Types of Zombies

1. Nomads:

- Behavior: Nomad zombies typically move in groups or hordes, drawn to noise, movement, or the scent of living beings. They exhibit basic instincts such as seeking out food (humans) and may gather in larger numbers around areas with higher population densities.

- Weaknesses: While nomad zombies may lack exceptional strength or speed individually, their collective numbers can pose a significant threat. However, they are susceptible to distractions, traps, and strategies that exploit their predictable behavior.

2. Sprinters:

- Physique: Sprinter zombies were once individuals with athletic bodies, possessing lean muscle mass and heightened agility even before their transformation. As zombies, they retain these physical attributes, making them faster and more agile than other types.

-Hunting Behavior: Sprinters excel at chasing down prey, utilizing their speed and endurance to pursue survivors relentlessly. They may employ pack tactics, coordinating their movements to corner or trap their targets.

- Threat Level: Sprinters are particularly dangerous in open environments where their speed gives them an advantage. Survivors must rely on stealth, agility, and clever tactics to evade or outmaneuver these fast-moving zombies.

3. Bulkers:

- Physical Attributes: Bulkier zombies were once individuals with muscular physiques, such as bodybuilders or athletes. As zombies, they retain their strength and mass, making them formidable opponents in hand-to-hand combat.

-Combat Style: Bulkier zombies rely on brute force, using their strength and size to overpower survivors. They may be slower than other types of zombies but make up for it with raw power, capable of breaking through barriers and shrugging off attacks.

- Vulnerabilities: While bulkers pose a significant physical threat, they may be less agile and susceptible to traps that exploit their lack of speed or maneuverability. Survivors may need to use strategy and resourcefulness to overcome these formidable adversaries.

4. Brutes:

- Size and Strength: Brute zombies are exceptionally large and powerful, towering over other zombies and survivors alike. They may have mutations or physical enhancements that make them even more formidable.

- Role in Hordes: Brutes often serve as the leaders or enforcers within zombie hordes, using their strength to dominate and control lesser zombies. They may direct the actions of the horde or act as frontline attackers in assaults on survivor strongholds.

- Weaknesses: Despite their size and strength, brutes may have vulnerabilities such as slower movement speed or limited agility. They may also be susceptible to attacks on their joints or weak points.

5. Stalkers:

- Stealth and Cunning: Stalker zombies exhibit heightened intelligence and cunning, allowing them to stalk their prey with patience and precision. They may hide in shadows, mimic human behavior, or set traps to ambush survivors.

- Hunting Tactics: Stalkers prefer to isolate and target individual survivors, using stealth and surprise to catch their prey off guard. They may stalk their victims for extended periods, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

- Survival Skills: Stalkers may retain some residual memories or skills from their former lives, allowing them to navigate complex environments and overcome obstacles in pursuit of their prey.

6. Swarmers:

- Numbers Over Strength: Swarmer zombies are characterized by their sheer numbers rather than individual strength or abilities. They overwhelm survivors through sheer force of numbers, flooding areas in massive hordes.

- Mob Mentality: Swarmers exhibit collective behavior, moving and attacking in unison like a living tide of undead flesh. They may flow around obstacles or climb over barriers to reach their prey.

- Challenge for Survivors: Dealing with swarmer zombies requires efficient crowd control tactics, as well as strategies for managing large groups of enemies without becoming overwhelmed.