Chapter 50

Wei Zhao thought to herself, not knowing who was bullying whom. If she had known that saving people would be so difficult, she wouldn't have believed the stories in the books!

It all started with the appearance of a black barrier gate in the desert. Wei Zhao was overjoyed when she saw the gate, as she had been worried about Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia. She couldn't wait to go and meet them.

However, just as she was happy, she heard the voice of Zhou Qingxue in her arms. That's when she realized she had to deal with this troublesome cabbage.

"Can you take me with you? This is my first time coming out alone. My family always treats me like a child. I don't want to break the wooden plaque and go back; that's too embarrassing." She said, pulling Wei Zhao's clothes with teary eyes.

The tension between the two disappeared, and Wei Zhao found it quite uncomfortable. Rolling her eyes, she muttered, "Fine, how troublesome. I shouldn't have read those books. They're all deceiving."

So Wei Zhao squatted down in front of Zhou Qingxue and lifted the young lady on her back. But after taking just a few steps, the young lady had another complaint.

"Ah, Wei Zhao, your back is so hard, all bones, it hurts my legs where you're gripping them." Zhou Qingxue complained from Wei Zhao's back.

"What can I do about it? Do you want me to carry you?" Wei Zhao asked without much patience. It was indeed troublesome to get involved in such matters.

"Can you… can you hold me instead? It's not as uncomfortable that way." Zhou Qingxue felt a bit embarrassed saying this, but she was not used to being carried by others.

Wei Zhao took a deep breath, gave Zhou Qingxue a disdainful look, and without saying a word, she directly carried her horizontally towards the barrier. This was how the scene they had just made appeared.

Hearing the displeasure in her brother's tone, Zhou Qingxue knew her brother had misunderstood. She hurriedly explained, "It's not what you think, brother. Wei Zhao just helped me in the secret realm. I originally went to help those disciples, but my spiritual qi was exhausted, and those disciples didn't care about me. It was Wei Zhao who helped me, allowing me to come out safely."

Zhou Chengwen immediately glared at the disciples Zhou Qingxue pointed to. However, after some thought, he felt something was not right. Even if his sister's spiritual qi was exhausted, Wei Zhao didn't have to carry her in such an ambiguous posture. It must be that his sister was too naive! Taken advantage of by Wei Zhao!

"Qingxue, did Wei Zhao take the initiative to carry you like that? Let me tell you, she's not up to any good." Zhou Chengwen was almost exploding with anger. His sister had been pampered since childhood, and now she was taken advantage of!

Shaking her head to deny it, Zhou Qingxue said, "Brother, what are you thinking? I asked her to carry me like that. It's uncomfortable to be on her back, and it's more comfortable to be held."

Looking at his silly and sweet sister, Zhou Chengwen was about to explode with anger. It seemed like she had willingly let someone take advantage of her? Okay, calm down, calm down. He took several deep breaths before suppressing his anger.

He helped his sister to rest under a tree, let Zhou Qingxue eat a few pills to recover her spiritual qi, and then sat beside Zhou Qingxue. He noticed that his sister's gaze had been fixed on Wei Zhao.

With Zhou Qingxue no longer causing trouble, Wei Zhao felt much happier. She immediately ran over to sit next to Song Weizhi and told her about the things that happened in the secret realm.

Watching Wei Zhao talking to Song Weizhi in the distance, Zhou Qingxue muttered dissatisfiedly, "She hardly said a few words to me, but she can talk so much with her? Whatever, I don't care about such things."

Although Miss Zhou said she didn't care, her eyes occasionally glanced towards Wei Zhao and Song Weizhi's direction. Even Zhou Chengwen followed her gaze, getting angrier the more he looked. His sister had come to the secret realm, and her soul had been lured away!

Song Weizhi was stunned. She thought she was protective enough, but her Guardian was even more straightforward. Song Weizhi, with an indescribable expression, looked at Wei Zhao, as she guarded her little girl.

Wei Zhao, free from the troublesome young lady, felt much happier. She immediately went over to sit next to Song Weizhi and shared her experiences from the secret realm.

After a while, Song Zhixia woke up drowsily. She looked up and saw Song Weizhi. Gently tugging Song Weizhi's sleeve, she said, "Senior Sister, I've recovered 30% of my spiritual qi."

Song Weizhi reached out and hugged the girl, saying softly, "Good, there's no hurry. I checked the rankings, and we occupy four out of the top ten. Let's take it easy. The three of you can rest for now."

While Song Zhixia was talking, she leaned closer to Song Weizhi, resting in her arms. Softly and sweetly, she said in Song Weizhi's ear, "Senior Sister, I missed you."

Song Weizhi's lips are slightly curved. "I missed you too, it seems we won't need to separate in the upcoming secret realms."

Song Weizhi spoke while pinching her little girl's hand. Her eyes involuntarily glanced at the young girl's rosy lips, feeling an urge to kiss her.

At the same time, in the main hall, Zhou Yeran and several Elders had various expressions. Zhou Qingxue and Wei Zhao were already hugging, which was infuriating enough for Zhou Yeran. But now, Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia have gone too far, openly embracing each other in front of everyone.

Of course, the people in the secret realm were unaware of this. Zhou Chengwen handed the spirit fruit-made snacks to his sister, who held them indifferently, showing no interest. Zhou Qingxue suddenly stood up and walked briskly towards Wei Zhao.

Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia looked bewildered as they watched the approaching figure. Zhou Qingxue, seemingly indifferent, handed the snacks to Wei Zhao, saying casually, "Ice Block, these are for you. Thanks for helping me just now."

"Huh? No need, I'm not really fond of sweets…" Wei Zhao didn't finish her sentence. She felt a gentle pinch on her waist and looked in confusion. It was the Mistress, signaling her that she probably wanted some snacks. Wei Zhao swallowed her words about not liking sweets, reached out, took the snacks, and said, "Well, thanks. I'll accept them."

Upon hearing Wei Zhao's thanks, the corner of Miss Zhou's lips couldn't help but lift. She even pretended not to care, waved her hand, and ran back to sit next to Zhou Chengwen. She didn't notice her brother's unusual expression, as her gaze remained fixed on Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao unwrapped the snacks and handed them to Song Weizhi, saying, "Mistress, did you want to eat this when you pinched me just now? I was about to refuse because I don't really like sweets."

Song Weizhi's expression was hard to describe. Her little junior sister burst into laughter.

Song Weizhi felt like someone was watching them, and when she looked around, she saw the deadly gaze of Zhou Qingxue not far away.

Song Weizhi immediately pushed the snacks back to Wei Zhao and said with emphasis, "This was specially brought by Miss Zhou for you, Wei Zhao. Enjoy it, don't let Miss Zhou's kindness go to waste. We won't eat it."

After joking, if they ate those snacks, Zhou Qingxue would probably be furious.

Wei Zhao looked at the snacks and then at her Mistress. Thinking that her Mistress was right, wasting food was not a good idea. So, she obediently sat alone and started eating the snacks.

On the other side, Zhou Qingxue, seeing that Wei Zhao was eating the snacks herself, slightly eased the frozen expression on her face. In her mind, she complained, "Dead Ice Block, if it's for you, just eat it yourself. Didn't you see that Song Weizhi is holding another girl in her arms? Why are you trying to please her? Really lacking in insight. Why didn't you treat me better just now?"

Zhou Qingxue didn't realize that her attention had been completely drawn by Wei Zhao, and she was so absorbed that she couldn't even hear her brother speaking beside her. This annoyed Zhou Chengwen enough, and he unconsciously protected his sister behind him.

Song Weizhi frowned as she looked at the dark clouds in the sky. Subconsciously, she touched the little girl's wrist, feeling the surging spiritual qi in her dantian. "Xia Xia, it seems like you're going to form a golden core."

The little girl, spoken to by Song Weizhi, was dumbfounded. Was she going to form a core? But her current spiritual qi was only at 30%.

Zhao Xuankun and Wei Zhao were also anxious, rushing over to hear that Song Zhixia was about to form a core. Zhao Xuankun immediately took out all the talismans he used to pass the tribulation. "Senior Sister Zhixia, use these first. They should help you pass the first tribulation."

Seeing that neither Song Zhixia nor Song Weizhi reached out to take them, Zhao Xuankun became anxious. "It's already this late, and Senior Sister Zhixia's spiritual qi hasn't fully recovered. She can't block three tribulations on her own. We've experienced life and death together. At this time, don't refuse."

Song Weizhi nodded, taking the talismans. "Thank you for these."

Song Weizhi pinched a finger and arranged the talismans around Song Zhixia. "Xia Xia, don't be afraid. These talismans can help you block the first tribulation. The rest will be divided equally between us, as usual."

Song Zhixia's eyes turned red as she shook her head. "No, I want to face it alone. I don't want Senior Sister to get hurt."

Song Weizhi chuckled, rubbing the little girl's hair. "Where do you think it's easy for me to get hurt? Xia Xia, don't worry. Dia Xia Xia forgot about my cultivation realm? Don't be afraid."

Saying that, the Li Shuo Sword had already flown out of Song Weizhi's sheath, and she stood by Song Zhixia's side, never leaving.

Wei Zhao, seeing her Mistress standing there, knew that her Mistress was going to block the tribulation for her little Dao Companion. She also ran over, "Mistress, I can help block one of them."

With a smile at her loyal Guardian, Song Weizhi gently waved her hand, placing Wei Zhao next to Zhou Qingxue. Her voice was not loud, but everyone present heard clearly, "Stay with Miss Zhou, and don't come over."