CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: INTERMISSION; A Period In The Lives Of The Demiourgoses

Let me ask you a Question. If you one day found out that you have both the power to create and destroy universes on a whim, what would you do? Will you create as many universes as you can? Or you will create nothing and stay alone in existence?

So you want to know the one who is talking?

I am Nothingness itself. As my son said, I was alone in him so I created somethingness.

The somethingness I created ended up becoming the first universe.

How did I get to know how to create you ask?

Well, in my lonesome, I first unlocked intelligence. I tried to comprehend my surroundings but all I found was me in Existence. Then, by trying to compare the 'Me' before I gained intelligence and the 'Me' with intelligence I inadvertently created time. With time, I unlocked possibilities. I saw infinite possible futures.

I created the first universe because I wanted something different from me. After I created the first universe, I craved more so I created more.