chapter 26

Colina volunteered the next morning but this time Andrew was not in the kitchen instead she met one of her seniors rachel, a black chubby girl with dimples she was very nice and sweet to colina even though colina had expected someone else she was glad she was able to cook with Rachel.

The following week went well they wrote a test everyday , Elizabeth enjoyed her normal life having simple conversation together with her friends and course mates, colina and Cole were able to patch up about him leaving the school, Andrew watched Anna and Allen spending romantic times together and sometimes he would also spend time with Anna as well, he was getting close to her as a male friend and Allen as her boyfriend, Andrew helped Anna with her lines for the play cause Allen was out of town for a while, colina and Andrew didn't really see much of each other and soon she was able to forget about what happened on the kitchen, the tests ended and days passed.

Anna and Alex have memorized their line and now they have to practice together.

"Let's take it up from the part where Alex confess him love to Anna" Mrs Alia said, Alex and Anna walked up to the stage

"Why have you come here by this hour?" Anna said

"My lady I have come to see tell you something"

"You have to leave what if my dad catches you"

"I fear nothing when I look at you...will you accept my love my lady?...I promise to protect you" he brought out a rose

"Oh my...I wish I could but am getting married soon, my marriage has been arranged with a prince from another kingdom" she moved closer and placed her hand on his cheeks " is too late for us now...goodbye forever" she said and walked away

Everyone applauded

"Beautiful that was beautiful...we shall now move to Anna's father and the crown prince"

After the practice everyone was dismissed Anna walked out of the theatre heading straight to her room

"Do you want us to practice more?" Alex said appearing out of nowhere

"Uhm...I am kinda busy at the moment"

"When will you be free?"

"Am not sure...I think we practice well enough don't you think we should take a break"

"It's okay if you don't want to talk to me or maybe you feel uncomfortable..."

"I don't understand what are you saying?"

"Come on Anna you keep giving me the body language anytime I am around you"

"No no...I do not give you any body language, what makes you think I would feel uncomfortable around you think I find you attractive or something?"

"Well don't you"

"No I don't!...I have a boyfriend okay and am a very committed person"

"Is he your first relationship?"

"Why should I answer that?"

"Just wanna know"

"You don't have to know don't get curious about me.....once the play is over we might never speak to each other let's not know too much about each other"

Alex chuckled "You sound like an interesting person....I'll see you around, anna" he walked away

"What is wrong with that guy?" She asked as she watched him matched away

Anna walked back into her room

"How was practice?" Colina who was busy reading her note asked

"It was cool...what are you doing?"

"Preparing for exams"

"I haven't even started reading yet... you're a good student colina"

"Am just glancing through"

"You're going to stop reading when I share this news with you" Elizabeth who was resting on the bed and pressing her phone the whole time finally spoke "there is a beach party tonight and it says students from other schools will be there"

"No way!"

"Sounds interesting"

Late at night the girls head to the beach party it was filled with lots of people dancing, drinking, and getting wild

"You guys made it" Andrew said with a smile "let's go" he took Anna's hand and led the way, there was a circle of fire and people were gathered around it, there were singing the same song, colina kept staring at Andrew who was whispering something into Anna's ears she would laugh every now and then she wasn't mad because he was talking to Anna she was mad because he treated her like a stranger after what happened in the kitchen the other day, right now colina needed an excuse to leave this circle

"Hey Lina" Cole whispered in her years


"Come with me" he said and they both walked away, Andrew glanced at colina as she stood up to leave.

Cole held colina hands and turned her in circles they kept giggling

"What are you doing?" She asked smiling

"I have no idea I just guessed you were not having fun over there"

"Yeah but I am not a dancer either"

"Neither am i " the dj played a country sound they noticed everyone standing up to dance colina and Cole decided to join in.

Andrew and Anna sat close to the water and had a small discussion

"It's really cold here" Anna said Andrew took off his jacket and covered her with it "you didn't have to"

"It's fine I don't get cold easily"

"You know this guy Alex I the only one who finds him weird"

"You mean that tall guy from the drama club...yah I find him weird too...the other day he wanted to join my band, he was like I want to join your band, and I was like do you know how to sing and he said no but do you find me intimidating and I was like what makes you think I find you to be intimidating he said because everyone does...I was like what the fuck is wrong with this dude" Anna burst out laughing

"I can imagine how annoyed you must have felt"

"I wasn't even annoyed I just felt disappointed like he has such a fine face and fine body but the way he talks is just"

"I heard his beating your record of the most attractive guy on campus"

"Am still in the top two"

"Wait I thought you were the top one"

"No Allen is top one, am top two it's been like that since... speaking of Allen where is he?"

"He went out of town for a while, he didn't tell me why though"

"If he tries anything rough with you just let me know okay"

"Don't worry his actually very sweet" just then she heard Allen call her name, she looked behind her he was standing there "Allen!" She shouted and rushed to hug him but Allen nudged backwards

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I came to attend the beach party"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know you'd want to come"

"We're leaving right now" he healed her hands

"But I don't want to leave yet the party is just starting"

"I don't care! we're leaving now"

"Come on dude she doesn't want to leave"

"Mind your business Andrew... let's go" he dragged Anna away

"Obsessive freak!" Andrew said as he watched them walk away

Allen kept dragging Anna until they reached where he packed his car

"Let go off me Allen you're hurting my arm!!" She yanked her hand away

"Get in" he said after opening the passenger side door

"Why are you acting this way?"

"How am I acting?"

"Like a jerk...why are you so mad?"

"Am mad because you didn't tell me you were coming here...did you think I wouldn't know"

"I wasn't trying to hide it from you" Allen grabbed her arms

"You are mine okay and I need to know every single thing you do, what you wear, what you eat, who you talked to you need to tell me every single thing!!! it?"

" sorry, it won't happen again" she apologized even though she didn't understand what suddenly changed

"Now get in" Anna entered the car, she felt scared and angry as well but she thought it was normal for couples to fight like this so she didn't say much she just went with it, the car was silent through the whole drive. They drove to Allen's house and had sex the whole night even though she wasn't happy about the whole thing she still went with it.