Chapter 37

The chicken had not even had a chance to play in Song Weizhi's hands when it was taken away by Song Zhixia. Song Zhixia poked the chicken's head and said, "No more mischief, Senior Sister is not in the mood. Chicken, go back and rest, okay?"

The chicken nodded pitifully. It hadn't been played with enough yet, but it obediently listened to Song Zhixia and returned to rest within Song Zhixia's spiritual sea.

After refining the Soul Fragment for Song Zhixia, Song Weizhi instructed her to meditate and recover, while she herself returned to her room.

As soon as Song Weizhi returned to her room, her mind was bombarded by the system's notifications: [Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the Linglang Secret Realm, reward 500 points; congratulations to the host for finding the Soul Fragment of the female lead Song Weizhi, reward 1000 points. The host has 50 points remaining, and the current total points are 1550. Would you like to exchange for items in the mall?]

Thinking that Song Ruohai and Tian Yuelan had lost their son and daughter, and they might cause trouble in a few days, Song Weizhi, now at the Perfection-Golden Core realm, realized she still couldn't overpower those people completely. Since she had obtained the Soul Fragment in Linhai City, could she leave now? She expressed her thoughts to the system, but it denied her request.

[After detection, there is still a Soul Fragment of the female lead in Linhai City that requires the host's exploration. The system suggests the host not leave temporarily.]

There was another Soul Fragment in Linhai City. Song Weizhi hadn't expected this. It seemed she and Song Zhixia couldn't leave yet. To avoid trouble from those people, the priority was to improve their strength. So, Song Weizhi asked the system in her mind, "Can I see what items are available in the mall?"

As per her request, the system opened the mall interface, neatly displaying various items. There were many cultivation techniques, treasures, and pills. When Song Weizhi saw a Concealment Pill, she became interested.

The mall description read: [Concealment Pill, priced at 1000 points, only one available, no restocking after sold out. This pill can conceal the cultivation realm of the person who takes it. After taking the pill, the person will not be affected by heavenly tribulation upon breaking through realms.]

Song Weizhi became intrigued. After all, in this world, after reaching Foundation Building, every level-up required facing a corresponding number of heavenly tribulations. With this pill, she wouldn't have to worry about tribulations, and she could also hide her strength, making it difficult for others to gauge her abilities. This undoubtedly provided an extra layer of security.

Song Weizhi clicked on 'confirm exchange,' and a black pill appeared in her hand.

The mechanical voice of the system sounded again, [Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the Concealment Pill, deducting 1000 points. The current remaining points for the host are 550.]

Song Weizhi took the Concealment Pill, feeling no immediate changes in her body. However, she immediately sensed fluctuations of spiritual qi around the courtyard. Opening the door, she saw dark clouds gathering, seemingly an impending heavenly tribulation.

Without much thought, Song Weizhi knew this tribulation was directed at Song Zhixia. Having just refined the Soul Fragment and with accelerated progress in cultivation, she had likely broken through the bottleneck of Perfection-Foundation Building realm.

Thinking of this, Song Weizhi hurriedly found someone at the door of Song Zhixia's room and brought them to an open space near the courtyard. Unlike the tribulation at Foundation Building, the tribulation for advancing to Enlightenment realm had two strikes. In no time, dark clouds above Song Zhixia's head gathered like a giant beast ready to engulf them both.

Song Weizhi summoned her Li Shuo Sword and said, "Xia Xia, don't be afraid. This time there are two tribulations. I'll help you block one, and you can handle the other."

Song Zhixia, holding her own sword, pushed Song Weizhi back, saying, "Senior Sister, please step back a bit. The tribulation is about to hit." She didn't want Song Weizhi to get hit alongside her and urged her to move away.

Song Weizhi stood firm next to her and said, "It's okay, Xia Xia. It's just a tribulation. Be good, no pushing. Focus on dealing with the tribulation."

Saying this, Song Weizhi held the sword confidently by Song Zhixia's side. Looking at the person standing beside her, Song Zhixia's eyes turned slightly red. Senior Sister always shielded her like this, something she had never experienced before. In these few months, everything had changed because of Senior Sister.

The thunder in the sky roared, and the dark clouds pressed lower. In almost an instant, the first tribulation descended from above. Song Weizhi flew forward, wielding her Li Shuo Sword to intercept the first strike. The sword emitted a chilling aura as it clashed with the heavenly tribulation, creating several deep craters around them.

After enduring the first heavenly tribulation, Song Weizhi felt a bit of spiritual qi depletion. It wasn't because her cultivation was insufficient, but accepting tribulation on behalf of others inherently subjected her to intensified suppression from the Heavenly Dao.

However, Song Weizhi didn't show it on her face. She prepared to help Song Zhixia face the second heavenly tribulation. Soon, the second tribulation descended, and Song Weizhi rushed forward to intercept it for Song Zhixia. The collision of her Frost Essence with the tribulation caused explosions all around. Only when Song Weizhi felt a bit exhausted did she step back, allowing the remaining half of the tribulation to strike Song Zhixia.

Song Zhixia wanted to check if Song Weizhi was okay, but the tribulation had already descended. She could only wield her sword to block it. Fortunately, it was only half of the tribulation, and Song Zhixia felt her arm going numb from the impact.

Meanwhile, on the back mountain, Song Ruohai and the disciples searching for people saw the two heavenly tribulations. Two tribulations meant someone had entered the Enlightenment realm, which should have been a happy occasion. However, Song Ruohai couldn't muster any joy now. To him, no matter how powerful others were, they were just disciples. How could they be more important than his own son?

As the tribulation in the sky gradually dissipated, Song Zhixia hurriedly ran to Song Weizhi. "Senior Sister, how are you? Didn't we agree that you'd only block one? Why did you try to help me with both? Did you get hurt?" The little girl's eyes turned red as she spoke.

Song Weizhi's face was a bit pale, feeling some exhaustion in her body. Still, she smiled gently and said, "Look, Senior Sister is fine, Xia Xia. No need to worry. Don't cry."

However, the little girl could easily see that Song Weizhi's complexion wasn't good. Clenching her fists tightly, tears streamed down her face. Song Weizhi embraced the girl, comforting her softly, "Senior Sister is really fine. I'm just worried about you, Xia Xia. Don't cry, okay?"

While Song Zhixia sobbed in Song Weizhi's arms, she whimpered, "But I'm also worried about you, Senior Sister. Please don't take risks for me anymore, wuwuwu."

"Okay, I'll be careful for Xia Xia's sake. Is that okay? Don't be angry, alright?" Song Weizhi coaxed her gently.

Song Zhixia rested her head on Song Weizhi's chest and rubbed against her. Holding onto Song Weizhi's waist, she tightened her grip. "Not angry, just worried about Senior Sister."

Song Weizhi noticed the movements of the girl in her arms, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her lips. Her little sister was just too adorable, like a little rabbit. Even when she was being spoiled, she would nuzzle and fidget around.

"Alright, I'll be careful for Xia Xia's sake." Song Weizhi reached out and touched Song Zhixia's small ear, soothing the girl half-playfully. After settling Song Zhixia down in the room, Song Weizhi felt that the spiritual qi in her body was almost depleted. She returned to her room, set up a barrier, instructed the guards to take care of the courtyard, and began to meditate.

Initially, Song Weizhi progressed slowly due to the depletion of spiritual qi. After an unknown amount of time, she gradually felt the part of her spiritual qi that had been used was accelerating in its recovery. It circulated back and forth in her dantian and meridians, accumulating more and more. Song Weizhi sensed that these spiritual qi seemed about to burst, and she faintly felt her Perfection-Golden Core realm loosening. It seemed that with a bit more abundant spiritual qi in her body, she could break through this major realm. However, the process was extremely lengthy, and Song Weizhi herself didn't know how many days had passed. She only knew she was repeatedly circulating the spiritual qi in her body to break through the Nascent Soul realm.

Meanwhile, outside, five days had passed. Song Ruohai and his group, tirelessly searching on the back mountain, couldn't find a trace of his son. Now, he was completely panicked. Even the usually composed and dignified Tian Yuelan was scared. On the fifth day, Song Ruohai finally couldn't contain his frustration.

"All of you, bunch of useless people! Such a big person like Chaoyun, and you can't find him! What's the use of raising all of you?" Song Ruohai had lost his usual composure and was now bloodshot, eager to kill these disappointing disciples to bring back his son.

"Heh, Head Song, aren't you useless too? It's been five days. Where are my son and daughter? What about your explanation?" Tian Yuelan had not slept for the past few days, only hoping to find her children. She hadn't stopped ridiculing Song Ruohai during these days, and now Song Ruohai was pushed to the brink. Zhao Fei, at this moment, intercepted the two of them.

The Zhao family members were the most innocent in this matter. First, they had their engagement canceled, and then they encountered unexpected events in the secret realm. Zhao Fei didn't want to stay involved in these matters any longer. Soon, he led the Zhao family away from the Song residence.

Unable to find his son on the back mountain, the only thought in Song Ruohai's mind was to go to Song Weizhi and ask for information, especially since she claimed to have seen Song Chaoyun.

Song Ruohai calmed down and said to Tian Yuelan, "I think there may be some hidden secrets in this matter. Now, I'm not afraid to lose face. My disobedient daughter, Song Weizhi, has never been well-behaved. Plus, she said our son has passed away. I think the disappearance of our son is probably related to her. However, her cultivation is quite high, at the Golden Core realm. When the time comes, we might need to join forces to deal with her. Head Tian, I offended you just now. I apologize."

Worried about the life and death of her children, Tian Yuelan naturally gave Song Ruohai a way out, "Head Song, there's no need for that. I was too impulsive just now. At this moment, we should work together to deal with that Song Weizhi."