Chapter 13

Seeing Song Zhixia return to her room, Song Weizhi also went back to her room. As soon as she entered, the mechanical voice of the system echoed in her mind: [Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Reward: 50 points. The current total points of the host are 550. Would you like to redeem?]

After some thought, Song Weizhi chose "No." In the evening, a long-lost aroma of food wafted from the yard. Song Weizhi hadn't eaten much since arriving in this world because she couldn't feel hungry after reaching the Foundation Building realm. However, now, the smell of food made her surprisingly want to eat?

Without much hesitation, Song Zhixia, with a slightly flushed face, came to knock on the door. She felt a bit nervous, unsure if Senior Sister would join her for dinner. After all, for Senior Sister, eating might be considered a waste of time.

"Knock knock knock," the knocking sound echoed, followed by Song Zhixia's voice, "Senior Sister, I've made dinner. Would Senior Sister like to eat together?"

Since the female lead had invited her, Song Weizhi had to give her some face. Plus, the aroma was quite tempting, and she did feel a bit hungry. She walked a few steps and opened the door, finding Song Zhixia obediently waiting outside.

Smiling gently, Song Weizhi said, "Zhixia, so sweet. You've made delicious food and even thought of Senior Sister. Well, then, let's go."

Song Zhixia, who had initially thought Senior Sister might refuse, was surprised by the straightforward acceptance. Song Zhixia, in a somewhat daze, went to the kitchen. When she came to her senses, she found that Song Weizhi had followed her. She hurriedly said, "Senior Sister, why did you follow? You can sit in the hall; everything is ready. I can handle it."

"How can I let you handle everything? It's already embarrassing that Senior Sister is eating for free. Let me help you," Song Weizhi said, standing behind Song Zhixia. She felt that life was finally getting a bit more humane.

After a few back-and-forths, the food in the kitchen was ready. Song Zhixia casually asked, "Um, would that young lady like to join us for dinner?"

After a moment of thought, Song Weizhi decided to ask, after all, they were on the same side. However, given Wei Zhao's cool personality, the chance of her joining them for dinner was quite slim.

She took out the voice transmission stone and sent a message to Wei Zhao, "Wei Zhao, Zhixia and I are having dinner together. Would you like to join us?"

The next moment, Wei Zhao's voice came through the voice transmission stone, "No need, Mistress. After reaching the Foundation Building realm, we no longer need to eat, right? I won't."

"Okay then, do your things," Song Weizhi said, looking at Song Zhixia, shaking her head. "She won't join us; let's just eat together."

"Okay, Senior Sister." Song Zhixia smiled. For some reason, she felt a bit happy that Wei Zhao didn't join them. Now there was no one to compete with her for Senior Sister's attention. Song Zhixia was startled by her thoughts and quickly pushed away these irrelevant ideas.

The two sat down at the table. Song Zhixia's culinary skills were impressive—crispy sweet potato fries, tender fried meat that melted in the mouth, and several delicious vegetable dishes. Song Weizhi enjoyed it quite a bit.

"Zhixia, your cooking is delicious. I haven't eaten much in a long time. I ate a lot today," Song Weizhi said with a smile while looking at Song Zhixia.

Blushing at the praise, Song Zhixia dared not look directly into Song Weizhi's eyes. "As long as Senior Sister likes it. In the future, I can cook for Senior Sister."

"Good, then I'll look forward to having Zhixia's cooking every day," Song Weizhi said with a smile.

Casting a quick glance at Song Weizhi, Song Zhixia met her smiling eyes. Feeling even more warmth in her cheeks, she stood up to start clearing the dishes.

Of course, Song Weizhi also noticed Song Zhixia's blushing ears. She chose not to expose it, thinking that the shy female lead was quite cute.

Later that night, Song Weizhi continued her cultivation diligently. With her current Perfection-Golden Core realm, she needed to strengthen her cultivation to face Song Chaozong, the ancestor of the Song Family, who had already entered the Nascent Soul realm. To obtain the female lead's Soul Fragment, she had to contend with Song Chaozong. With her current strength, she didn't have full confidence. Thus, she had to work hard to enter the Nascent Soul realm. By doing so, Wei Zhao's cultivation would also improve by a significant realm. Only then would Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia have a better chance of winning.

Early the next morning, Song Weizhi went to knock on Song Zhixia's door, intending to take her to the Technique Pavilion. She remembered that in the original book, Song Zhixia had experienced neglect and only found a high-grade technique named 'Burning Sword' in the pavilion by chance. It was one of the Yellow-grade techniques, but it remained undiscovered until the female lead, after practicing it, displayed its power.

For a small city like Linhai City, there are very few High-grade techniques available. Most of them are just introductory Low-grade techniques, even for inner disciples of the Song Family who mostly practice Mid-graded techniques.

Accompanied by Song Zhixia, Song Weizhi arrived at the entrance of the Technique Pavilion. The disciples on guard recognized Song Weizhi and greeted her. She nodded in response and led Song Zhixia toward the pavilion.

"Zhixia, take a look around. Sometimes finding techniques also requires some luck. I'll be with you," Song Weizhi stood behind Song Zhixia.

Song Zhixia nodded and walked between rows of bookshelves, occasionally picking up a technique to examine. Although there were many techniques in the pavilion, most of them were basic. Despite flipping through several books, Song Zhixia didn't pick any. Although she had just reached Comprehension-Qi Training realm, she could tell that the techniques on the shelves were too simple. During this process, Song Weizhi remained silent, afraid of disrupting the fate that should belong to the female lead.

Finally, at the top of a bookshelf on the third floor's corner, Song Zhixia found a book with no title on the cover. She didn't know how she stumbled upon this book, but she felt something drawing her to it. Thus, she found this seemingly empty book. She turned around to look at Song Weizhi and said, "Senior Sister, this book is strange. There's nothing written on the cover."

Curious, Song Weizhi approached. Not sure if this was the 'Burning Sword' from the original book, she said, "Open it and take a look."

Song Zhixia nodded and flipped through the pages one by one. This book was indeed a fire-element spiritual root cultivation technique. Only when she reached the end did Song Weizhi see the words 'Burning Sword.' Thinking that this was indeed the female lead's fate, it ended up back in Song Zhixia's hands.

"This is a High-grade technique, very suitable for your cultivation. Put it away for now," Song Weizhi said, and Song Zhixia placed the technique into the storage bag Song Weizhi gave her. The two then left, flying back to Song Zhixia's room.

Back in Song Zhixia's room, Song Weizhi placed her hand on Song Zhixia's wrist, using her spiritual qi to sense Song Zhixia's cultivation. In just one night, Song Zhixia had reached the Perfection-Qi Training realm. This speed was truly unique to the female lead.

Then, Song Weizhi remembered that starting from the Foundation Building realm, there would be tribulations, and the number of tribulations would increase with each realm. Just as Song Zhixia was about to face her first Foundation Building tribulation, Song Weizhi had already prepared everything necessary. However, she also thought of the possibility of Wei Zhao being impacted by tribulations.

Not understanding why Senior Sister suddenly grabbed her wrist, Song Zhixia stood there obediently, letting Song Weizhi inspect her cultivation. However, a faint blush appeared on her earlobes again.

"Zhixia, you have reached the Perfection-Qi Training realm in just one night. You are just a step away from Foundation Building, but to build the Foundation Building, you need to pass through a tribulation. Don't worry too much. Senior Sister has prepared everything you need. Also, practice the Burning Sword yourself. Our Spirit Root are different, and there's nothing I can teach you from your technique," Song Weizhi advised, afraid that the female lead might be struck by lightning during the tribulation.

"Senior Sister, you don't need to prepare too much for me. You have already done so much for me," Song Zhixia said, pursing her lips. Senior Sister took care of her more than anyone else, and she didn't know how to repay her.

Smiling, Song Weizhi said, "Why can't I prepare for you? What if my beautiful little sister is struck by lightning? Who will compensate me with an equally beautiful girl like Zhixia?"

Song Zhixia was even more embarrassed by Song Weizhi's words. Her ears turned pink, and her cheeks quickly followed suit. She gave Song Weizhi an embarrassed glance and said, "Senior Sister, you are talking nonsense again."

Song Weizhi chuckled, looking at Song Zhixia's blushing cheeks and earlobes. She smiled and said, "I'm not making things up. My beautiful little sister still blushes. Well, Senior Sister won't tease you anymore. You haven't obtained your destined spiritual sword yet. For now, use the one I gave you earlier."

Song Zhixia stared at Song Weizhi, not reaching out for the sword. Song Weizhi knew the female lead's personality too well—she didn't like owing others so much.

She had to say, "What's wrong? Don't you want anything Senior Sister gave you?"

Song Zhixia hastily waved her hands to explain, "It's not that, Senior Sister. It's just… I don't know how to thank you."

"Zhixia, we don't need to be so polite in the future. Do you still treat me as an outsider?" Song Weizhi raised an eyebrow and asked.

"No." Song Zhixia denied loudly, but since her voice was too loud, she lowered it shyly and continued, "Senior Sister is not an outsider. Senior Sister is a very important person to me." After saying this, she blushed like a quail and almost buried her head in her chest.

Song Weizhi didn't tease her anymore and handed the sword to Song Zhixia, saying, "Take it then."

"Thank you, Senior Sister," Song Zhixia said gratefully.

"Well, you should focus on your cultivation these days. Once you feel significant fluctuations in your spiritual power, be sure to tell me immediately," Song Weizhi advised like an old mother. After making sure Song Zhixia understood, she returned to her own residence