chapter 4

Chapter 1 Chapter 4

The next day Anna went to audition so she could join the drama club, she walked on stage the first person her gaze fell on was Allen, he was one of the judges for the audition and standing next to him was miss Alia who gave Anna a big smile while Allen just stared at the note pad on his desk

"Miss Anna heiley am I right" Anna was surprised she knew her name but she didn't want to question since she was a teacher it's possible she could know all the students name "okay let's see what you got" she gave Anna a go ahead, Anna gave her best performance and miss Alia was amazed and pleased to see such a talent even Allen couldn't resist to watch Anna performance he was also impressed

The drama club performed a Little rehearsal on a show they've been planning Anna and some other students sat down and watched and soon everyone was dismissed, Anna watch everyone slowly leave the room but she wondered why Allen was still here, she thought of using this opportunity to apologize about the other day, Allen was arranging the chairs "ha! Let me help you" Anna said and assisted him, they both kept arranging the chairs but there was a kind of awkwardness between them it was as if they both want to tell each other something but they were both waiting for the right moment, as the tension began to increased

"Am sorry about the other day" they said at the same time and smiled

"Let me go first" Allen said and moved a little closer "sorry for bumping into you and am sorry for not apologizing it was wrong of me and for calling you a mommy's girl I don't know where that came from I just said whatever came to my head am really sorry"

"Apologies also sorry for calling you a asshole and a jerk and a devil I didn't mean any of that am not usually like was just the the rushing of being in college that got to me so..."

"It's fine it's Allen Harper" he stretched his hand for an hand shake

"Am Anna heiley" she said after taking the hand shake

"Nice to finally meet you Anna"

"Same here Allen" they gave each other a nice and warm smile "oh! Sorry about yesterday as well...the flyers"

"No way am not taking an apology for that one I had to talk to people I haven't talked to in a year because of you" he said feeling frustrated

"Okay then how do I make it up to you"

"I don't know... anything but an apology" an idea suddenly came to Anna head

"Okay okay I'll definitely make it up to just wait and see" she said and ran out of the theatre Allen watched her leave with a smile on his lips

Later that night Anna waited for her roommates to fall asleep she made sure they were sound asleep before she snuck out of the room, the passage was empty and quiet so she made sure she didn't make any sound, she ran towards Allen who was seating at back of his car boot

"Anna?" He asked as surprised to see her

"I came to make it up to you" she said and sat next to him

"Make it up to me how?"

"You usually have four bottles of beer every I'll do you a favour and drink two so you don't have to Rick of alcohol in the morning"

"I Rick of alcohol? I didn't know that"

"Yeah I smelt it from the very first time I met you....I guess no told you because it wasn't their business"

"I see but old are you I want to make sure you're old enough to take alcohol"

"Am over 18"

"Let me see your ID"

"Are you being serious right now" they both laughed

"No I was just kidding" he said and brought out two bottles of alcohol and gave it to her "what's your alcohol tolerance for 1-10?"


"Wait you've never had alcohol before?"

"I will now" she took a sip from the bottle she squeezed her mouth detasteful "how in the world do you drink this... it's so hot" she said and took another sip she couldn't swallow it she had spit it out, Allen kept laughing at her

"I think you're over reacting it's just beer... it's not that alcoholic"

"Maybe for you it's not, but for a first timmer like me it is"

"Okay let me teach first of don't smell it just think of it has drinking herb and orange juice and you really have to drink like your life depends on it and focus on something else when you drink maybe on someone you love or miss...or anything" Anna did as she was told and within a blink of an eye she had finished one bottle "wow! You must really miss someone" Allen teased

"Yeah....that wasn't so starting to see things in double is this normal?"

"Talk about making it up to me you only had one bottle"

"I can still take another one"

"No way...I won't be the reason you won't be able to attend class in the morning"

"Fine then I won't take another one...I'll just watch you drink instead"

"....I want to show you something if you don't mind"

"I don't"

"Okay then let's go" he said and helped her into his car they drove down to a tall building

"Are we allowed in here?" She whispered

"No" he whispered back, he heald her hands until they reach the top of the building, Anna gasped the view was so beautiful an a cold breeze blew through her hair a bright smile appeared on her face, Allen couldn't take his eyes off her he knew Anna was beautiful but right now she was looking even prettier in his eyes

"Anna" he called with a soft and calm voice she turned to face him he couldn't speak for a while he looked confused "let's leave" he said after swallowing like two times

"But we just got here"

"Yeah but we don't want to get caught do we?" Just then the rain began to drizzle Allen took of his shirt and covered her with they ran towards his car the rain became heavier and heavier

"Are you alright?" Allen asked once they were both in the car

"Yeah but the rain is so heavy"

" We have to wait till it stops..I can't drive in it I hope you don't mind"

"No it fine"