"Heh….over already!??" Zoro smirked and looked at the fallen soldiers, "Hmph. Can't even give me a decent workout…." He then walked off from the beaten up soldiers. The civilians who watched everything were in awe, "I-incredible…" while Ussop laughed loudly, "Yes, excellent job following my orders, Zoro!" "C-come on then! We have to save Dalton!" one man said and took his shovel, following him were more people and was digging out snow. "So….what's all this fuss about?" Zoro asked looking completely confused, "I'll explain later! In the meanwhile, we've gotta help with the digging!" Ussop answered and started to help the peoples.

"HURRY UP AND DIG HIM OUT!!" "EVERYONE GRAB A SHOVEL AND DIG!" "DALTON! PLEASE BE ALIVE!" the people started to dig the snow and searching for any sign of Dalton. Zoro looked at them with straight face, "Oi….there…." he pointed towards a direction, "I think you should dig there!!!" Ussop listening to this immediately took a shovel and started to dig where Zoro has pointed, seeing him, the others too started to dig out the snow from that location.

Meanwhile at the Drum castle, "IT"S AN EMERGENCY!" Chopper in his reindeer form ran inside the room and looked at Kureha, with sweat rolling down his face, "Wapol is back!" Kureha closed her eyes with a bitter smile on her face, "Is that so…." Outside the castle, Wapol with his two subordinates, Chess and Kuromarimo has finally reached the castle. "Look! The castle's exactly as I left it!" Wapol looked at his castle and spoke, "Now let us commence the revival of Drum kingdom!" then Chess pointed towards the pirate flag on top of the castle, "Your majesty, there appears to be a strange flag on top of the tower….!" Wapol looked at the flag and gritted his teeth, "WHAT'S THAT WERID FALG WITH SKULL DOING ON THERE? WHAT HAPPENED TO DRUM KINGDOM'S PROUD FLAG!?"

"HEE HEE HEE HEE! I burned that useless thing." Kureha answered while walking outside the castle with Chopper in his reindeer form following beside her. "So you're here, Dr. Kureha, the only remaining survivor of my 'DOCTOR-HUNT!', still haven't learned how to die, I see!" Wapol sneered seeing her. But Kureaha just laughed, "I've already decided to make this castle Dr. Hiluluk's grave….It ain't a place for rotten little brats like yourselves to loiter around. Now get the fuck out of this country! Drum kingdom's just a thing of the past….!" "A GRAVE!? MY MAGNIFICENT CASTLE IS TO BE A GRAVE FOR THAT QUACK DOCTOR!? MAHAHAHAHA! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!" Wapol yelled at Kureha.

Hearing Wapol making fun of Dr. Hiluluk's name, caused Chopper to glare at him with anger. But then suddenly, Luffy walked passed both Kureha and Chopper, surprising them. Seeing Luffy, Wapol gritted his teeth, "IT'S YOU!!!! YOU DAMN STRAWHAT..." but he was shut up by a terrifying aura Luffy was releasing, "People like you make me sick, a trash like you just go and die in some trashy corner of the world!!!" Wapol eyes burn with furry, "WHAT DID YOU SAY---" but he was cut off by Luffy, who stretched his right hand back, surprising everyone there, "What!???" Chopper's eyes were wide at this. "GUM-GUM...RED HAWK!!"

There was once a man, who lived his life to his fullest by simply curing people and helping his patients. The story to be told now, are the events which transpired in the Drum Kingdom, 6 years ago...


"Did you find him!?" asked one of the Drum Kingdom's soldier, "No, sir! We can't find him anywhere!" there were ten soldiers standing in front of a burning house, "I just know that Hiluluk was behind this!" the owner of the house said, "I can't believe it! Not only does he rob me, but he burns my house down! Do something about him! You are the national guard, aren't you!?" meanwhile, on the other side of the town, a man wearing black trench-coat with black top-hat was walking on the empty snowy street. "45….3, 4, 5…..50 thousand berries, huh….hmph! Being stingy over a measly 50,000!? Cheap son of bitch!! And so what if I accidently burned down your house? Stop your complaining!" he then covered his mouth and coughed few times, and saw blood covering his palm. "Damn it…."

In the nearby house, a man was extremely ill and his face was all red. His wife and daughter were really worried about his condition, "That does it, I'm calling the MD-20! Who cares if you have to grovel to Wapol!? It's better than dying!" the wife said while looking at her sick husband, but the husband holds her hand, "pant….dammit….pant…..just the thought of being indebted to that despicable monster is….." but he was cut off by loud sound came from the house's chimney, "There's no need for that!" said the same man with top-hat. "What!?" the wife was in shock seeing him come out of the chimney, "It's Dr. Hiluluk!!" the daughter exclaimed. "Don't worry, I'll examine him. I place my patient's health first and foremost."

Seeing Dr. Hiluluk, the husband immediately sat up, "N-no, It's fine really! I…I've already decided to call the MD-20 instead so….." but Hiluluk didn't listen to him and lay him back on the bed, "Don't worry, you're in good hands now. I've just developed a brilliant all-purpose drug so consider yourself lucky." But the wife immediately moved towards her door, "H-honey, I'll go call the guards!" but then Hiluluk took out a pistol and shot her, "Don't be stupid, woman!" seeing this, both the husband and daughter were in shock. "Just a tranquilizer. She won't die." "I'll pay however much you want so please just leave my home!" the husband pleaded.

"What do you take me for, a crook!? I don't take any money from my patients. All I want to do is help you!" Hiluluk answered back, "Then just leave! That's the best way you can help me! I've got a wife and kid! I can't die now!" the husband retorted but Hiluluk none the less, took out a syringe and gave the man a shot of whatever liquid was in the syringe. But seeing the man fell unconscious and foam coming out of his mouth, made him confused, "Hm? That's odd….was I supposed to administer that intravenously? Or did I maybe get the ingredients mixed up….? But I'm sure that frog extract should've done the trick….! Damn it, looks like another failure."

The daughter seeing her both mom and dad unconscious, started to cry, "WAAAAAH! MOMMY! DADDY!" Hiluluk tried to calm the child, "S-sorry kiddo…..I really didn't intend for that to happen…." But then he heard voices from the outside, he clicked his tongue and jumped out of the house from the back window. After few minutes of running away, Hiluluk found himself on the small bridge and saw Dr. Kureha sitting on the bridge railing and drinking, "HEE HEE HEE HEE! Well, aren't you a Happy Pappy, young lad. Ain't nothing scarier in this world than a doctor who hasn't got a clue as to what he's doing. If you'd never called yourself a doctor, there'd be about a hundred people whose illness would've ended quickly as just a minor cold." Hiluluk gritted his teeth, "Shut up, you old hag….a doctor wicked enough to take advantage of her patients and rob them blind, is the last person who I want to be lectured by!!"

Kureha just snickered and took a sip of her drink, "Don't be hating my style now, kid. By the way….did you know that you and I are the only doctors in this country aside from the MD-20!? Of course, even if it weren't for that, you'd still be an outcast in this island…." Hiluluk snorted at that, "Hmph, as if the Doctor-Hut could ever catch me. Just you watch….I'll cure this country one day with my medical skill!" Kureha smirked, "Cure? Don't you mean destroy…?" Then both of them heard footsteps coming towards the bridge. Kureha immediately jumped of the bridge, "See you some other time, Quack!" "Not if I can help it, Highway-woman!" Hiluluk yelled and ran across the bridge towards the forest.

After 30 minutes of walking through the forest, Hiluluk came across a site of a huge humanoid creature lying on the snow covered ground in bloody state. "Hm? Who're you…?" he then looked closely at the wounds, "Severe blood loss from gunshot wounds…he'll die if I don't stop the bleeding soon…!" but then the creature looked at him with anger, "Jeez….no need for the angry glare, it'll be alright. I'm here to help you!" Hiluluk sat beside the creature and placed his briefcase beside him, "What are you, by the way….? You don't look human to me….Ah, maybe you're the abominable snowman the whole town's been making a fuss about…." He then opened his briefcase, but the creature seeing a gun and so many non-doctors related equipment in it, he immediately stood up and pushed Hiluluk away.

Hiluluk coughed out blood and looked at the injured creature, dragging himself away, "That son a...just who the hell does he think I am….." Hiluluk then stripped completely naked, "HEY YOU!! WAIT!" the creature looked at Hiluluk with surprised eyes, "I WOULD NEVER EVER, SHOOT YOU! MY NAME IS HILULUK! AND I'M A GODDAMN DOCTOR!"

Inside one of the Drum Mountains, a cozy looking room was carved out. The creature now turned out to be little Chopper, rose up from the bed and looked around the room. He then saw Hiluluk sleeping on the chair and turned away from him and saw a piece of bread was placed on the table near the bed. He shakily took the bread and started eating it while crying in gratitude.

Three days later, "What!? You can talk!? The hell were you silent for 3 whole days then!?" Hiluluk shouted at the reindeer, "...I thought you might not like me anymore if I talked....." Chopper replied in meekly tone. Hiluluk looked at Chopper, "I tried talking to humans once before....but they shot me in return. A reindeer that can talk is just a freak....." hearing this, Hiluluk's eyes twitch, "So what if you can talk? It ain't nothing weird or unique. I can talk too! In fact, I can talk circles around you." But then both of them heard whistling sound coming from a chemical flask on a stove, Hiluluk's eyes widen seeing this, "SHIT...TAKE COVER, CHOPPER! IT'S GONNA BLOOOOW!"

Both of them were thrown out of the room and down in the forest, "Argh....." Hiluluk groaned and slowly sat up and looked towards the little reindeer, "Hey, you alright?" he then starts laughing, "Eh EH....what am I saying, you're already covered in bandages! Eh Eh Eh Eh!" the little reindeer looked at him with confusion and tilted his head, ".....Why did you call me Chopper?" Hiluluk looked at him with a smile, "Tony Tony Chopper, a fitting name for a reindeer with strong looking horns that could even bring down a tree....Like it? 'Cause that's what I'll call you from now on....!" Chopper's eyes widen and then he smiled, "Eh Eh Eh Eh!! Choppper...I like it...."