Etit can not pronounce the 's'/'es' sound. I hope you can forgive her. It was really hard writing in her perspective. Hope you enjoy

~~~~~Etit's POV~~~~~

My name iz Etit Zairitz. I waz born ten big zyclez ago into the zecond noble'z family of Zairitz. My family haz long been known az virtuouz. For a while now, the current firzt noble who rulez over our country haz been acting zelfish. He mizuses the taxez he takez from uz the zitizenz, living extravagantly and dealing brutally with anyone who questionz hiz way of living.

My father realized trying to advize him will be fruitlezz and he may end up at the guillotine. He dezided he would rather do hiz bezt to improve the livez of the people who are directly under him and zee if he can keep the country together. In two big zyclez our capital became prozperouz enough to rival the capital of the whole country. Thiz waz becauze a lot of people were moving into our territory.