CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Cycles and Introductions

Red-skinned, with four legs, and two hands, standing upright, wearing armour and dresses and not looking as bizarre as I pictured them to be are the humans of this planet. My hair should be glowing yellow in excitement right now. I asked for their real name because I didn't want to call them Ko Humans and I was told their real name is Xerxi. We followed them until the pursuers cornered the ones they were pursuing. There were five pursuers and three people who were trying to flee from their pursuers.

The three who I consider the victims were a brawny man with some bruises and cuts wearing a typical villager's garment, a beautiful girl with a modest chest who wasn't that hurt, wearing a maid outfit and a girl who was about thirteen Earth years old.

The thirteen-year-old girl had an arrow in her stomach. Her clothes are elegant enough that I think she must be a daughter of a noble or a princess.