chapter 37

The next morning, Zeno stood with his friends in front of the mansion, waiting for the Van that'll take them to Mr. Glen's event.

Thomas and Jeremiah had left before them; they went to play the role of the loyal children who were worriedly waiting for their father to return.

John had just called and informed them that he was on his way to pick Mr. Glen up and take him to the secret Hotel where he would be selling off all his girls. He was planning to relocate to another country since the government had started to suspect him of fraudulent activities.

Zeno hadn't seen Sebastian since he woke up that morning; he had unconsciously used his eyes to search everywhere for him. He was almost tempted to ask Butler Nicole where Sebastian had gone off to that early, but he held himself back. After all, he had done his part; if the other party didn't agree to his terms and conditions, then everything would be null and void.