“Quick Question”


"Your birthday?"Anna stared at him with a mocking gaze"And where will it be celebrated?"

"At my pool house"

Anna's mind suddenly went blank

"Your pool house?"Christy asked

Ken's parents are rich,very rich..though their riches can't be compared to Trip's parents but when it comes to class Ken's parents got it all.

"Yes,my pool house"Noticing that they were puzzled,he decided to enlighten them.

"Actually,the pool house is where I hold my parties...or sometimes do my videos or even have some relaxing time,it's different from my main house"

"Your main house?"Tang Yan leaned back in her chair,though she hasn't seen much of Ken before..this is the first time they have actually seen each other and talked to each other.She usually hear about him from Anna.

"Oh miss Yang,it's nice to see you..I hardly see you"Ken glanced at her noticing her for the first time.

"Its Tang yan"She corrected him

"My bad"He raised his hand in an apologetic gesture.

"So what were you saying about the pool house"Anna brought his attention back to his main purpose of being here."Why are you making it sound like the pool house is yours..don't your parents stay with you?"

He shook his head:

"My parents don't stay here,they stay in the states..I hardly see them.Though we talk most of the time..The pool house is mine because it's under my name.And the house my parents usually stay in is now mine"

He scratched his head then continued"Actually it's a Villa..and It's so big and boring so I can't stay there..I prefer staying at the pool house"

Anna's eyes lit up"If you have a pool house,then why are you staying at the school dorm"

He chuckled"To be honest,growing up as the only child and seeing the faces of people that are just your staff is quite tiring...I decided to stay in the dorm because it makes me feel closer to people my age you know"

"Quick question, between you and Trip,who is richer?"Tang Yan asked out of curiosity.

Christy pulled her hand"Dont mind her"

"Why not,we obviously wanna know"Anna glared at Christy

"Well,it's Trip..but he doesn't show it"He smiled.

"So we are friends with rich people"Tang Yan muttered

"And I'm friends with a Chinese"He faced her"I actually wonder what China feels like..I've seen and heard about it,but I haven't been there"

"Well, that's a story for another day"Tang Yan gaze flickered.

He stared at her,well he didn't want to push the matter because he got other things to do.He needs to make preparations for his birthday party,and at the same time,he needs to help Anna with her video.

"Anna come on let's go"

Anna suddenly looked up him"What do you mean?"

"I am talking about your video..didn't you want help with it,and besides the other day you were about to show me a clip of what you wanted"He leaned over with a curious look on his face

"Hmmmm~"She thought for a while then suddenly smiled"Sure,but are we leaving right now?"

"Yes,I'm going to help you a little then go about with the preparations for my birthday..let's go"

Christy frowned"So you are just going to take our girl away from us"

He laughed hard revealing his cute dimples"I am so sorry"

"It's okay,you guys can go"

Since meeting Ken,Christy felt that Anna feels a little colourful...it'd be nice if Anna had a boyfriend.But Ken was just way too cute for Anna,What if Anna falls for him and he doesn't like her..She sighed and watched both of them as they left.

"Anna likes him,but I'm not sure if he likes her"Tang Yan replied her thoughts

"What?"Christy knew Tang Yan was a nerd,but is she a mind reader now?

"Anna likes Ken,but I'm not sure if Ken likes her...can't you see the way her eyes were shining brightly when Ken asked her to follow him"

"Let us not make empty assumptions"Christy replied.



"What are we doing here"

Seeing that she was confused about the scenery,Ken quickly explained"It seems that the main reason why you haven't gotten on the billboard yet is because of your view...the view you use for video determines the reaction of the viewers and if your view is what they like and see they will get interested in your videos"

He noticed her looking around and he could tell that the view and concept didn't sit well with her so he continued to speak"Well, I've noticed your videos and you usually use one particular view and you do the same thing almost everytime...yes,your videos are getting likes and views but your video aren't billboard material"

He brought his phone out of his pocket and went through Stacy Brooke videos trying to give her an insight of what he was saying.

"Here,take a look at Stacy videos..you can see her concepts and the views she uses..it changes.Thats why she is always getting views and likes..funny how she doesn't make it to the billboard"

Anna's face turned dark..She has always wanted to be better than Stacy.Though Stacy was beautiful and all but she was not too bothered about her because she has never gotten on the billboard before.

But seeing her on Ken's recently searched videos means Ken might like Stacy..Damn it,he even wants her to try using Stacy's concept..She was getting pissed right now

Unconsciously her voice was tinged with a hint of jealousy."I don't want to do Stacy's way,I want to do mine"

The next second Ken gave a light tap on her head"Hello,I was just showing you her videos to get an insight of what I want for you"

"Huh?"Anna was stunned

She had only spoken her mind,why was he getting angry.She quickly recalled her action and suspected that she might have made it obvious that she was jealous.

Her face turned"I...I..I was just saying"

He shook his head,tugged his phone into his pocket and requested for hers.She unlocked her phone and gave it to him.

"Okay"He found a suitable position with a nice view and positioned the phone there.He put on music and asked her to dance.

Seeing her nervousness and reluctance to dance"What?,You don't have moves in your head to use?,Or are you shy to dance in front of me?"

She swallowed hard and replied"I have moves in my head,and I'm not shy to dance in front of you"

The Corner of Ken couldn't help but lift"Hmmm, alright dance"

He restarted the song and gave her the floor again.

Anna nodded her head,she relaxed her nerves and decided to let the music take her.While she was dancing,She felt him place one hand on her waist and take her hand gently causing her to tense up momentarily.However when she thought that he was only doing this to get her nominated for the Billboard her tension disappeared and she felt a little disappointed.

When the dance was over she found out that she was in his arms and their lips were inches apart.His right hand was on her nape while his left was on her waist.He stroked her nape with his right hand.They were both absorbed in the moment and the music followed suit.

Noticing that she was tensed and her eyes were on his lips,He bent his head making his lips brush hers slightly,she tilted her forward giving him an invitation.

Then he kissed her,though the kiss was light,but it was beautiful.She hasn't dated in a long time so she couldn't recall the last time she was kissed.She felt ticklish inside her..She leaned forward and wrapped her hand around his neck.

Just as the Kiss was about to get deep,his phone rang..Breaking the kiss between the both of them.

"Uhmm,I gotta take this"He stared at her.

She was beautiful,Nice and Fragile..he didn't know what he was feeling but he didn't want to rush it.He liked the way he felt when he kissed her"Just wait a little longer,don't be in a hurry..lets know what we feel before we tell her anything"He thought.

"Sure no problem"Her earlobes were inexplicably turning red"So, I'm gonna go,yeah?...seems like your birthday preparations are calling"

He was puzzled.He didn't want her to go and he really needed to make preparations for his birthday.But it seems like she wanted out of here.

"Sure,see you in two days time"He smiled

Her gaze flickered"Won't you be coming to school?"

He tucked his phone in his pocket"Nope,I need to make preparations for my birthday..but don't you worry,I gave you guys an invitation,I am going to send my driver to pick you guys up"

She felt a little sad and happy at the same time but decided not to show it"See you at your birthday then"She smiled at him,picked up her phone and left.She stood behind the door and watched him in the empty Hall.

He was talking to someone on the phone,his laughter resonated in the hall,his dimples were so deep that it gave him a babyish look.He is handsome and she didn't know what she was feeling for him but she wanted to explore it.

She shut the door and left.



"Look who we have here,if it isn't Anna"Tang Yan welcomed her.

Anna threw her bag at her"Shut up".They both laughed.

Christy removed the earphones she had on to face Anna"Was the video a success?"

Anna suddenly remembered the kiss she shared with Ken..her cheeks turned red"Well,it was nice...very nice"

Both Tang Yan and Christy were shocked by her attitude, causing Christy to ask"Anna are okay?,Your cheeks are red"

She touched her cheeks,she couldn't see the blush she had on her face,but her face was hot all of a sudden so she decided to excuse herself before they realized anything"I wanna use the bathroom"

Tang Yan stared at Christy"See,I told you that she likes him"

She could see that but she doesn't want Anna to know that they know she likes Ken.She crossed her arm and gave Tang Yan a disdainful look"Lets not make up assumption"

Tang Yan patience disappeared instantly,she instinctively reached out to hit Christy lightly on her arm."Look either you know that she likes him and you are too stubborn to accept it or you just don't want to open your eyes to see that Anna likes Ken"

"I get your point,but we are not in Anna's mind so we shouldn't be making up assumptions"

Tang Yan was getting angry,her head felt like exploding.She felt like hitting Christy on her head for her to start thinking straight but she didn't want to start a fight.

In the fit of anger she bit her nails and turned her head to read her book

"I am not going to argue with then,let's not make empty assumptions like you said"


