As Luffy and Zoro walks by the streets of Louge Town while browsing through some food stalls, they arrived at a very peculiar site where the crowd is gathered. They saw a purple haired girl with glassed and a sword on her hip is surrounded by few thugs who were clearly wanted to attack her. When Luffy saw this seen he sighed, 'I tried to avoid this but looks like fate has something else planed for us!!', then he looked at Zoro whose lone right eye was widen in shock and disbelief.

The thugs attacked the girl when suddenly the girl bent forward and swiftly unsheathed her sword and in fluid motion she deflated the thug's weapons and with the blunt side of her sword, she knocked them out. Seeing the show of such skills in swords, the crowd erupted in cheers and praised her. The girl become flustered at all the attention when suddenly she tripped and fall to the ground knocking her glasses off, she immediately started to search for her glasses in panic as she can't see anything without them. A blurred foot came infront of her site and when she looked up, she saw a blurred tall green haired man infront of her, "Here!!!" he said as he gave back her glasses to her.

She sighed in relief and put back her glasses back and after adjusting to her sight again, she turned towards the man who helped her, "Thank yo---!!??" she looked at empty spot not finding him and then she looked all around her but not a single peek of that green hair.

"Well well well…..I didn't know you have that side of you too!!!" Luffy teased Zoro while dragging him with towards the plaza. He had saw how Zoro moved on his own without even realizing what he was doing, maybe it's a sudden impulse as he saw a girl who looked exactly like Kunia. "Shut up!!!!" Zoro said while trying to make a straight face.

They finally arrived at the plaza where the Execution platform is, "Don't go anywhere!!!" Luffy ordered Zoro and then with one jump he is now standing at the platform. The view from the platform really mesmerized Luffy, he can see almost half of the town from there. "Oh man!!!! Roger really had gotten a nice view before his death!!!" he then sensed many auras rushing towards the plaza, he looked down to see the whole plaza is now surrounded by Marines and leading them at the front is none other than Smoker. Seeing Smoker, Luffy pitted him as he is a really good character but Oda did him dirty.

Smoker with his platoons of Marine soldiers surrounded the Execution platform, he then took the microphone and started to speak, "STRAWHAT MONKEY D LUFFY, I MARINE CAPTAIN SMOKER ORDER YOU TO QUITELY CLIMB DOWN FROM THE PLATFORM AND SURRUNDER YOURSELF!! WE HAVE SURROUNDED YOU FROM ALL SIDES, SO DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER FOR ANYONE!!!!" Luffy hearing to this smirked, he then used his Conquerors Haki to project his voice to entire plaza, "Oh is that so…..then before that, I need to declare something!!!!"

Everyone from normal civilians to Marines to some of the thugs, Zoro and a cloaked man hiding inside a dark alley was all confused at what he wants to declare. Luffy then took a deep breath, "I MONKEY D LUFFY STANDING ON THIS PLATFORM WHERE THE PIRATE KING 'GOL D ROGER' WAS EXECUTED…..DECLARE TO EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD THAT I'M GONNA BE THE NEXT KING OF PIARTES!!!" and with his declaration, he released a huge wave of Conquerors Haki, not to knock anyone but to specify his words.

Everyone present there except for Zoro and the cloaked man, falls to their knees and looked at Luffy with shocked eyes. No one can even utter a single word as they all were rendered useless because of Luffy's Haki. With that, Luffy forced his Haki on Marines and made them loose their consciousness, only Smoker was still somewhat awake but he was breathing very deeply and is on his knees. Luffy then jumped from the platform and started to walk off while Zoro joining him, as they passed by Smoker…..he shakily got up and looked at Luffy with wide eyes, "St…Strawhat…..y.y.you are r.really dangerous!!!!" he then composed himself a little bit, "But know this….I will not stop until I catch you!!!"

He then used his devil fruit's power to turn himself into smoke and rushed towards Luffy while pointed his Sea stone weapon at him when suddenly his sea stone weapon was cut in two and he got a slash on his chest. He dropped to the ground while trying to stop his bleeding, he was shocked at how can he be touched when he was in his logia forms. Zoro sheathed his sword and then started to walk away, "If you really wants to hunt us down then you need to first learn few more tricks!!!" and then both Luffy and Zoro left the plaza.

In a dark alley, a man with a dark green cloak with a tribal tattoo mark over his left side of the face watched at how Luffy easily dealt with the Marines and then how Zoro in an instance defeated Smoker. "You are truly grown up to be a powerful man Luffy, looks like that old bastard did teach you how to use Haki too!!!!" the man said as he slowly walked towards Luffy and Zoro. Seeing a person suddenly appeared infront of them surprised Zoro as he was not able to sense this man, he immediately become vigilant and was ready to take out his swords.

But Luffy stopped him while smile, "Hey there dad….I think it's our first time meeting in person!!!" the man in cloak smirked, "Well first time for you, but I had hold you in my hands when you were just a baby!!!" the man said and then took off the hood of his cloak showing his wild and long black hair. Luffy then turns to Zoro, "Zoro this is my dad Monkey D Dragon and dad this is my first mate Roronoa Zoro!!!!"

"Yo….." was the only response Zoro gave not bothering to know more, while Dragon's lips twitch in amusement. Then he looked at Luffy, "Well Luffy, it was nice seeing you….but I have to go now!!!" Dragon was about to leave but Luffy abruptly stopped him, "Hey dad!!! I need to talk to you in private about something…..it's important!!!" Luffy said with a serious look. Dragon seeing Luffy's expression and sensing something off, he agreed, "Where!??" "In my quarter!!!"

Few minutes later, the trio arrived back at Going Merry and saw that everyone is already present there and was preparing to set sail. Nami seeing Luffy and Zoro arrived with a third person with them was confused, "Hey guys…." "Not now Nami" Luffy said in commanding tone which stopped her from asking any question. Then Luffy led Dragon to his captain's quarter while Zoro was standing guard outside the room. Inside the room, there was a desk for work with few bookshelves and a cupboard for his clothes. At the corner of the room is his bed but what caught Dragon's attention was a picture frame on the desk in which three little kids were smiling widely while showing V sign. Two were black haired boys and the third one was a blond hair boy with a top-hat.

Luffy glance at Dragon with the corner of his eyes who is looking at the photo frame, he intentionally placed the photo there so that Dragon can get a little upstart that he knew Sabo. "Dad, can you help me in one thing!!!" this caught Dragon's attention as he looked away from the photo frame and to his son while nodding, then Luffy told him about Zeff's situation, everything from how Zeff found Sanji to the Vinsmoke family.

After hearing everything, Dragon was silent for few minutes and was thinking of what benefit he would get from this, "And would I get from it!!??" Dragon asked looking at Luffy with his upmost attention. Luffy smirked internally, 'Hook, line and sinker'. He then looked at his dad straight into his eyes, "What do you know about Mother-flame!!!!" this immediately got Dragon's attention as he suddenly become serious, "How do you know that!!??" "Dad, I am the one doing negotiation here!!!"

Dragon kept staring at Luffy for few more seconds then he sighed, 'Looks like he got my mindset!!' Dragon thought while looking at Luffy. It was no secret that the Monkey family had always got a generation gap when it comes to intellectual but it looks like that cycle was broken by Luffy.

"Tell me everything you know…." Luffy nodded at that, "First thing first, what do you know about my devil fruit!!??" Dragon was confused at that, "Why?? You devil fruit is a Peremicia-type Gum-Gum fruit!!!.....or is it not!!???" Dragon got a hint what was Luffy trying to do. Luffy then opened the drawer of his desk and took out the Devil fruit encyclopedia and opened the section for Peremicia-type and turn the page to Alphabet 'G' and then handed it to Dragon, "This is the latest edition of Devil fruit encyclopedia which was released two years ago, in it every know devil fruits have been mentioned and any that those found in later was also been updated!!!"

Dragon took the book and rummaged through the section 'G' in search for Gum-Gum fruit, but to his astonishment there is no such fruit. He was curious as to why Luffy's devil fruit is not mentioned in it, then he turn to alphabet 'R' to find the Rubber-Rubber fruit but still no result. He then looked at Luffy with so many questions, as to why his Devil fruit is not mentioned in the encyclopedia but he responded him with another question, "Do you ever heard about the old Devil fruit encyclopedia!!?"

Dragon started to think about where he heard this term but he remembered that it was Vegapunk himself who told him about that there was an old encyclopedia in which the devil fruits which were recorded are very rare and powerful. He then looked at Luffy, "Is your devil fruits name is recorded in the old book??" Luffy nodded at that, "Yes!!! You see, the Worldgovernment or more like the Five elders fear my devil fruit!!" Dragon was shocked at hearing that but he didn't show this on his face.

"The WorldGovernment had been chasing after my devil fruit for 800 years but to their dismay, my devil fruit was also trying to escape from them as if it has its own will…." Luffy took a deep breath and then looked at Dragon who is tentatively hearing to Luffy's every words, "…..and why not, afterall the Zoan fruits contain a will of their own!!" a like a bomb was dropped, it shocked Dragon that Luffy's devil fruit is a Zoan fruit which the WorldGovernment was after for almost eight centuries, he then asked a very important question, "Just what is the true name of your fruit!??" Luffy looked at Dragon with a smirk, "Human-Human fruit Mythical Zoan type Model: Sun God Nika"

Silence permeated into Luffy's room as Dragon digested everything, then after ten minutes he sighed, "So, Vegapunk's predictions were right!!" this shocked Luffy instead, "Wait what….!!??" Dragon looked at Luffy, "When Ohara was destroyed, me and Vegapunk had collected all the remaining and still intact books, writings and generals from there and Vegapunk started to find why would WorldGovernment took a drastic measure to erase the island of archeologist. After many years of research he was able to find some clue which relate to an incident happened 800 years ago, before the twenty Kingdoms unite or even the WorldGovernment was formed. Even though he was able to find so much, but because the higher-ups of the WorldGovenment were keeping eyes on him, so the only thing I was able to get from him was to wait for the White-warrior or the Warrior of liberation to emmerge once again!!!" he then rubbed his eyes, "I didn't understand what he means by that, but when I started to investigate about this so-called Warrior of Liberation, I was able to find an old myths telling the stories about a person or more like a shining god who appears when the world was plunged in the age of darkness. He whose heartbeat sounds like drum and whose smile spread warmth into the hearts of many, the Sun God Nika!!!"