Chapter 1

Song Weizhi woke up to find herself in an ancient world. She calmly listened to the conversations around her for a while, finally confirming that she had transmigrated into the cultivation novel she had been reading before bed, titled "Cultivation Chronicles: The Ascension of the Female Demon Lord."

Uncertain about her current identity, she discreetly observed the people around her.

Across from her was a tall and thin man in his forties, speaking. From the discussions of the disciples behind her, she learned that he was Qin Xian, the Head of the Qin family. He was accompanied by a dozen Qin family disciples and an inconspicuous slender girl. Despite the girl's simple attire, her exquisite facial features couldn't hide her beauty. She had peach blossom eyes that sparkled, a straight nose, and delicate lips. Even without makeup, her radiant face couldn't be concealed.

The next moment, Qin Xian spoke, "Head Song, a few days ago, I coincidentally passed by Song Family Village. Seeing this child with a connection, I took a kinship stone to test and found out that she is your blood relative. So, I immediately brought her to you. Head Song, this is truly a great joy. However, there's something I'm not sure whether to mention."

As Qin Xian spoke, the disciples around erupted into discussions.

"Oh my, the Master actually has a daughter? Could it be a love child?"

"No wonder she looks so good; she's the Master's daughter. But I still think our Senior Sister is the most beautiful."

"Hey, being good-looking is useless. The cultivation genius of our Linhai City will always be Senior Sister."

"That's right, Senior Sister is amazing."

Upon hearing Qin Xian's words, Song Ruohai's face turned pale. He bit his lip and spoke, "Thank you, Brother Qin, for finding my daughter, who has been lost for many years. If there's nothing else, please leave. We've just reunited, and there's much to arrange. I will visit and express my gratitude in a few days."

"Not so fast with the thanks. I have something to say. The kinship stone shows that this girl's birthdate is identical to that of your daughter, Song Weizhi. I'm afraid you might be mistaken. What if your daughter has been swapped? That's not something anyone in Linhai City would want to see." Qin Xian wore a seemingly concerned expression, making Song Ruohai want to strangle him.

"What do you want, Brother Qin?" Song Ruohai gritted his teeth.

"Of course, it's to verify whether Song Weizhi is truly your daughter. We, as righteous sects, value righteousness and correctness. Song Weizhi is a cultivation genius in our Linhai City, and news about this girl will spread soon. If Song Weizhi cannot prove herself, rumors will abound." Qin Xian looked at Song Ruohai with a smile.

Song Ruohai's blood boiled, and Song Weizhi, by his side, felt it too.

From the recent conversation and the occasional glances from Qin Xian, Song Weizhi was certain that she had transmigrated into the cannon fodder supporting character with the same name in the novel—Song Weizhi. Looking at the girl beside Qin Xian, she was probably the protagonist who would turn her into a scapegoat.

Song Weizhi suddenly felt a headache. Others start with being overpowered protagonists, but why did it turn into her being a malicious cannon fodder?

Just when Song Weizhi's mind was in chaos, a mechanical sound echoed in her mind, startling her almost off her feet.

[Host, greetings. This is the Asking Heaven System, System Number 100, dedicated to serving you. Due to your untimely death from staying up late in the real world, the system selected you to transmigrate into a book. If you complete the system-assigned tasks, you will have the opportunity to live in the book's world. If you fail, you will be erased from the book's world. Now, please choose whether to bind with this system. Choosing 'Yes' will activate the tasks; choosing 'No' will result in immediate death.]

Without a doubt, Song Weizhi chose 'Yes.'

[Congratulations, Host, on successfully binding with the Asking Heaven System. Now, I present the first task: please actively go and test the kinship stone, help the female lead return to the Song family, and complete the task to earn 10 points.]

Song Weizhi recalled that in the original book, Song Weizhi was forced to test the kinship stone reluctantly. Now, the system was asking her to do it willingly. Well, maybe the female lead would be a bit less resentful this way?

"I'll test it. As Master Qin said, everything should be done with a clear conscience. To know or not, testing will reveal the truth," Song Weizhi walked forward calmly.

"I knew it! Weizhi is truly the hope of our Linhai City's future. Such demeanor is not something ordinary people can have," Qin Xian's words immediately silenced Song Ruohai, who had initially objected to Song Weizhi testing the kinship stone.

"Now, Weizhi, Uncle Qin will release the kinship stone. Just stand still," Qin Xian said, taking out a palm-sized red stone from his storage pouch. Qin Xian activated his technique, causing the kinship stone to float in the air. The stone suddenly enlarged tenfold, emitting a red glow. The light from the stone instantly fell on Song Weizhi, revealing her birthdate and her biological parents on the kinship stone.

Song Ruohai's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "You, Qin Xian! I see you're here to stir up trouble."

"Head Song, you've got it wrong. I'm here to bring you your biological daughter. Now that the dust has settled, it turns out there was a mix-up with two children. This Miss Song Zhixia by my side is your biological daughter, right?" Qin Xian laughed heartily.

"Song's family matters need not concern Brother Qin. Since your purpose for coming today has been achieved, please leave," Song Ruohai said, motioning for his disciples to escort Qin Xian out.

"Ah, Head Song has found his biological daughter. There must be a lot to talk about. I won't disturb you. Enjoy your family reunion," Qin Xian said with a smile, leaving with his disciples.

Discussions erupted in the square:

"I can't believe Senior Sister is not Master's biological daughter."

"Unbelievable! That girl is the true heiress of the Song family."

"But I still think Senior Sister is better. Senior Sister has reached the Golden Core stage, and she is the pride of our Song family."

"Exactly! Look at that girl, she looks like a country bumpkin. Check out her patched-up clothes—so shabby."

"But it's a disgrace to the Song family. I'm worried about Senior Sister's feelings when she learns about her true identity."

"Yeah, really concerned about Senior Sister."

Song Ruohai walked to Song Weizhi and said through gritted teeth, "Weizhi, are you okay? Even if we are not blood-related, you will always be my daughter." He was afraid that Song Weizhi might think otherwise and leave the Song family to find her biological parents, making Linhai City unbeatable with her presence.

"Master, I appreciate your upbringing, but truth is truth. You are not my father, but you will always be my master."

Song Weizhi said calmly. Having read about the original person, she knew that Song Ruohai was not a good person. Everything he did was for his interests and the reputation of the Song family. What's more, when he and his wife, He Qingmei, passed through Song Family Village, He Qingmei stayed overnight in a family's house, coincidentally giving birth to Song Weizhi on the same day. Their daughter was a mediocre half-spirit root, while the daughter of the family they stayed with had an excellent ice-type single-spirit root. Unable to accept having a mediocre child, Song Ruohai swapped his biological daughter with Song Weizhi that night.

In short, Song Ruohai and his wife were animals who abandoned their flesh and blood. However, Song Weizhi had just transmigrated and didn't understand much about this world, so she couldn't confront them directly.

Hearing Song Weizhi's words, Song Ruohai's face turned ugly, but Song Weizhi's words were flawless, leaving him with no room for rebuttal.

Song Ruohai could only grit his teeth and say, "In any case, no matter what, you are the eldest disciple of our Song family. That won't change."

"Thank you for your kindness, Master. As for your daughter, how do you plan to arrange her?" Song Weizhi asked.

It was only now that Song Ruohai looked at his biological daughter, but it was just a glance before turning away. She looked decent, but unfortunately, she was a waste. "Tianming, take her to the outer sect and let her learn the rules of our Song family," he said before walking away without looking back.

Song Zhixia still stood in place. She tightly grasped her clothes, feeling disappointed as it was not what she had imagined. She thought her biological parents would be eager to see her, but it turned out to be another one of her delusions. Well, staying here was better than being married off by her adoptive parents to a widower in the village to help her younger brother accumulate silver for his marriage. Song Zhixia could only console herself in this way. She looked up at the girl who had just stood next to her biological father. The girl looked aloof and slender, with eyes like autumn water and an ethereal face. She must be living well here.

Song Zhixia only glanced a few times, and Tianming, who was by her biological father's side, came over.

Tianming was Song Ruohai's confidant, understanding Song Ruohai's thoughts the most. Song Ruohai instructed him to take Song Zhixia to the outer sect, essentially treating her as if she didn't exist. With a grumble, Tianming led the way, complaining continuously as he walked.