~ chapter 6: Dragon and his pet Vs Han -II- ~

~ chapter 6: Dragon and his pet Vs Han -II- ~

Han sprints at Dragon, but Cerberus roars, and hits Han with his tail. Sending han flying.

`Health: 1/600`

Han spits blood, but his scars heal, and he sprints at Cerberus. Cerberus roars in anger, but Dragon punches Han in the neck, sending Han flying into a column.

`skill's deactivating, forcing temporary user level up.`

`level: Temporarily 20.`

Han spin kicks Cerberus, he then stomps his foot in the ground. The rubble crashing up, as he spun around. He was face to face with Dragon.

(System, is really saving my butt right now.)

Han smirks and Dragon looked up, what was happening. Han kicked Dragons groin, dragon flew back. And Han was confused it shouldn't be this easy.

"Crap, I need to get him!"

Han gets smacked back, Cerberus was back.

(He's back up?!)

Cerberus roared, it spun around. The air sending Han flying into the wall. How is he so strong?

"I am no he."

A deep ethereal voice spoke, Han was surprised as he looked up. He soon realized, that was Cerberus speaking, he chuckled.

"With that manly voice? I doubt it."

`user has gained acr-iotn points. Rebooting system.`

Han looked in fear, he clenched his fist. How should he survive now?

Cerberus sprinted at him, but Han smirked.

(I'm glad I experimented with creating stuff.)

Han used his grappler and grappled to the wall, perching on the wall.

[Han is in a sticky situation, how will he get out of this one? He has a grappler and a rebooting system, fighting against a female Cerberus... But he still has a truck up his sleeve, so let's see how he plays. :>]

Han grabs 2 short ropes. He dashed around the room, grabbing 20 pieces of stone. He then made a small bomb, Putting it all together, he made a. Stone Bomb

"Hey cerby."

Cerberus looked up at Han, her teeth showing. It's sharpness enough to tear through Tungsten, like a heated knife through butter.

She jumped at Han, her mouth open trying to eat him. But he smirked.


Han threw the Stone Bomb in her mouth, she swallowed it. Thinking she got him, but she looked in surprise.

`System back online.`

The Stone Bomb blew up, destroying her internal organs.

`user leveled up, killed anomaly. "Cerberus" Lvl. 300, you have leveled up, to level 100. System leveled up too level 2.`

Han smirked.

"What's your new features?"

`I can now use emojis, and scan the area for anything you want. •^•`

"... Ok... So that's what the emoji thingy does."






`Name: Han Takakuri.

Age: 13(14 in 1 week)

Level: 100

System Level: 2

Health: 1.1k/1.1k

MP (Magic Power): 609/609

AP (Attack Power): 869/869

AS (Attack Speed): 1091/1091

Sp (Speed): 601/601

Skills: Appraisal, God's Blessings, Healing(Level 2), Rage, Crafting, Rejuvenation

Fatigue: 0/100`

`Boss Name: The Black Red Knight "Dragon".

Age: Uncountable.

Level: Anomaly - ###.

Description: Dragon was a regular knight named. Ten. And Ten was a nice guy, he was helpful and would always follow orders. Until the queen came, she reeked havoc and just from the sight of her. Ten got angry, eventually Ten had enough. And he assassinated her. But he was banished, and sent to. The Red Den.

Skills: Black Dragon, Telepathy, Teleportation, Dragons Wrath, Black Gaze, Red Crimson, Red Blur, summoning.

Danger Level: A-`







[In the slave association]




The mysterious person was in the dungeon, she was tired.

(How did I get caught?! I made this whole escape plan!)

The mysterious person got up, and we see how they look.

The mysterious person was a women, her hair a stunning dark blue and her pupils pure red. She was Caucasian, and was slier than a cat. She had fully black leather clothes, fitting her like a second skin.

She sat up.

"Thalia Silverstine. Come out!"

Someone called her, she walked out obviously angry, once she walked through those doors. She saw a new world. It was a cave, their was torches everywhere. People in tattered dresses or pants.

(How could these people be so cruel?)

Her faced seethed in rage, she wanted revenge. All of a sudden her breath stifled. She turned around, surprised.

She saw a slave owner... It was... Wibin. How? How did he survive?

(He was reported dead! How is he here?!)

Wibin smiles, and he whispered in her ear.

"Just play along, everyone thinks I'm Wibin but I'm not... I'm just planning... Something."


Thalia whispered back, she then proceeded to fake a cut breath. It was like she was having a heart attack.

"Hey! Get her, I need her! She can't die now!"

The guards heard him, they came rushing in. And they grabbed her, her "lifeless" body being carried into the pharmacy room.

She was revived, the electricity going through her blood, hitting her brain. She had a real heart attack.

(She but her tongue to make a relationship heart attack, smart girl.)

The nurse thought to herself, as she smirked under the mask.





[Back to Han and Ten/Dragon]





Han walked towards Ten, but Ten smiled.

"Wake up to reality Han... I never lost..."

Han woke up... This whole time, he passed out. He looked at his stomach, a spike piecing through it.


"How did you feel about my true ability... DREAM CREATOR!"

[Dream Creator, an Ability that allows the user to create a dream, this dream feels real but is fake. This will give the user the chance to attack, and kill their enemy. But if the user gets attacked, the strings they used to attack the enemy. Will get cut.]

Han looked in rage, and he spits blood.


Han throws up blood, and he destroys the spike, shattering it. He stood up, putting a bandage over his scar.

He breathes heavily, his breath cut and slow. He glared at Ten, his teeth clenched. His mouth bleeding. His rage evident.

He runs at Ten, his speed slow.

"I'll Kill You!!"






"Don't worry... He's evolving. He'll be ready soon..."