CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: Sparring Matches; Eu, Devastation, Jealousy And An Existential Crisis

After Rox was done sparring with Epei, he healed him and rested for a short while to regain his lost strength.

When he was done resting he invited Eu. EU is a very beautiful woman who is twenty-two Big cycles old which is approximately twenty-nine Earth years. She has blue hair and blue eyes that accentuate her facial beauty. A well toned face with visible dimples whenever she smiles. If not for the fact that she isn't curvy enough she would have been able to challenge Nana in beauty.

As Etit's special handmaiden, she carries herself with grace. She is five feet five inches tall with a well toned light skin.

She came from humble beginnings as the daughter of a baker. She was gifted with water magic and as she grew, she joined an adventurers party and started hunting monsters and magic beasts with them. Remi Sairitz's wife and Etit's mother, Ave saw her talent and recruited her.