
Our room was a comfortable affair, with one large bed in the middle, and a small cot to the side, that the staff had pulled in especially for me. 

There was no TV or anything of course, and the toilet was down the hall. It was a pretty clean one, although it was also basic, as was the one back in the academy. 

We had unpacked a few things now. Of course, by we, I mean my mothers. I'd just been put on the bed and watched, and now Lissa was changing into another robe. 

She had a lovely body, my mother did, but whilst I could admire it, and I did, I felt no sexual attraction still, even in my 'old man' mind. Odd, because she was certainly my type, and I was, at least I had been, a lecherous horndog back in my first life.

"Come on, let's go and get some dinner, they'll be all out at this rate," Rath said. She'd simply washed in the large bowl provided in the room, rather than changing.

"Coming, coming," Lissa replied. She slipped on her shoes and picked me up. "Shall we get some food sweetie?"

I was tired, or at least my stupid kid body was, but even so, I nodded. Hence I was carried downstairs, into a bustling room full of noise and interesting smells. It seemed the inn was busy. I saw merchants, a couple of warriors and a few others I couldn't identify. I didn't see any table free though.

"Blessed, mistress Rath, welcome." The same cute girl I'd seen at the reception early, scurried over to greet us. "I'm sorry we're so busy, we have a caravan staying here too. Let's see if we can find you a table."

"Thank you Rapunzel," Lissa replied.

It took a bit of shifting about, but some merchants were nearly ready to go, and when informed that a sister of the Blessed mother was waiting, they quickly finished up, bowing slightly to Lissa as they went by.

Safely seated at last, Rath ordered a number of things to eat and drink, and Rapunzel scurried away.

"Such a nice girl," Lissa said. 

"I like her," I added.

"Oh ho, we've got a ladies man here," Rath laughed.

"Give it a few years," Lissa said, ruffling my hair as she liked to do. "She's a bit old for you yet."

"Yes mother," I said. I mentally panted at the thought.

The food was brought over. A mixture of dishes, with vegetables, meat cut into small pieces, some kind of flatbread, some small bowls of rice, and three empty plates were put Infront of us. It reminded me of my time in the Far East.

A large tankard of ale and a jug of wine was also delivered, as well as a small, empty, cup for me.

"Wine or ale little one?" Rath asked me.

I looked up at her in surprise. Was she offering me alcohol? Well, I guess it was a little like medieval times here. I know Lissa and Rath boiled the water at the academy, but the water here was not necessarily safe to drink, which is why people chose wine instead. I'd never really been a wine drinker in my old life, but hey, why not?

"Wine please," I said, and watched Rath pour some into my small cup. It was a dark red colour, and I wondered if it was made of grapes.

Lissa had been putting bits of food onto my plate, and placed it before me. "Eat up," she said, gathering food for her own meal.

I had been given a spoon to eat with, but Lissa and Rath both used chopsticks. Shrugging, I scooped up a mix of meat, rice and vegetable at random, shovelled it into my mouth, and chewed. Halfway through I realised it was super spicy! 

Choking, I reached for my wine, and hastily took a long drink.

"Hey, steady," Lissa said, "you'll get drunk!" 

Rath though, just laughed.

I managed to eat a reasonable amount, and drink a full, albeit small, cup of wine before my body betrayed me, and I fell asleep where I sat.


I half woke up in the dark to moans and grunts. Where was I? Oh yes, the cot at the inn. What was that noise?


It was Rath, panting hard.

Oh my word! My parent were at it! Back at the academy their room had been a little away from mine, and obviously more soundproof, so I'd not heard them before.

I didn't know how to feel about this. Turned on maybe? My body was too young, but I did feel something, at least mentally. Both my mothers were hot after all, and who doesn't like a bit of girl on girl action? 

Still, they were my mothers, and deserved respect and privacy. 

So, despite the gasps and occasional giggle, I turned over, squeezed my eyes shut, thought of nothing at all, and eventually fell back to sleep.


The next morning, after a hearty meal of some kind of meat, I didn't ask what – sometimes you don't really need answers – we climbed aboard the wagon, or at least I was lifted onto the wagon, and we set off again.

But not before I was given a goodbye cuddle and a kiss by Rapunzel, which, had I been older, would have made me mess myself. Once again I reflected upon both the advantages and disadvantages of being a four year old child. Well, I guess it was only because my mind was old, and lecherous, I had these thoughts. A real three year old, with a three year old mind, wouldn't be thinking how lovely her skin felt. Ah, never mind! Give it another ten years! What's ten years in the scheme of things?

So we set off again. I spent my time reading my books, napping, or simply watching the world go by. Not that there was a great deal to see really, the land was fairly uncultivated grassland, interspersed with occasional woodland. Sometimes we passed through villages, rural farming communities most of them, and the around those areas would be fields of any number of strange crops. At least strange to me.

At night my mothers would find somewhere off the track, mostly in woodland areas, hidden from the road, and we would make camp. Obviously this wasn't the first time they'd made this trip, as they seemed to know where to stop every time. On several occasions old campfire remains testified to this.

We slept in the wagon, and I had to endure their lovemaking again, which was harder to ignore in such a confined space. I did consider 'waking up' and crying, but as I never really cried usually, I thought it may be suspicious. In any case, I would feel mean, interrupting their pleasure. So I let it go, although it gave me some pretty erotic dreams, which caused my old mind and young body a bit of conflict, let me tell you.

On about the fourth day, sometime in the late morning, we pulled up. I was reading at the time, an interesting tome that was explaining how to focus your mana. Usually I wouldn't have moved, but in this case I could hear a man's voice coming from outside, so I put my book down and crawled to the front to investigate.

What I saw was a small building of grey stone by the side of the road, and an arch over the road itself. To one side Rath was speaking to a soldier. Lissa sat holding the reins, watching.

"What is happening mother?" I asked.

"We're at the border sweetie," she replied, without looking away from Rath.

"The border to where?"

"This is the border between Silfen and Reinhart," she explained. "South Reinhart to be precise. We have to pass through to get to El. Well, I suppose we could go around, but that journey would be longer and far more… inconvenient."

I was intrigued, and would have asked more, but at that moment Rath nodded to the soldier and climbed back aboard.

"Let's go," she said, nodding to the guard, who saluted in return, and then bowed to Lissa.

"My mothers are so cool," I muttered.