I Get To Keep You


They sat in awkward silence through their journey to his home. But inside Meredith was burning with so many questions. She had tried to avoid looking at the handsome wealthy young man sitting beside her but his rich scent enveloped her, making her feel like she couldn't escape him. 

"Why did you come back for me?" She finally asked. 

He gave a side look that seemed more like he wasn't interested in discussing with her. 

"It was the right thing to do" 

"The right thing to do? Does this mean you would also set me free?"


"No? But what's the whole point of coming back for me? What do you intend to do with me? What is the big difference between being kept hostage in home and being in the Siren Home" she asked in an angry tone. 

" well, I get to keep you for myself alone!"

"What? That can't be why you came back for me. You are just like your friend"

"Cousin not friend"

"Does that mean he lives with you? I am not comfortable with this arrangement. You have to let me go if you really want to do the right thing"

"No! And No! It won't work again! Your incessant pleas won't work on me this time. So, you better keep shut and get ready for your new life"

Meredith struggled to speak again but there were no words to describe how disappointed she was in Cross. She didn't even know his name, yet he wanted to own just like the others. Tears threatened to slip down her eyes but she held them back. She wouldn't cry anymore. As long she wasn't in the Siren Home, she was going to find her way out of the young guy's home. 

"I will take care of you and make sure no harm comes to you. That I promise you."

"I didn't ask for one!" She snapped

"Very ungrateful" he said under his breath as they continued their journey back to his home. 

The road was far and on the highway were just trees and shrubs. It made Meredith wonder why Cross had come all this distance for her. Was it just compassion or something else? She looked at the young man from her side eyes and he didn't look like someone capable of compassion. He caught her staring at him then and gave her a smirk. She folded arms like an angry child and his face tightened in frown which filled her eyes with fear. 

He wanted to ask her to relax that he wouldn't hurt her but he knew that would lead to another string of questions. It was better they travelled in silence. 

Upon getting to his mighty mansion, Meredith was immediately held captive by old fears. This was where she had been dragged to by his cousin the other night and now she was going back there as what exactly? 

Cross got out of the car and Meredith still sat frozen inside. 

He hurried to where she sat and for a moment she thought she was going to drag her out like the Cousin had done. But he stood in front staring at her in confusion. 

"I am not stepping my foot into that house"

"Why not?"

"I am not going to be safe in there"

"Trust me, I won't harm you or let any danger come close to you"

She wanted to ask him why but he was already stretching a hand to help her out and when she touched his warm hands, she felt something electrifying. As they stood close to each other, they stared deep into each other's eyes like they had known each other a long time ago. It was Cross that broke the eye contact because he couldn't afford to fall for another woman not after what Beauty had put him through. 

Feeling a little bit safe with him beside her, she walked side by side him as they entered the house. Her breath caught when she stepped inside and saw Marc, comfortably seated on the couch, casually sipping coffee in his bathrobe.

"Cross! You are the man! You brought her back to me! Perfect!This is why you left so early? Mine! You are my blood!" Marc stated happily as he dropped the cup and began to walk close to the couple. 

"Now, I can have my revenge on the little bitch"

Meredith felt like bolting out the door but Cross held onto her tight. What if this was some kind of plan between the two to finally have her? Why did she ever think she could trust him?

"Remember I said I will never harm you or let any danger close to you!" He whispered to her. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hand her over to me then! You bought her for me right? Isn't it Cross?"

"No, she belongs to me alone!"

"To you? What do you mean? You know I wanted her first. Is this some joke? Come on man!"

"Did I say that with something in my mouth? She's mine and I would love it if you take your mind and eyes off her. Do you understand?" Cross stated sternly. 

"You don't mean this! You can't be serious. You couldn't have gone for the same girl I wanted. This is insane!"

Marc barked but Cross spared him no words . He held Meredith tight and led her into the house while Marc stared her with such intensity as if he wanted to kill at that moment. 

"You can't do this Cross! Don't let a slut come between us!"

Cross turned abruptly, his voice carrying a warning as he addressed his cousin, "Don't use such language with my guest. Do you understand? Show her the same respect you'd extend to any other visitor in my house!" He emphasized the words "My Home," igniting a fire of frustration within Marc.

This whole situation boiled down to one thing: Cross wanting to flaunt his wealth and demonstrate he could have whatever he desired, including Marc's girl, simply because of his financial status, Marc fumed. But he realized he couldn't sustain his anger towards Cross forever. The true target of his anger was Meredith, and he was determined to ensure she faced consequences for her actions.