Chapter 30

Song Weizhi glanced at Zhao Xuankun and his two unlucky fellow disciples. Feeling distressed, she exchanged three healing pills from the system.

Following that, the mechanical voice of the system echoed, [Host exchanged three healing pills, consuming 30 points. Current remaining points: 720.]

Song Weizhi handed the healing pills to Zhao Xuankun and the others, saying, "Take the medicine now."

Zhao Xuankun, who had just recovered a bit, took the healing pills from Song Weizhi, saying, "Thank you, Senior Sister Song." He then distributed the pills to the other two fellow disciples.

Song Zhixia's gaze had been constantly shifting between Song Weizhi and Zhao Xuankun. For some reason, she felt a bit lost. After all, Senior Sister always seemed to be looking at someone, especially that person who happened to be Zhao Xuankun.

Song Weizhi seemed to notice the little girl's despondency. She looked at Song Zhixia with a gentle expression and asked, "What's wrong, Xia Xia? Were you scared just now?"

Shaking her head, Song Zhixia glanced at Zhao Xuankun, who had already stood up. As if making a certain determination, she wrapped her arms around Song Weizhi's slender waist and buried her head in Song Weizhi's embrace. Song Weizhi thought the girl was scared and quickly comforted her, "Good girl, Xia Xia, don't be afraid. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Little did Song Weizhi know, the girl in her arms had reddened earlobes at this moment. The girl slightly peeked her head out from Song Weizhi's shoulder, revealing her eyes, coincidentally meeting Zhao Xuankun's gaze beside them.

Song Zhixia didn't look away but kept staring at Zhao Xuankun. Eventually, it was Zhao Xuankun who couldn't withstand the gaze and averted his eyes.

Zhao Xuankun and his two fellow disciples had just taken the healing pills Song Weizhi provided. While their injuries were not as painful now, they felt embarrassed. Standing here, not knowing whether to leave or stay, watching Song Weizhi and her junior sister in an intimate embrace, Zhao Xuankun couldn't help but speak up, "Uh, Senior Sister Song, how about we leave this place first? Once we find a safe place, you two can continue hugging."

Only then did Song Weizhi seem to realize that there were others around. She caressed the back of the little girl and consoled her, "Alright, Xia Xia, let's first see what's going on here. If you want to hug your Senior Sister later, we can."

Zhao Xuankun, who was standing on the side, was utterly dumbfounded. Was this the same decisive Song Weizhi from a moment ago? Why was she so gentle and soft-spoken when talking to her Junior Sister? Were they really just pure Senior Sister and Junior Sister? Zhao Xuankun had a big question mark in his mind.

While still in Song Weizhi's arms for a while, Song Zhixia lifted her head after her face's temperature had subsided a bit. She dared not look into Song Weizhi's eyes. "Senior Sister, I'm fine. Let's go."

Song Weizhi smiled as she rubbed Song Zhixia's soft hair. "Okay, as long as Xia Xia is fine."

Song Chaoyun, on the other hand, seeing Song Weizhi and the others leave, immediately began tending to his wounds. However, the thing lodged in his knee was too deep, and he couldn't remove it. He could only tear a piece of cloth from his clothes to make a simple bandage and then slowly move away.

As Song Weizhi and the others walked, they felt that something was not right. The further they went, the colder it became. Snake skins and scales began to appear in the caves, and the surroundings were covered with sticky mucus. The smell inside was unpleasant.

One of the Zhao disciples ahead noticed the strange situation and whispered to Zhao Xuankun beside him, "Senior Brother, this place is disgusting. Could we have fallen into a snake's den or something?"

"Keep quiet. Be careful not to attract anything unclean," Zhao Xuankun whispered back.

At this moment, everyone in the group, except for Song Weizhi, had no weapons. Even if there were any dangers, it would be challenging for them to resist.

The cave was pitch black, and everyone could only vaguely see the blurry shadows around them. It was impossible to see what dangers lurked nearby. Realizing that this was not a sustainable situation, Song Weizhi exchanged a long-range flashlight and four long knives from the system.

The mechanical voice of the system sounded again, [The host exchanged items, consuming 40 points. The current remaining points are 680.]

Song Weizhi thought for a moment and decided to spend the points. It was better than being defenseless against monsters.

"Wait a moment, Senior Brother Zhao," Song Weizhi said. At her command, a long-range flashlight appeared in her hand. She handed it to Song Zhixia and then manifested four long knives. She gave one to Song Zhixia and distributed the others to Zhao Xuankun and his companions.

Zhao Xuankun looked at the long knife in his hand, feeling a bit more confident. Although he had been walking in front exploring the path, he was still somewhat uneasy. However, he would never let the girls take the lead. Even when going out to hunt monsters with fellow disciples, he would always be at the forefront.

Zhao Xuankun nodded in thanks to Song Weizhi. "Senior Sister Song, thank you. If we have a chance to get out alive, you have a friend in me."

Song Weizhi nodded. "Alright, there are many strange things here. It's better to have something for self-defense."

While Song Weizhi was talking to Zhao Xuankun, the girl beside her began to show a look of disappointment in her eyes.

Zhao Xuankun and the others now had knives for defense, and with the flashlight in Song Weizhi's hand, they could at least see where they were walking and what was around them. The morale of everyone gradually improved.

As they proceeded deeper into the caves, the humidity increased. The mucus on the cave ceiling stuck to scale-like substances, slowly forming long threads that fell. Song Weizhi and her group had to dodge this disgusting slime, realizing that it was not something good.

Suddenly, Song Weizhi heard voices from other people in the cave. She quickly whispered to Zhao Xuankun and the others, "Brother Zhao, it seems there are people."

"Senior Sister Song, should we go and join them?" Zhao Xuankun asked. If they encountered members of the Song family or Zhao family, it might be okay. However, if they met people from the Tian family, it would be problematic, especially since Song Weizhi had just killed the son and daughter of the Head of the Tian family.

"Forget it, let's go our own way." Song Weizhi was afraid that more people would complicate matters, so she preferred sticking with their small group.

With Zhao Xuankun getting the response, he continued leading the two other Zhao disciples forward.

The sense of grievance in Song Zhixia's eyes deepened, but she knew the current danger and could only endure without saying anything. She was afraid that this incident would change Senior Sister's opinion of Zhao Xuankun. What should she do then?

Song Weizhi's attention was entirely focused on checking the surrounding situation and didn't notice the little girl's low spirits. She simply held the girl's hand and moved forward. After passing through several similar cave passages, Song Weizhi and her group encountered those people.

Before Song Weizhi and the others could speak, someone from the other side spoke first, "It's Senior Sister and Senior Brother Zhao. They injured Senior Brother's leg. What should we do, Senior Brother?"

Song Weizhi raised the flashlight towards the opposite side and saw a group of people, all disciples of the Song family. One disciple was carrying Song Chaoyun on his back. Song Weizhi shook the flashlight in front of Song Chaoyun's eyes.

Song Chaoyun was quite scared and hurriedly said, "Quick, hide! Song Weizhi has an evil thing on her. Whoever she hits with that dark tube dies."

This frightened the disciples, and they didn't care about the slime and scales on the walls, rushing to stand against the wall. Only a few people remained standing in the middle of the passage.

Song Weizhi couldn't help but laugh at this. Was he really so timid?

Some of the disciples from the Song clan also raised objections, especially Xu Wenyan and Liang Qin.

"Senior Brother, I think there must be a misunderstanding. Senior Sister wouldn't harm others casually," Xu Wenyan said to the disciples around him.

"Um, I actually think so too," Liang Qin added. He still remembered the last incident with the giant spider, and the girls had helped them.

Song Yueling, who had some family ties with Song Chaoyun, was also among them. She sneered, "You two fools, isn't Senior Brother going to be in charge of the Song family in the future? Speaking up for those two women. Don't forget, now that none of us has spiritual qi, the sixteen of us are still afraid of that traitor Song Weizhi?"

"Haha, well said, Yueling. After we get out, I'll make sure my father takes you as a direct disciple," Song Chaoyun said, laughing, on the back of the male disciple.

"I'll thank Senior Brother in advance," Song Yueling's flattering voice echoed in the passage, sounding somewhat out of place.

Song Weizhi was amused. Not only was she accused of being a villain, but they were also already fantasizing about the future. She coldly snorted, "Fools, talk to me when you get out of here."

"You, Senior Brother will speak for me," Song Yueling ran to Song Chaoyun's side and acted coquettishly.

With a faint smile, Song Chaoyun squeezed out, "Song Weizhi, don't go too far. Just now, there were only a few of us. You first poisoned and killed the Tian family siblings, and then you wanted to kill me. Now, do you want to exterminate all the disciples of our Song family?"

To be honest, Song Weizhi did think about it. However, in the unknown situation of the secret realm, having a few more people could at least distract the attention of the things inside.

"Save your breath. You two, do you want to follow me?" Song Weizhi asked Xu Wenyan and Liang Qin, who had spoken up for her just now.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"As long as Senior Sister doesn't mind, that's good," Xu Wenyan said with a smile.

"Me too," Liang Qin added.

Song Chaoyun's voice came from behind, "Alright, you two, don't regret it. Leaving my side is equivalent to betraying the family along with Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia."

However, his words had little effect. Xu Wenyan and Liang Qin happily ran to Song Weizhi's side. Even if everyone had lost their spiritual qi, they still felt it was more reliable to follow Senior Sister. At least, Senior Sister wouldn't abandon her companions and run away on her own.

"Betray the sect? To be honest, give it a while, and you might be the one begging me. I don't want to stay in this nonsense called the Song family anymore." Saying this, Song Weizhi exchanged two more long knives from the system for self-defense. At this point, her points were reduced to 660.