Ace immediately froze hearing those words, as he slowly turns around and looked at Luffy with straight face showing no emotion at all, "What!?" but Luffy kept smiling, "Sabo is alive..." hearing it again, Ace just looked straight into Luffy's eyes and saw only truth. All these years, living with his idiot little brother, Ace knew one thing that is absolute and that is, 'Luffy is a very very very bad liar' which only signifies the seriousness of his statement.

"And how do you know that!??" Ace asked, still showing no emotion, "Well, you know who my dad is, right!?" Ace just nodded at that, as how could he not know about the Most Wanted Man in the World, another father who left their child behind just to achieve their own goals. To Ace, it does not matter even it is for the betterment of the world, the only thing matters to him is his brother and after finding out from Garp about Dragon only solidifies his resolve to always protect his little brother at all cost, that's what Sabo also wanted. But now....

As Luffy told him how he met Dragon in Louge town and invited him at his ship, they had a nice talk and how Dragon saw the photo frame and asked about the other two kids with Luffy, so Luffy told him about Ace and Sabo which lend in the discovery about Sabo, who is not only alive but he is the second in command of the Revolutionary Army. Ace's eyes were shadowed by his orange cowboy hat, as he clenched his fist tightly, "Ano...Ace!! You okay---" but Luffy was cut Ace's furious look, "Damn that son of bitch.... how dare he.... how dare he play with us like that!! He was alive, but he didn't even try to write a single letter to us...." "Ace, calm down---" "What calm down, can I calm down!! We mourn for him, you and I... we didn't sleep for three can I not get angry!! I swear, if I see him....I... I'm gonna choke him to death---"

Suddenly Luffy punched Ace really hard, knocking him to the ship's wooden floor. All of the Strawhat's were just looking at the drama that was happening and except Zoro, no one understood a single thing. "Oi...why did you hit me!??" Ace asked while rubbing his cheek, "You were really mean, how could you say that about Sabo like that!??" "But he abandoned us---" "NO... he did not! It just, he has amnesia..." Ace blinked at that, "He has what now!??" "You remember that he was hit by a cannon ball, right!??" Ace just nodded, "Well, dad told me that the cannon ball hit Sabo pretty hard on his head and caused him to lose all his memories, which means he does remember us or anyone from Dawn Island. But don't worry, I used my big brain to solve this problem too."

Ace slowly stood up and looked at Luffy, "Your big brain??? And what did you do!??" "I gave dad our photo album, so that when Sabo sees all the photo, he will immediately remember everything. Aren't I super smart!!?" explained Luffy while puffing his chest. Ace just blinked and blinked, his mouth wide open, "That's...pretty smart move." he rubbed his head in confusion as, how the in the world that Luffy of all the people came up with such a smart move. "Well, it doesn't matter.... I'm still going to beat his ass once he remembers everything." declared Ace.

"SHISHISHISHISHI....then let's kick his ass together." Ace smirked as he clasped Luffy's hand, "Once I done with Teach and bring that bastard back to Pops, I will come back and join you on your journey for a while." "Well, I will be waiting then....and Ace, don't you dare die." Ace saw the seriousness in Luffy's words but more than that, he saw a seven-year-old broken child, pleading from his big brother for his safety. Ace softly smiled and hugged his little brother and rubbed his hair, "I will promise to you, until the day I saw you achieve your dream.... I will not die. Heck, me and Sabo will always be by your side, never forget that." they then separated and Ace jumped off the ship and landed on his speeder boat.

"Well, then was really a roller-coaster of emotions but now it's time for me depart. The sooner I catch that fat bastard, the sooner I'll join you all." with that, he used his Flame-Flame fruit to power up his speeder and started sailing away. But then he saw some B.W's ship sailing towards Luffy's ship, he smirked, "Well, let's give my brother's crew some fire show..." with the help of his fire, he jumped really high in the air and lit his right fist ablaze, "FIRE-FIST" and in fiery explosion, the B.W's ship were burned down immediately. Ace landed on his speeder gracefully and looked back at his brother and waved his hand, "Hurry and come up to the top, Luffy!"