
The Sire Home 

Final Chapter


They pounded on the door but Valerie couldn't hear them because of the loud music. She was happy here. Not completely since Marc was not as caring as Meredith's husband. But she didn't mind, she continued to scrub her body little by little while Cross and Meredith continued to bang on the door. 

"I know how to get in" he said, running back into the house to get a spare key before leading Meredith towards the back door. The door came open with just one click and they had access into the house. 

Marc was still pounding in the closed boot of the car while Valerie had no idea what was coming for her. Cross and Meredith tiptoed in, following the sound of the loud music until they saw a naked Valerie lying in the bathtub. 

She screamed, almost jumping out when she saw the vicious gaze which Cross pinned on her. 

"Get dressed and get out!" He commanded and she shivered, not daring to look towards Meredith who was standing behind him, a plain look on her face. 

As soon as she was done covering herself with a towel, Cross dragged her to the bedroom and sat her on the bed. He wasn't one to manhandle a woman but he was just too upset to care now. 

"Tell me everything that has been planned for my wife's sister and what part you played in it"

With a laborious breathing, Valerie explained how Zarah was to take M's place and how it was indeed Cross's father who was pulling the strings. 

"So, Zarah should still be at the home right? She's still there?" Meredith asked, still afraid for her poor little sister. 

"I don't know! They sent Niki after her and I believe there will be an auction for her soon"

"How soon?" Cross asked in a furious tone

"This night, perhaps!" 

"What? It can't be! We must hurry and save her!" Meredith wept. 

Cross reached for her, consoling her while Valerie watched. She would never have something like this… never! No matter how hard she wanted Meredith's unhappiness, she gradually accepted. 

"Then we must hurry" Cross said, heading out the door. 

Valerie breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she was off the hook but Meredith turned back gave a neck-turning slap before locking her in the room. 

She begged and pounded on the door but they were long gone on their way to revenge. 


"I've already made the necessary calls, and we're heading straight to their location. People will be watching, and it's on us to bring that awful place down," he told Meredith, handing her a buttoned gown with a tiny camera attached.

"Do you know what you need to do?" he asked for the second time, making sure she understood their mission and how to execute it. "Don't be afraid. I promise to protect you as long as I live. The police will be on their way once I'm there. We'll get through this," he reassured her, wiping away a tear from her cheek.

"I love you," she whispered, and he gazed into her eyes before giving her a tender kiss. But this wasn't the moment for affection; it was a time for planning and revenge, for his mother and all those years of suffering.

Meredith could see the fiery determination in his eyes. She touched his arm,her voice laced with concern. "But will you be safe? I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you. You heard what Marc said - your father is dangerous, and his men are everywhere. He might..."

"I'm not afraid," he interrupted.

"But I am... I can't lose you, Cross. You rescued me when no one else would, and you've been my protector ever since," she sobbed, clinging to him.

"You won't lose me," he assured her.

"How?" she asked.

"I don't know. With Marc's help, I'll infiltrate my father's office and confront him face-to-face while recording everything. The police will arrive before he can react. Trust me, it'll work. Now, we need to hurry if we want to save your sister."

She nodded and they got dressed in silence. He handed her a pepper Spray since she didn't know how to use a gun and tucked a knife and a gun into his pocket. He showed her how to use the spray and where to keep it safe. 

"Zarah, we are coming to rescue you and take down the Siren Home" Meredith stated confidently, wearing a black revealing gown to look the part. 


It was pretty dark in the night when Cross went to the boot of the car to talk to Marc. He was key to making everything work. 

"Tell my father you wish to see him now!" He commanded, placing a loaded gun on Marc's head. 

No one needed to tell Marc to act fast and compose himself to avoid Cross's father suspecting anything. 

"What should I tell him it is about."

"Anything! I don't care! Tell him you found some new girls or that you wish to talk about me. Anything to make him want to see you!" Cross said through clenched teeth. 

He could hear his father's voice from the other end of the receiver while he gave Marc his permission to come see him at the usual spot. Once the call was done, Cross dragged Marc into the car, still holding a gun to him. 

"I won't hesitate to shoot you if you try to mess this plan up! You should know what I am capable of!" He said, before driving off. 

Before they got to the front of the building, he dropped Meredith and reminded her the importance of her plan working. She nodded shakily, ready to do anything to save her sister. Even though she was determined to take the Home down, she was afraid she may never see Cross again! 

The car drove towards the entrance leaving her in the dark. She walked the remaining part of the road all alone, trying to look as desperate as possible so the nun would believe her story. Her pepper spray was well-tucked into her underwear in case things escalated. Of course they would! There was no way the home would let her and her sister go just like that. She just hoped Cross and the people he had called would be there before things went too awry. 

From the entrance of the building, it seemed like every normal night club but people like her knew what happened in other hidden areas. Somewhere an auction was probably taking and she hoped really bad that it wouldn't be her sister's. 

Finding the auction area and even the home was hard since she wasn't so familiar with the place and because they were well-hidden. But a camera was probably watching her now and soon…. A hand snatched her in through one of the doors and it was the Nun. 

"Are you back to watch your sister get sold or do you want to take her place?" She asked casually like it wasn't their lives she was playing with. 

"Please… just let her go! Don't do this to her!" She begged, pretending to be in distress like Cross had told her to. But her camera was capturing everything, exposing the dark side of the establishment that many didn't get to see. 

"Shut your mouth! You nasty little girl! You remember what you said the last time you left, you would only be back when this place is burnt to the ground! Too bad your wish couldn't come true! Now, you have to go back to being just another slut in the Siren Home" she dragged Meredith through the auction. 

There Merdith could see her sister, clad in a see-through dress while a recorded voice kept asking the many men seated around how much they wanted to bid for her. 

"No! No!" She cried, as the nun dragged her into the home. Oh! God! Were they too late? 


With Marc Cross didn't have to go through the front door neither was he subjected to any form of searching. He kept Marc very close to him, pointing a gun at his waist while they went through the dark stairwell that led to his office in the home. When they got to the last door that led to the office, there was a huge bodyguard standing there and Cross pressed his gun harder on Marc's hip to ensure he didn't make the wrong move. 

He ordered the body to step out of the way while he and Cross entered. The bodyguard scrutinised them, suspecting that something was off. But before he could find out, they were already inside the door and the door shut. 

Inside, Cross's father had his back turned as he watched the auction taking place on a separate computer hanging on the dim-lighted office. A smirk on his face as he watched his business booming. 

"Kneel!" Cross whispered to Marc before binding him with a masking tape. He jammed the door and his father turned slowly to ask who it was. He almost jumped out of his seat when he saw his son standing and pointing at him with a gun. 

"Hello father! I felt like paying you a visit finally" Cross said, walking closer to his father who had a mixture of anger and pride at seeing his son act so tough. 

"You finally came to see the business you would inherit from me. Good boy! You didn't have to come with a gun though or a hostage!"

Marc made a sound from he was kneeling since he had the hope of inheriting the business from Mr. Machi. 

"Oh, come on, Marc. I couldn't entrust you to run this place. You're just as useless as your father. That's why you brought my son right into my office after I made you..." Cross interrupted his father.

"Shut up, Father! I'm here because you went after the woman I love!"

"Listen, Cross, my son, we don't need women. Strong men don't fall in love... great men use women for profit, just like I'm doing."

"You are despicable! And that's why you killed mother. She found out about your business, didn't she? And you killed her slowly by poisoning her or did you strangle her at once! I could never tell but you killed her. She told me several times to be wary of my father!"

Mr. Machi watched his son and he knew he was there to either kill him or ruin him. He pressed the little button underneath his table to alert the nun and his men that something was amiss. 

"keep your hands where I can see them! You are a criminal! A murderer!" Cross barked at his father who didn't for a second look scared. It was obvious he was planning something but Cross was okay with it because his hidden camera was capturing everything. 


The nun received the signal from Mr. Machi and immediately knew something was wrong. Why was it at the moment Meredith had walked in? She wondered changed her mind from dragging the girl into the main room where the law-abiding girls stayed to the cold room where the defaulters were. 

"No! Don't!" Meredith screamed, afraid of experiencing what she went through the first time. Where was Cross and what was she to do now. She had to think quick! 

The nun dragged her down the quiet hallway in a hurry to get back to the auction before everything fell apart. She stopped to key in the password for the door and Meredith saw it as an opportunity to reach for her pepper spray. As the door swung open and the nun prepared to push her inside, Meredith unleashed the pepper spray into the nun's eyes.

The nun shrieked, almost losing her balance as she desperately rubbed her stinging eyes. When the door swung open, the other girls rushed out in a frenzy. Some bolted down the corridor, while others surrounded the incapacitated nun. Meredith seized the opportunity to make her way back down the hall for her sister. But then she saw Niki stepping out the door, her menacing eyes glued on her. Fear gripped her then and she didn't know what to do. But Niki had no interest in her, turning her vicious eyes towards the nun like others while Meredith made her way down the hall. 

As she ran she could hear the slashing of the knife while the nun screamed "Niki No!"

She didn't feel one pity for the nun. When she got to the auction place it was already scattered with men and the young girls making their way out the door. She could hear the siren of a police car and she knew Cross's people were here. But her most important issue was finding Zarah. 

Amidst the madness, she searched frantically for her younger sister. Then, her heart sank as she spotted three men guarding Zarah by the exit, with an older man following closely behind.

"Zarah!" Meredith screamed, racing after them. She dodged chairs and flung open doors, determined never to let her sister endure the same suffering she had experienced. She wouldn't allow it.


"What have you done? This was supposed to be yours! I built this for you!" Mr.Machi barked angrily despite the fact that a gun was pointed at him. 

Cross gave him a victorious smile because he had won. His father's dark empire was finally crumbling down. 

""I taught you how to shoot and run a business because I hoped you would take over my business one day. But you had to be just like your mother, always judging me! I don't regret disowning you! How could you have done this to my empire?" Mr. Machi's anger flared, and he advanced toward Cross.

A thunderous thud on the door, as if someone were trying to force their way in, accompanied by the wailing sirens from outside, intensified the tension in the room. Could he really kill his own father? Cross wondered as his father boldly approached. 

But then he remembered his poor dying mother and he shot his father's leg then, impairing him. Mr.Machi could barely believe his eyes as he fell to the ground. 

"Call your men off if you wish to live! I won't hesitate to kill you!"

The banging sound was getting louder and it seemed the door would burst open any time and then Marc pointed at another road with which they could get out from. 

Cross eyed the door, motioning to his cousin to get up and lead the way. 

"You have no idea what you've just destroyed!" Mr. Machi breathed heavily why Cross made his way out. 


The scene was swarming with police, and Meredith held onto hope that the men who had been holding her sister captive wouldn't manage to escape with her. Her hopes were answered when she reached the outside of the home, where the men were on their knees, being handcuffed. Zarah spotted her immediately and rushed into her arms. They clung to each other, tears streaming down their faces.

During their reunion, Meredith looked up to see Cross standing before them. 

Her sister let her go while she ran to her hero. He didn't wait for her to hug him first, he drew her into a hug, holding her tight as if he never wanted to let go. 

Meredith was happy that she didn't lose any of her loved ones. She looked around to see girls lying helplessly around and she hoped they would also find their loved ones. 

An injured nun was being dragged into the car but Mr. Machi was never found. 

"Did you kill your father?"

"I couldn't!"

"But where is he then?"

"Don't worry, we will be fine. I promise to protect you! He would be in hiding and cannot come after us" he assured her. 

"Let's go home!" He said, reaching for her while she reached for Zarah. Their nightmare was over, for now!