Luffy, Zoro and Koby were right now sitting inside the diner owned by Rika's mother, because they had just freed them from Morgan's evil command, they were given free food and booze. Luffy after eating is now patting is bulged belly while Zoro is drinking booze, "How can you even consume that much? I was the one who was hungry for a week!!" Then with a puff of little steam Luffy is back to normal. "Well you see, I ate the Gum Gum Fruit and now I am Rubber-Man." Zoro looked at Luffy, "Devil Fruits are real?" "Very much!! Heck in Grandline you will find Devil Fruit users very common." Zoro nodded at that.

Koby who was sitting with them looked at Luffy, "So Luffy-san, what will you do now?" Luffy hummed at that, "Right now, there is only me and Zoro. So first thing first, we will find a navigator and after that we'll see." Zoro nodded at that, "Indeed we need a navigator!! The sea is very treacherous, I still remember that it took me almost two weeks to find this island. Everytime I positioned the boat towards this direction somehow it keeps changing by itself. A very wise choice Captain!!" Zoro said very sagely, both me and Koby just stared at Zoro with 'Are you serious' look.

After few minutes later some Marines entered the establishment and looked at Luffy and Zoro, "Are you the ones who defeated Axe-Hand Morgan??" Luffy looked at them, "Yes!!!" then a Marine stepped forward, "I am right now a temporary Captain of this Marine base…" then he with the other Marines bowed towards Luffy, "And we are eternally grateful that you saved us and this whole town from his tyranny!" then all of them stood straight, "But because you're a pirate we won't let you stay in this town anymore!!" hearing his words the people of the town protested and ask for them to stay. The Captain ignored them, "But we can provide you with some food supplies and a boat." Luffy nodded at that and accepted the offer. Then both he and Zoro were about to leave when the Captain asked, "Hey! Isn't he is also with you?" pointing towards Koby, who seeing this started to sweat.

Luffy looked at him then at the Captain, "If you don't mind, then can I borrow your Den Den Mushi for a moment??" the Marine Captain looked confused but none the less complied with him and handed him the transponder snail. Luffy took the transponder snail and then took out a slip of paper from his pocket and dialed the number written on it.





"….." There was silence on the other side and then the person spoke.









Luffy looked at Koby who didn't know what is happening, "Take it and talk. Well we're leaving!! Come on Zoro!!" handing the transponder to Koby, Luffy and Zoro walked off leaving behind the confused crowd. Koby looked at the snail and timidly said,

"H-Hello, Koby here…"

"…." The other line was silent was second.


This question not only shocked Koby but everyone else also, just who is on the other side. But Koby settled his nerves and replied back with all his passion.

"I want the justice and the protect those who can't protect themselves. I want to bring a new age for Marines where people like Morgan won't use their status and power for their evil deed. I wanted to be a Marine so that the next coming generation can live without any worry."

Everyone hearing this was moved by his speech and some were even crying. The Marines standing there were all had an approving look. Koby who said all this, took a deep breath after his speech.


Koby become very nervous not hearing any response in return, when suddenly the person on the other side spoke,

"Is there any Marine officer near you?"


"Can you hand him the transponder?"

Koby handed the transponder to the Marine Captain, who took it,

"Yes sir."

"Recruit that boy right now and send me your location."

The Captain was in shock,

"Y-yes, but if you don't mind, can you please verify me your Rank and Name first."

"Vice-Admiral Monkey D Garp."

Hearing this everyone got the shock of their life, Monkey D Garp, the Marine Hero Monkey D Garp who captured Pirate King Gold Roger. But most who is shocked was Koby, he immediately related both Luffy's and Garp's name and concluded that they were Grandfather and Grandson. But he didn't say anything about it. He looked at the Marine Captain who is finished telling Vice-Admiral their location and cut the transponder.

With Luffy and Zoro, both were now at the Shells Town's port and untied the boat's rope and hopped on it and started to sail away, when they suddenly heard a loud cry, "LUFFY-SAN…..THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS FOREVER." Luffy just waved at him. Then all the Marines of Shells Town arrived at the port, "SOLDIERS ATTENTION" everyone stood straight, "SALUTE" everyone saluted at them. Zoro seeing this got an amused look, "Heh…Marines saluting a pirate!!! That's new one!!" "Everything has its first time." And with that they were out of the site.


After few days, the reports of what happened at Shells town arrived at Fleet Admiral Sengoku's table and after reading every detail he immediately called for Garp in his office. When Garp entered the office, Sengoku with a straight face gave him the report file. Garp was confused at that but when he started to read details of the report his eyes widen with each line. "This is….are you sure this is exactly what happened there?" "An unknown feeling suddenly struck them and they all fainted, not one's but twice and that Captain Morgan was in comma for two days. You know what this means right!!"

Garp sat on the chair started to look at the report again and again, "But how? Last time I know he didn't even know what Haki is? How did he awaken Conquerors Haki?" Sengoku looked at his friend with seriousness, "Garp your grandson has the Color of Supreme King and he even knows how to project it at will and he became a pirate. You understood what I'm saying right??" Garp kept quit and keep looking at the report.

Sengoku sighed, "Garp he is only seventeen years old and he has Conquerors Haki and if he enters the Grandline, he will just keep growing. We need to put a bounty on his head." Garp looked at Sengoku, "But…." "No buts Garp….he is a very dangerous pirate with unknown strength level. We need to put bounty on his head." Garp sighed, he knew this was coming from a far away when Luffy declared his dream. He was hoping atleast the brat can get more time before his first bounty, then something comes to his mind, "If we don't know his true strength then why don't we just wait and gather more information. Then you can put the bounty."

Sengoku looked at Garp and he knew that his friend is trying to delay the inevitable but he is also right, without knowing the true strength of the opponent he can't put the bounty on him. "Hmm you are right, we should wait for sometime…" Garp sighed but he was abruptly got stunned by next words, "or maybe we can send someone to gauge their limits. I heard that Hawkeye is seen going towards the East-Blue entrance, maybe we can ask him to test them but to not capture them." Garp is really shocked by this, Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk, one of the Seven Warlord of the sea and the World Greatest Swordsmen. He cursed under his breath, just what mess his Grandson got himself into.

With Luffy and Zoro---

"Are you serious!!!" Zoro exclaimed after hearing Luffy telling him about his secret system and it's usage. Its sounds like too good to be true but then Luffy said, "Hey system, can you show yourself to Zoro??" suddenly infront of Zoro's eyes a blue screen appeared, 'This is real!!!' then Zoro started to think about his promise with his late friend Kunia, his struggle to become strong and the time it took for him reach the level he is at currently now. 'Should I accept it or should I go with my own pace?'

Luffy looked at Zoro's conflicted face and he sighed, "You don't need to worry about anything Zoro, this is not cheating. It merely gives you the opportunity to learn from the best in a short time but only in real world, inside the Chamber the time you'll spend is two years, it is up to you how you progress, you still have to work hard and grind for straight two years." Zoro hearing Luffy's words now understood that his worries are for nothing, it is still him who had to work hard.

Zoro looked at Luffy with firm resolve, "I'm ready" Luffy smiled at seeing Zoro's determination, "Nice…then should I recommend you from whom you should learn??" Zoro nodded at that, this is Luffy's system so it a good idea to listen to his suggestion. "Hmmm…I think for the first year you should learn from Mihawk himself." Zoro eyes widen at that then he started to shake in excitement, if what Luffy said is true then he can fight with the World Greatest Swordsmen and test his waters against him and also learn something from him. Luffy continued, "For the second year, I think Pirate King Gol D Roger should be good!!" Zoro got confuse at that, "But why the Pirate King??" Luffy looked at him as if he is stupid, then he realize that no one from the younger generation knew that the late Pirate King was also a Swordsmen, "Before even Mihawk get his title, the Pirate King was known as the Greatest Swordsmen." Zoro was shocked at that the Pirate King was the previous Greatest Swordsmen. (A.N: I know that there was no previous Greatest Swordsmen title holder before Mihawk, but I think Roger could beat him and not to talk about the GOAT himself, 'Ryuma the Sword God'.)

Zoro accepted this and asked for Luffy to send him in. Luffy ordered the system to transport Zoro inside the chamber and also told it about the Teachers. The system accepted it and immediately Zoro disappeared. " 'sigh' Well after two months Zoro will be a beast and when he finished his training, I will buy him the new outfits, and new swords. Hmmm…maybe I should buy him Sandai Kitetsu and Enma. About Shusui, he can get it from The GOAT himself by defeating him. We should also rename the Enma too."

As Zoro enter the Chamber, he saw white everywhere and when he looked at the front he saw 'Hawkeye' Mihawk standing infront of him with a small cross shaped butter knife in his hand. Zoro smirked at seeing Mihawk and he immediately took out his all three swords and tied up his bandana over his head. "Well then, let's do this!!" and with that he charged at the Mihawk.

Luffy started sailing alone, waiting for Zoro to come out in two months. He knew the moment the Zoro's training will complete, he will be a monster not to taken lightly. He can't wait to see him again.

Three days later, Luffy arrived at Orange town where Buggy pirates are, he can also sense Nami on the island too. He tied the boat at the port and started to walk towards where he sensed Nami and soon she came into his site running away from three Buggy pirates.

"Hey you theif.. wait??"

"Catch her or the captain will kill us!!"

"Damn it…give that map back, you bitch!!

Nami who was running away from them looked back saw them gaining on her, however when she looked at the front again her eyes lit up because she saw a familiar figure walking towards her. The same guy she saw on the passenger ship, who beat the shit out of Alvida pirates.

She ran towards him and hides behind him holding his hand, "Boss!!! Save me!!" Luffy looked at her with some amusement, then he looked at the three pirates who were approaching them and then they all fell to the ground. Nami looking at this was surprised and then looks at Luffy, 'Damn he is really tall..' she looks at his muscles because of his opened shirt, 'and he is so hot…' she immediately shook her head away from her dirty thoughts. 

She then looked at him with awe, "You're so amazing and really strong too. I saw how defeated the Alvida pirates. That's so cool!!" Luffy hearing the praise grinned sheepishly, "You think so…" Nami seeing Luffy's sheepish expression gushed inside her head, 'He is so cute!!' "Yes, do you want a partnership with me, I am a pirate thief. You can beat all the pirates and I can steal from them." She said excitedly, Luffy seeing her excited face kept his grin on the face but internally he was very sad seeing Nami's struggle, 'Don't worry Nami soon this JOYBOY will bring new Joy in your life and Liberate you and your people from the clutches of Arlong.'