"I don't know why you had to use to the toilet right now...we were at the middle of the rehearsal and beside your female lead was on her way"Ken complained to Trip.

Trip didn't pay him any attention "My shoes are stained you know"He said

Ken couldn't believe his ears "Wait,so you pulled out of the rehearsal because your shoes were stained???come on man"

Trip eyed him "If the stain was caused by someone else I would have overlooked it,but it was caused by me and it's making me feel awkward"He said with an irritated look.

"Tchhh....You and your Tendancies"Ken shook his head.

All of a sudden they noticed that people were running towards the direction of the Art hall.

"What is going on?.Do you think a celebrity came earlier than expected?"Ken asked with his eyes glimmering with excitement

"I doubt it"Trip said with his eyes in the direction of the art hall

Ken tugged at him"We won't know until we get there..come on let's go"He dragged Trip by the hand and they went to the Art hall


Anna let out a hard scream..due to the way Bertha dragged her hair,the strap she used to hold her hair loosened letting out black dark silky strands...Seeing her hair down brought out a beauty in her....Ken stared at her in awe"She's to beautiful to be bullied"He muttered

"You think you can just push me or spit trash to my face and I'd allow it"Bertha growled,she turned Anna to her direction and landed a slap on her face causing the other students to gasp,some were busy videoing why some were just staring at the spectacle that was unfolding.

"ANNA!!!!!"Christy yelled out..she pushed Bertha away from Anna and she slapped Bertha twice as hard than the one she gave Anna

Seeing her retaliation Trip mouth twitched..he thought she was timid but he didn't know she was this brazen...he didn't know what brought about this,but seeing the way she's standing up for her best friend made him smile a bit

"How dare you Christy?!!"Bertha yelled

"No,how dare you Bertha,how dare you drag Anna forcefully, how dare you slap her,how dare you?!!!"

Anna has never seen the phase of Christy before "Christy?"She said softly"Babe let's just get out of here"She brushed the strands of hair blocking her view

"I didn't want to retaliate before,I didn't want this fucked up female lead,but you gave me no choice...I will be the female lead, and you will be the double"She said sternly with a bit of pride

"You must be joking"Bertha gagged..She moved closer to Christy and there was only a few distance between them"Say that again..let me hear you"

"You heard me,you aren't deaf"She rebuffed Bertha.

And Bertha gasped.When did the timid Christy she knew become so brazen?

"Oh my God,did she just talk back at Bertha?"A student said..

"No one has ever stand so close to challenge Bertha before much less slap her"Another student said

"I love her charisma"Different compliment and abuses started filling the air

On listening to some of the abuses laid on her and some of the compliments on Christy..She got angry...she looked at Anna standing behind Christy and ordered her minions to drag Anna out,and just as they were about to drag her out

"I think that's enough I guess"A hoarse voice spoke out.. everyone turned to see who spoke

"Excuse me?"Bertha was surprised"And may I ask who you are"She said angrily

"Well my name Is Kennedy,but you can call me Ken"He smiled beautifully...."Its bad to harras a beautiful lady in public you know"

"And may I ask who you are to her"Bertha was angry as it is,and if he is part of their frenzy Troup she'd make his life in this college miserable for him as well.

"Well, I'm not a passerby neither am in in this group but I can't stand seeing you harassing this beautiful girl"He smiled at Anna and then quickly jerk his gaze away from her.

"Who is this weirdo?"Anna thought within herself..but provided he Is speaking for her it's all good because she has lost half of her zeal to fight due to the way Bertha dragged her hair back then.

"I think it's best you stay at your place and mind your business or I'd...."Bertha was interrupted sharply

"Or you'd do what?"Trip spoke up,he showed no emotion nor emphaty

"Trip!"Bertha exclaimed.

She didn't know that Trip was watching this nasty scenario all along..Damn!,She has had hot for Trip for quite sometime now and if he has witnessed the whole debacle,her chances of getting him would be pretty slim.

"Uhmm,I didn't know you were here"She adjusted her dress and straightened her hair, trying to look perfect.

"Does Bertha know him?,Are they acquainted?,What are they to each other"Christy thought noticing Bertha's change of behaviour and attitude the moment she saw Trip.

"Are you okay?"Ken walked past Christy and went straight to Anna,He doesn't find her fancy at all..but he just can't sit still and see someone bullied.

He reached out to remove the hair covering her face,but he was stopped abruptly.

"Dont touch me"She pushed his hand away and snapped at him.."Dont you dare"She glared at him angrily...He stood up for her a while ago and that was nice,but trying to act cozy with her just because of this little save is just unacceptable.

"Eiisshh,relax I was just trying to...."Ken was interrupted by Christy

"You just wanted to do what?, Didn't you hear her say don't touch her?"Christy said hastily

"If Ken is close to Trip and Trip to Bertha,Then associating with either of them is a bad idea"Christy thought.