Mu Gung, still competitive, started lifting the rubber wheel after Mu-Jin.

"If I catch you using internal energy, it's ten strikes to the back of the head," Mu-Jin warned.

"You think I'm that petty!?" retorted Mu Gung, lifting the 150-kilogram rubber wheel with his natural strength.

Watching for a moment, Mu-Jin turned and walked away, not to rest but to keep his body warm and avoid cooling down. He headed toward a tall iron bar, which was quite large to be called just an iron bar. It stood about 3 meters high.

Using a leather belt and rope, Mu-Jin attached a weight plate to his waist, grabbed the rope hanging from the middle of the iron bar, and began to climb.

"Wow! That looks fun!" Mu Yul exclaimed, eyes sparkling. Like a monkey, he seemed eager to try climbing the rope.

Ignoring Mu Yul's excitement, Mu-Jin continued climbing the rope, alternating his hands to ascend. Typically, one would wear gloves for such an exercise to avoid abrasions or burns from the friction. But Mu-Jin, having practiced the Iron Cloth Shirt technique for over a year, had no trouble climbing barehanded, even with the weight plate attached.

Reaching the top of the iron bar, Mu-Jin didn't immediately descend. Instead, he hung from the bar, lifted his legs to form an 'L' shape with his body, and twisted his upper and lower body side to side, using his abdominal and core muscles.

After sufficiently working his abs and core, Mu-Jin finished with a few pull-ups before climbing back down the rope to the ground.



With a deep breath, he untied the weight plate from his leather belt, feeling considerably lighter.

"Mu-Yul, do you want to try?" Mu-Jin asked.

"Yeah!" Mu-Yul responded eagerly.

"Since your strength isn't quite there yet, you should climb without the weights," Mu-Jin advised.

Before he finished speaking, Mu-Yul was already scrambling up the rope, moving like a monkey.

"Is there no monkey fist technique (猴) aside from crane, snake, leopard, tiger, and dragon?"

"If there is, it would be perfect for Mu Yul."

"Or, will he have to create it myself later?"

"Although he's stubborn, I had a feeling that if I just let that guy do as he pleases, it would lead to victory."

Amused by his thoughts, Mu-Jin turned back to his training. There were still many new tools to try, each reminiscent of CrossFit equipment rather than traditional gym apparatus.

'Bulking up too much will only hinder my martial arts.'

With two years of training under his belt, Mu-Jin's flexibility and strength had reached a solid level. So he had shifted his focus from traditional weightlifting to functional training, which emphasized diverse movements and overall fitness, like CrossFit.

* * *

A few days later, in one of the halls of Shaolin Temple, Hye-Dam, who was as imposing as a guardian statue, silently handed a razor to his disciple, Mu-Gung. It wasn't a command to commit seppuku; it was time for Mu-Gung to shave his head.


Mu-Gung swallowed nervously under Hye-Dam's stern gaze and cautiously spoke up.

"Master, why do we shave our heads?"

Hye-Dam raised an eyebrow at the unexpected question but remained silent. Encouraged by this, Mu-Gung began to speak excitedly, recounting the peculiar logic Mu-Jin had shared with him days before.

"Monks shave their heads to show their commitment to severing ties with the secular world! So, as long as we remember our dedication to Buddhism, there's no need to shave completely! For example…."

Perhaps it was the thrill of finally arguing with his master that kept Mu-Gung's mouth running. He failed to notice the vein pulsing on Hye-Dam's forehead. Only Mu-Gung's teacher, Beop-Hwi, recognized the rising anger in their master and sighed.


Suddenly, Hye-Dam called out to Beop-Hwi, breaking his silence.

"Yes, Master!"

"Restrain him."


With a sharp reply, Beop-Hwi, despite his large build, swiftly moved behind Mu-Gung, who was still babbling.


Beop-Hwi firmly restrained Mu-Gung's limbs.

Finally realizing what was happening, Mu-Gung saw Hye-Dam's expressionless face as he reached for Mu-Gung's head.


As the red aura emanated from Hye-Dam's hand approached his head, Mu-Gung let out a bizarre scream.