"Please forgive this foolish little swan, for wandering onto your ship." the okama did a perfect bow by letting its forehead touch the floor, the okama then looked at Luffy with some nervousness, "To be rescued by such a famous rookie pirate, I shall never forget the debt I owe to you!" "You know us!??" Ussop asked to which the okama pointed at Luffy and Zoro, "Two pirates from East blue with starting bounty over 100 million is really a hot topic around here...." explained the okama. "Now then.... I am a little peckish and a hot bowl of soup right about now would be smashing if you please."

"Sure----" said Luffy but he was hit on his head by Nami's fist of love, "OH HELL NO! WE'RE STARVING OVER HERE TOO!" the okama looked at Nami and winked at her, "Oh my, such a cute little thing you are, and just my type too! I could just eat you up!" Nami reeled back in disgust, "Ugh....what a weirdo..."

"So, you can't swim, huh?" asked Luffy, well he already knows who this person is, he is just messing around. "Yes. For you see, I've eaten a devil fruit." "Really? Which one?" Ussop asked, "Hm? Well, since I do have some time to kill until my crew comes looking for me, allow me to treat you daisies to a show. Behold my ability!" the okama then tried to touch Luffy's face, but Luffy sidestepped and instead okama's hand touched Nami's face. Except Luffy, everyone was immediately on alert, "What're you--" Zoro almost pulled out his sword, but his eye widens at what he saw, "Hold your horses! Didn't I say I'd treat you to a show?" everyone's eyes widen at seeing a second Nami standing in front of them.

"WHAT!? IT'S ME!" Nami shouted and pointed at seeing her replica, "T-two Nami...!!" Ussop shuttered. "Amazing isn't it!! I can not only someone's face but their voice and even their body too..." with that he opened its shirt and showed them it's new boobs. Ussop's eyes widen and Zoro immediately looked away, while Luffy whistled in appreciation, "Nice..." but Nami punched her copy and then looked at Luffy, "You don't need some fake copy, you know you can just.... ask me directly..." she blushed really hard completing her sentence.

"OI, STOP THAT....IT'S NOT THE TIME FOR LOVEY DOVEY..." yelled Ussop. The okama stood up, "Awe man.... you didn't need to hit me that hard, sweety!! Well as you can see, this is the power of 'Copy-Copy fruit' I ate. With a swipe of my left hand, I can revert back to normal and if I take my right hand, and touched someone's face, then as you saw previously...." he then swipes his right hand over his face and changed into someone else, "I am now someone else entirely...." he then started to continuously swipe his right hand and kept changing into different people, when suddenly Vivi's eyes widen seeing one of the faces.

"How was it? My hidden talents!? This isn't something I ordinarily show to others, you know!" at that, both Luffy and Ussop started to clap like a child, "BRAVO! BRAVO!" the three of them then started to dance together, Nami sighed seeing them, "Yeah...you guys just keep doing whatever the hell you want." "Oi, there's a ship coming this way. Could that be your ship?" Zoro pointed towards a certain direction.

"Oh phooie, time to part ways already? What a pity...." the okama jumped on the railing and looked at Luffy and Ussop with tears in its eyes, "Don't cry, my silly billies. Farewells are an inevitable thing if you sail the seas! But remember this! The length of time spent together, has no bearing on true friendship!" "Lets' meet again someday, my friend!" Luffy said while tapping his chest, "Yeah..." Ussop wiped away his tears. With that, the okama jumped on its ship, "Let us be off!" "Yes sir, Mr.2 Bon Clay!"

As the okama's ship left, everyone on Going Merry went still at what they just heard, "MR.2!?" but Luffy just laughed, "Man....what a legend!!" "THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!!" Nami yelled at him and then looked at Vivi, "Hey Vivi, how come you didn't recognize that weirdo!??" Vivi falls to her knees, "I...I..only heard about him, but never saw him.....but...but...when he was showing off all the faces, I noticed that one of the people was my father...! Just what on earth has he been using my father's face for...!?"

Zoro rubbed his chin in thought, "If a guy like him could transform into the King of Alabasta, then there's a whole lot of damage he could do..." "Seems we let a dangerous one slip past our fingers." Ussop muttered, "Well, to be fair.... I already knew about him...." everyone looked at him with 'are you serious look', "What!?" Luffy asked looking at them. "You are telling us that you knew who he was and yet you didn't do anything!!??" Nami yelled at him while shaking him back and forth, "Huh, well.... I kinda did something.... you see, he could've had all of our faces but I interfered that and now he only had Nami's face!!" "That still doesn't count...." she shouted with shark like teeth.

"Hold on just a sec. Captain is right, if he had our faces, we would be in real trouble but now, we should consider ourselves lucky for having met him just now. Because now, we can set up a counter-measure." With that they all planned to tie a white bandage over their left wrist so, it would be easy for them to recognize each other's even though they all have observation Haki except Vivi. By the next morning, they had finally arrived at Alabasta and also, it was time for Chopper to exit the Training Chamber. As Chopper appeared, he immediately reunited with his friends and told them about his two years' experience and that he had developed many new moves. Ussop also explained everything to Chopper about their plan and gave him the white bandage to tie on his left wrist.

"Ok guys, first and foremost…. let's go and stock our food supply and other necessary things and only after that we will move towards Crocodile's base." Stated Luffy, to which everyone nodded.


"Looks like there's some kind of ruckus going on in that restaurant…What happened?" asked none other than Smoker. Tashigi standing beside him adjusted her glasses, "Apparently some customer died all of a sudden." Both of them then saw a Marine solider rushing towards them in a hurry, "Captain! Capt. Smoker! You'll never guess who showed up in this town!"

Inside the said restaurant, a topless young man with orange cowboy hat had his face planted in the plate filled with food. "I heard he suddenly died while in the midst of a conversation with the restaurant owner." One of the bystanders muttered, "Since he's a traveler…some of the people think he might have unknowingly eaten the 'Desert Strawberry'…" "The Desert Strawberry?" someone asked, "It's the nickname for the poisonous spider whose body looks just like a red strawberry. Its poison will cause an abrupt death several days after. And for several hours following death, the poison spreads throughout the entire body."

"So that's why no one's dare to approach him yet. There's a lot of unknown dangers in the desert that can take your life. Look, his arm froze up at the exact moment he was about to raise it up to his mouth…it's no wonder the venom of the Desert Strawberry---" but suddenly the young man raised his head, "PFFFT!?" "AGHH! HE CAME BACK TO LIFE!" everyone's eyes widen and their jaw dropped to the ground. But the young man just looked around in confusion, slowly a woman walks towards him, "A-are you alright?" the young man just looked at her and blinked at her and then pulled her skirt and wiped his face of the food, "KYAAA! PERVERT!!"

But the young man didn't mind her words and looked around himself, "Hmm….my bad, I must've fallen asleep." "YOU FELL ASLEEP!?" everyone in the restaurant yelled at him, but he ignored them and started to eat again, "So, what's everyone all gathered here for? You running some kinda comedy club here?" he asked the owner while pointing towards the other occupants, "No, but…well, I'm just relieved that you're alright---" but just as the owner said that, the young man again fell asleep.

He then woke up and finished his food and gave a loud burp, "Ah man, that hits the spot...." he rubbed his belly and then looked at the owner, "By the way..." he took out a bounty poster and showed it to the owner, "Did this guy showed in this town?? I am searching for him…" the owner looked at the poster and started to sweat seeing Luffy's bounty and the reward on it, but before he could answer, someone entered the restaurant, "You seem to be eating without a care in the world, despite all the attention you're drawing." Stated Smoker, "What brings the Whitebeard Pirates 2nd division commander to this kingdom? Well, Portgas D Ace…?"

Everyone in the restaurant was stunned by this revelation, "W-Whitebeard!? He's one of their crew-member…!?" "Ahh! Now that I think about it, I've seen that mark on his back before!" "What's he doing in a place like this!?" everyone was muttering and talking about it while the young man named Ace just smirked, "Oh, I'm just looking around for my little brother…"