Heavenly Flow Merchant Group (3)

"Right. He said he almost reached nirvana."

Because his health was so poor, Mu-Jin's grandfather often forgot things, but he was an absurdly skilled master.

"Wait a minute. Then why have you been receiving treatment from Disciplinary Head and Hyu Dam Sasukjo until now?"

Naturally, such a question came to mind, but Mu-Jin decided not to ask. He assumed his grandfather had a reason for it and decided to let it go.

Instead, Mu-Jin looked at the grandmother and the Chief.

"Hehehe. Now that I think about it, you're quite an extraordinary person."

The grandmother seemed astonished, like a child who didn't know much about martial arts, and turned to Hyun Kwang.

"Hehehe. It's just a trivial skill."

The person who could perform such trivial skills was probably Hyun Kwang alone on the entire continent.

It was the kind of trick where natural energy was simultaneously created in both hands, producing both Thunder and Fire.

Surely, the Chief had some understanding of the martial world, for the first time today, he failed to control his expression while looking at Hyun Kwang.

"'Wow. I don't know if Grandfather is the mastermind or not, but at least the head of the merchant group wouldn't dare to touch the Shaolin Temple.'

Personally, seeing the old woman's pure demeanor, I couldn't think of her as the mastermind, but you never know. Still, judging by the head of the merchant group's reaction, I was certain that he wouldn't dare to touch the Shaolin Temple.

'Could it be that Grandfather subtly showed his strength with that in mind?'"

As Mu-Jin pondered this thought, the Chief asked Hyun Kwang with a slightly trembling voice.

"Earlier, you said your Dharma name was Hyun Kwang, right?"

"Hehehe. That's correct."

"Hyun Kwang... Hyun Kwang..."

As if trying to recall from memory, the Chief repeated the name several times. Then he suddenly exclaimed.

"The Chronicles of the World's Greatest Monks! The Shaolin Divine Monk Hyun Kwang! Are you saying he was the venerable one!?"

Ryu Ji-gwang, being fourty-nine years old, had memories of hearing that name in his childhood. However, the story only went as far as him becoming a beggar thirty years ago, and after that, it was completely forgotten.

Was it because Ryu Ji-gwang read that expression in Hyun Kwang's eyes? In response to Ryu Ji-gwang's unspoken question, Hyun Kwang answered with a light-hearted expression.

"The Shaolin Divine Monk? That's just an empty title. Amitabha. And as the Chief remembers, the venerable one did indeed become a beggar back then. Hehehe."

"Then... have you finally regained your martial arts?"

At Ryu Ji-gwang's question, Hyun Kwang turned his head sideways. And he gave an answer that seemed like a classic Zen response.

"It's not that I regained it, I just let go of my stubbornness. Amitabha. And it was Mu-Jin who fixed the venerable one's body. Hehehe. It's all thanks to the treatment you two are receiving now."

Upon hearing Hyun Kwang's answer, Ryu Ji-gwang looked at Mu-Jin with a surprised expression this time.

'Is what he's saying really true?'

Of course, being a seasoned merchant, Ryu Ji-gwang didn't believe Hyun Kwang's words blindly. It could just be a way to bolster Mu-Jin's status in the Shaolin. As Ryu Ji-gwang got lost in these thoughts, Hyun Kwang turned his gaze towards Yeon Ga-hee and spoke gently.

"And since there's one more treatment that Mu-Jin told us about, why don't you try that one too? Hehehe."

"Hehehe. I didn't expect to come to pay respects to Shaolin and end up receiving such care."

As the grandmother willingly lay down, Hyun Kwang created Yang energy in his hands and directed it towards her ankles and calves.

And after completing some infrared therapy, he held onto her ankles and calves with both hands and sent a faint Brain Fist through them.

"If it's too painful, let me know. A slight tingling sensation is the most suitable intensity."

"Hehehe. It feels very refreshing."

Listening to the conversation between the two elders, Mu-Jin thought to himself.

'What's this? A late-life romance?'

Somehow, he felt like he had become a matchmaker himself.

Well, Hyun Kwang was a venerable master who had gained great enlightenment, so it was unlikely, but still.

* * *

* * *

Immediately after completing the treatment for Yeon Ga-hee, followed by the treatment for the Chief, Ryu Ji-gwang:

"Mu-Jin, could you perhaps guide me to the Hammer Registry Hall?"

To Ryu Ji-gwang's sudden question, Mu-Jin nodded and replied, "I can guide you, but may I ask what the reason is?"

"I'll explain at the Hammer Registry Hall. Since it's a matter that concerns you as well, I'd like you to guide me."

At the ambiguous response, Mu-Jin glanced at Hyun Kwang, who just chuckled and nodded.

'Well, I guess I should be involved too.'

After making the decision, Mu-Jin looked back at Ryu Ji-gwang and answered, "Then, I'll guide you."

"Thank you, Mu-Jin."

With a light gesture of gratitude to Mu-Jin, Ryu Ji-gwang looked at his mother, Yeon Ga-hee.

"Mother, I'll accompany Mu-Jin on business."

"Hehehe. I'll just rest here for a while, so feel free to go, Chief."

Yeon Ga-hee noticed that Ryu Ji-gwang was acting as the Chief, not her son.

After the conversation between the elders ended, Mu-Jin led Ryu Ji-gwang to the Hammer Registry Hall.

"I'm the third disciple, Mu-Jin. We have a guest who has come to visit the Hammer Registry Hall, so I'll guide him."

After briefly explaining to the two first disciples guarding the entrance to the Hammer Registry Hall, one of them asked Ryu Ji-gwang, who was standing behind Mu-Jin, "Amitabha. I'm sorry, but may I know your name?"

"I am Ryu Ji-gwang, the head of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. I've come to meet the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot. Could you please inform him of my visit?"

When Ryu Ji-gwang revealed his name, the two first disciples were visibly surprised.

Even though they lived apart from the secular world, they couldn't help but know about the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, one of the largest organizations in the world. Moreover, since the Hammer Registry Hall managed the finances of the Shaolin Temple, it was a place they couldn't help but be familiar with.

"Oh, if you'd like, I'd appreciate it if you could tell the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot that you want to enter with Mu-Jin."

"Could you please wait a moment? I'll inform the Abbot."

One of the surprised first disciples hurriedly entered the Hammer Registry Hall, and shortly after, the same first disciple who went in came out and said, "The Abbot will see you."

Following the guidance of that first disciple, Mu-Jin and Ryu Ji-gwang headed to the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot's chamber.

Inside the Abbot's chamber, the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot Hyun Myung and his immediate disciple, Hyu Min, were seated.

"Third-generation DiscipleMu-Jin, I greet the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot. I greet Senior Disciple Hyu Min."

"Glad to meet you. I am Ryu Ji-gwang, the head of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group."

"Amitabha. I am Hyun Myung, the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot. And here is my disciple and deputy abbot, Hyu Min."

"I'm Hyu Min. Amitabha."

After exchanging greetings, Hyun Myung and Hyu Min looked at Ryu Ji-gwang and Mu-Jin with puzzled expressions.

It was strange enough for the head of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group to visit the Hammer Registry Hall, but why was that money-grubbing monster there?

Of course, thanks to the exercise equipment brought in by Mu-Jin, the body of Hyun Myung, the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot, had improved, and the external skills of the entry-level disciples and the third disciples had also improved significantly.

Moreover, they were truly proud of having dealt with the Lay Disciples sect, but still.

With Mu-Jin involved, the already inadequate storehouse of the Shaolin Temple was now in disarray, and from the perspective of the Hammer Registry Hall, Mu-Jin felt like a money-grubbing monster.

Then, in response to Hyun Myung's question, Ryu Ji-gwang casually reached into his sleeve and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Hyun Myung.

"It's a promissory note worth a hundred gold coins, bearing the name of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group."


"Until our Upper Hall is restored, you can use it just like physical money."

"May I ask why you suddenly bring such a large sum of money to our Shaolin Temple?"

In response to Hyun Myung's question, for some reason, Ryu Ji-gwang looked at Mu-Jin.

"Well, we were just on our way back after receiving treatment from Mother and Master Hyun Kwang. And this money is not only for today's treatment fees but also as a request for future treatments."

Only after hearing this explanation could Hyun Myung and Hyu Min vaguely understand the situation. It was already well-known in the Shaolin Temple that Mu-Jin was treating Hyun Kwang. It's just that they hadn't expected the Upper Hall Abbot and his mother to accompany the treatment.

'Well... I didn't expect that money-grubbing monster to bring such a large sum of money. Amitabha.'

Hyun Myung inwardly sighed as he thought. 

One gold coin is worth twenty silver coins. And one silver coin is worth the value of twenty-five kilograms of rice, enough for a family of four to live on for a month.

Including the monks and warrior monks belonging to Shaolin, and even the entry-level disciples who temporarily lived in Shaolin each year, there were barely seven to eight hundred people in total. On top of that, Shaolin was frugal in all expenses, from food to clothing. In other words, one hundred gold coins was equivalent to Shaolin's annual food budget.

Recently, Shaolin had struggled to feed its disciples during the winter, even to the point of debating whether to accept new disciples. It was only natural to take this money to support Shaolin's livelihood.

"I'm sorry, Chief, but our Shaolin cannot accept this money."

Without a second thought, Hyun Myung conveyed his refusal.

In response to Hyun Myung's rejection, Ryu Ji-gwang calmly asked, "May I know why you cannot accept it?"

"That is the Shaolin way. Grace is simply grace. It is not in the way of a Buddhist to bestow grace expecting a reward. I believe Master Hyun Kwang and Mu-Jin, who provided the treatment, would think the same."

When Hyun Myung looked at him with a questioning expression, Mu-Jin thought with a business-like smile, 'What nonsense is this?' 

It was Grandfather and I who provided the treatment, so why were they arbitrarily extending their charity?

Respect for elders depends on the elders themselves. While Hyun Kwang or Yeon Ga-hee might command such respect, it did not evoke any compassion for those like Disciplinary Head Hyun Gong or the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot Hyun Myung, who openly declared their expertise. 

But one couldn't just blurt out profanities.

As Mu-Jin pondered how to diplomatically convince the delusional Hammer Registry Hall Abbot, Ryu Ji-gwang intervened.

"Hmm. Then, could we not consider it a donation rather than a repayment?"

"That is a blatant workaround."

"Hahaha. Then let it be my way of repaying the kindness for the treatment. While bestowing grace for a reward is not the way of a Buddhist, thinking of repaying grace when received is a natural duty for any human, isn't it?"


"Are you trying to make me a shameless person who cannot even uphold human decency, Hammer Registry Hall Abbot?"

Indeed, the eloquence of a seasoned merchant was not something a half-administrative monk, secluded in the mountains, could easily counter.

"Khmm. But the amount is too large as a compensation for the treatment."

Seeing that a complete rejection was difficult, the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot tried to reduce the amount.

The Hammer Registry Hall Abbot did not intend to reject the money thoughtlessly. It was just that the amount offered by the Chief was too large.

Having learned the ropes in the Hammer Registry Hall since his days as a second disciple, Hyun Myung was well aware that large sums of money come with significant strings attached.

Especially since Ryu Ji-gwang was a renowned merchant on the continent, he did not believe the man would offer such a large sum without any demands under the guise of treatment fees.

However, Ryu Ji-gwang responded immediately, as if he had already done the calculations.

"It is not a large amount at all. I heard that Mu-Jin's treatment methods even healed Master Hyun Kwang's previously incapacitated body. After receiving treatment with my mother today, I found the effects to be extraordinary. My mother, in particular, had seen little benefit from the acupuncture and herbal remedies of renowned physicians due to her age. You know how much it costs to invite and be treated by a famous doctor, don't you, Hammer Registry Hall Abbot?"


When Hyun Myung hesitated to answer, Ryu Ji-gwang pressed on.

"I am offering this promissory note as an amount befitting the skill of curing a body that even famous doctors couldn't heal. Honestly, I regret not bringing a larger promissory note today."

After persuading them, Ryu Ji-gwang added another intriguing point.

"So I request that you accept this money as payment for the treatment of my mother and me. Additionally, I have something else I'd like to discuss with the Hammer Registry Hall Abbot."

"...Please speak freely."

In response to Hyun Myung's answer, Ryu Ji-gwang smiled naturally like the great merchant he was.

"Together with Mu-Jin here, I am thinking of opening a clinic in the nearby Dengfeng County."



This unexpected proposal surprised not only Hyun Myung but also Mu-Jin, who looked at Ryu Ji-gwang in astonishment.