CHAPTER ONE: Transmigration

"What?! Where am I?" Yaw Owusu Ansah said after he found himself at urm, how should I say this? A unique place. I don't think the word unique can even begin to describe this place. He was supposedly in space because all he could see was the expanse of space.

Quite brilliant was it, but he soon realized that he wasn't supposed to be capable of breathing in space.

"What's going on over here? Am I dreaming?" He slapped himself to verify if he was asleep or not. Not that he has ever dreamt of being in space before."It appears I'm not asleep either. Hey! Hey! Can anyone hear me?" He shouted into the expanse of space. One more thing he wasn't supposed to do.

"Keep quiet, you are making noise." A strange voice said into Owusu's head and poof! A strange man appeared in front of him. He had deep green hair with two strands of white hair in it.

"Whoa! Who are you?"

"I've been called so many names, but if I am to introduce myself then I'll say that I am The Existence, A being far more powerful than those you call Gods. I am the originator of your multiverse and countless other multiverses."

"Wait a minute. A multiverse and infinite Multiverses?"

"Yeah, to be precise, it's five thousand five hundred and seventy-six infinite multiverses. And …. I know what you are going to ask so let me answer you. Yes, infinite multiverses. I cannot be a Demiourgos if I don't know the end of infinity. After all my power is beyond infinity. I think it's about time you remembered why you are here."


It was raining quite heavily at an undisclosed place in the country called Ghana. With a polythene bag in his hand, Yaw Owusu was walking by the roadside when he saw a car about to hit a young boy. He forgot about the bread and water that he had toiled all day to gain enough money to buy and threw the polythene bag, which was containing the food away in an attempt to save the child.

He successfully did save the child but he couldn't save himself.

"What! I died?"

"Indeed. And heroically too. You see, I was fascinated by how you lived your life. You never knew the love of a mother. Your family loathes your existence because you are the reason your mother died. Your caretaker also died when you were five. Not that she loved you anyway. But you didn't give up. And the moment things appeared to have started to go well for you, you went and sacrificed yourself to save someone."

The real reason The Existence chose him was not that he was unique or anything. He just picked him out of the infinite choices he had because he thought he would be the most amusing one of them all to watch.

"Forgive me if I've been rude, Your Existency, but, is this heaven?"

Sarcastically, The Existence replied; "No please, and I don't mind. After all, you've never met even a dignitary in your life. I know you don't know the first thing about proper manners." The Existence looked around and continued, "I don't think this place is best for a long conversation. Let's talk over a drink."

By the time Owusu realized, they were already at a bar. "Now let me tell you a little about myself. The Story of Powstrava Stravapo..." The existence talked a hell lot. "So, after defeating my arch nemesis, Vara, I took to the stars in search of more adventure."

"According to what you've told me so far, you were just a ridiculously powerful human being on another earth in a different universe."

"That's where you are partially wrong. My father was actually the originator of the first universe. He was originally Nothingness. In his solitude, he yearned for something other than himself so he created the first universe. After creating the universe, he realised that he could just snap everything out of existence. He created more universes but it was still the same. There was nothing that could be on par with him. Regardless of how powerful he made his creations, they were still his creations as such he could destroy them just by thinking so. He finally decided to sire a son. And that's how the story of Powstrava Stravapo came into being." He paused a little; "Enough about me. Let's talk about you."

"Okay, so are you gonna send me to heaven now or…."

"Oh, stop with your delusions. Barman, give me a glass of your best wine." The Existence addressed the bartender casually. "Mmhm, it's quite strong. I like the taste of this liquor. Do you want some?"

"No, please. I don't drink, and besides, I'm dead."

"Being with me means you can do more than just drinking if I want you to. Barman, do give him a glass of Sprite for me."

"Wow, so you know everything about me?"

"Well, unless I don't want to know, I know everything that goes on in my Multi-multiverses."

Owusu took a sip from his glass before asking once more. "Am I going to heaven or …"

"Such things are far below me. Those matters are better left with the gods of your universe. I only brought you here because I want to 'Isekai' you."

"What! You want to send me to another world?" Owusu looked around and everything had stopped. "And you can stop time too"

"Stop Shouting. Don't make a ruckus." The existence permitted time to flow again. "Now, as I was saying, I know you have fantasized a lot about going into another world and leaving your troubles behind. Well, I'm going to grant you your wish and send you to a whole new universe. I created a certain multiverse and in that multiverse, I only created beans powerful enough to create their own universes in their own Quadrants. In time, they created their own sets of universes with their own rules and finally, one of those beings saw another and fell in love with her. He decided to leave his multiverse to his Lady's universe. But he couldn't leave his multiverse without a Supreme God. As such, He prepared ten Seeds. Well, he is yet to do so. The thing is I'll be sending you there, to be one of the seeds. Beings capable of succeeding him as the Supreme God"

"So are you going to give me overpowered abilities before sending me there?"

"No! Since you didn't get any love and affection in your previous life, I've decided that I'll give you a life with a family that loves you. And here comes your choices. Do you want to retain your current appearance? Or do you want to start as a new person? If you want to I can just take you there just like you are."

"Hmm, I think I'll take you up on your offer to experience a life of love and affection, and I would also like to look like myself but more handsome."

"Granted but you won't remember this life of yours until you are sixteen years old. We can't have a baby talking can we?" They both smiled.

"That's when things will start getting interesting. I shall tell you the rest of the story later. Maybe when you die again or when you finally become the Supreme God of that multiverse. You shouldn't be going around preaching about me too. No one knows me in that multiverse."

"Got it, Your Existency. But..."

"So you want to know who I truly am?"

"Yes please."

"Then this is the simplest way I can describe myself to you.

I have always been

I am the embodiment of all that is possible

I am one with everything

Yet I am detached from everything

I was there when there was nothing

But I am not nothingness

I am the master of possibilities

But there is one thing I find impossible to accomplish

What I can not accomplish is to not exist

Death has no power over me

For death can not exist without me

I have seen countless multiverses

Time is at my beck and call

I exist beyond time and space

For I was there before they came to be

I have so many names

And I have been called with much more

But if one asks who or what I am

I'd have to tell them I am all that they know

All that they can imagine

And even more

For I am the embodiment of possibilities

I existed

I continue to exist

I will exist

Even before and after eternity

I continue to exist

For I am Existence"

"Thank you." Owusu couldn't completely understand him but he understood enough and decided to thank him.

"Well, Goodbye" after bidding Owusu good bye, Owusu's soul disappeared.

In a different universe, a universe called Loikry, a child cried. The child cried on a planet called Soyzy in the Lulukry galaxy. Buildings on this planet mostly have round roofs curved like domes and such was this hospital. The creatures that rule over this planet were human-like. They have brown skin but are generally more beautiful than The Blacks on Planet Earth. Their hairs were of different colours yet they all glow. They call themselves Holumni. Their scientific name is Homo Illumni.

Nide [pronounced as 'kneedei'], the baby's father rushed into the room as soon as he heard the baby's cry. He was so happy that he burst into tears of joy after he took the baby from the midwife.

"Lulu, we've got a bouncing baby boy."

Lulu, the baby's mother asked her mate to bring the baby closer and said after taking the baby from her mate; "He looks as handsome as his father. How would you name him my love?"
