Chapter 64

However, the magma here is extremely deep, and Song Weizhi has long been soaking at the bottom of the magma. Therefore, it is very difficult to think of a way out from the bottom. Fortunately, she can move all her limbs now. Moreover, during the time she soaked in the magma, Song Weizhi's cultivation improved quite a bit. She didn't pay much attention before, but now she has adapted to the temperature of the magma and found that her cultivation has advanced to Perfection-Mahayana realm, two realms higher than before. 

For Song Weizhi, this turns out to be a blessing in disguise. She has been moving at the bottom of the magma for days, hoping to find a way up, but to no avail. She doesn't know where this place connects to and the area is enormous. Song Weizhi can only keep groping at the bottom of the magma. Gradually, she can open her eyes at the bottom of the magma, and her ears can also hear the movements in the magma. 

She feels that not far from her, there seem to be people talking. Song Weizhi follows the sound, and it seems like she is touching something hard with her hand. The conversation stops immediately as she touches it. Song Weizhi takes a closer look and finds a dark red Tang sword. Strangely, the sword is not sharp, and the blade seems to be covered with a lot of bloodstains, forming a pattern on it. 

While Song Weizhi is looking at the sword, it starts to tremble, and a piercing man's voice comes from inside: 

"Haha, it's really weird. No one can survive falling into this magma among cultivators, but you are a bit interesting. However, looking at you with delicate skin and tender flesh, the taste of your three souls and seven spirits must be good." 

As the piercing voice finishes speaking, the sword is aimed at Song Weizhi's face, ready to stab. However, Song Weizhi is no longer the weakling who just fell into the magma. With her cultivation at the Perfection-Mahayana realm, she can control the sword and tightly hold it in her hand. 

The voice inside the sword sounds annoyed, "Oh, underestimated the little girl. But do you think I only have this little ability?" 

As the voice in the sword falls, the sword, as if with suction power, tries to pull Song Weizhi over. Unfortunately, Song Weizhi stands in place like a rock, not moving at all. She no longer pays attention to the annoying voice inside the sword. She always feels that this sword doesn't look like a good thing. With one hand on the sword handle and the other on the blade, she is ready to break this evil sword into two. 

The voice inside the sword sounded anxious, "Miss, please spare me. At least I was an extremely famous demonic sword a hundred years ago. You can keep me for yourself. Don't break me into two." 

"Keep you? Judging by the way you talk, you don't seem like a decent sword. Besides, I am currently under the magma, and you are useless to me. You are just a piece of broken copper and iron. It's better to break you and make some noise." Song Weizhi said as she was about to take action. 

The voice in the sword became anxious, "Miss, spare me. I have a way to get out of this magma." 

Song Weizhi was too lazy to listen to its nonsense and was ready to continue breaking it. After all, this thing wasn't a good one. It had just wanted to consume her three souls and seven spirits. 

"I know, Miss, spare me. There is a soul fragment of the Vermilion Bird in this magma. As long as you absorb it, you can fly out from under this hundred meters of magma pressure." The sword was afraid Song Weizhi would take action, so it explained immediately. 

A cold smile curled on Song Weizhi's lips, "Alright, if I can't find that thing, I'll break you into two later." 

So, under the guidance of the demonic sword, Song Weizhi arrived at a crevice at the bottom of the magma. The crevice was bottomless, with a faint yellow light shining inside. It looked somewhat like a soul fragment, probably belonging to the little girl. However, Song Weizhi had no intention of going down herself. She held the demonic sword in her hand and tried it a couple of times, preparing to throw the sword in to fetch the soul fragment. 

The voice inside the demonic sword sounded almost desperate, "Miss, that place underground is endlessly deep. If you throw me in, I won't be able to come out again." 

"So, you want to trick me into going down?" Song Weizhi asked in response. 

"Miss, Mistress, I was wrong. I was wrong. How about this, use your spiritual qi to control me, and I'll help you retrieve it. I swear, from now on, you'll be my true Mistress." The harsh voice from the sword spoke again. 

Song Weizhi still didn't quite believe the sword's string of excuses. She took a step back and then activated her spiritual qi to extend the sword into the crevice. With the force of Song Weizhi's spiritual qi, the sword maneuvered skillfully within the crevice and soon brought back that strand of yellow soul fragment. Song Weizhi then used her spiritual qi to pull the sword back up, and the yellow soul fragment ended up in the palm of Song Weizhi's hand. 

Thinking that it was her little girl's thing anyway, Song Weizhi planned to return it when she and her little girl's souls merged in the future. For now, she decided to borrow and use it. The strand of soul fragment quickly merged into Song Weizhi's soul, and she felt her body becoming even more agile than before. 

Afraid that Song Weizhi would forget about it, the demonic sword immediately spoke with enthusiasm, "Mistress, I helped you obtain the soul fragment of the Vermilion Bird. When you leave later, can you take me with you? I've been buried in this ghostly place for hundreds of years, and it's only now that I've encountered such a wise Mistress like you. Hehe, I want to go outside and take a look." 

Song Weizhi raised an eyebrow and flipped the demonic sword in her hand. "You don't seem like a good thing. Are you planning to harm me once we're outside?" 

"I dare not, I dare not, Mistress. I will be your sword from now on, and my uses are significant. Anyone killed by me will have their three souls and seven spirits devoured, and they won't be able to reincarnate after death." The demonic sword explained eagerly. 

Song Weizhi naturally knew that the sword was not a good thing. However, thinking about how those people had bullied her and Xia Xia before, Song Weizhi suddenly felt that the sword seemed to have some uses. "Is that so? Then I'll take you with me. If you have any ill intentions, I'll turn you into scrap metal immediately." 

"Thank you, Mistress, thank you, Mistress. I will protect you well." 

Ignoring the sword's nonsense, Song Weizhi started to channel her spiritual qi. With the help of the divine soul fragment, her body slowly rose in the magma, gradually passing through layer after layer of magma until she reached the surface. 

Her clothes had already been burned, so she used her spiritual qi to create a circle of mist around her body. Instinctively, she wanted to use the Li Shuo Sword, but she realized it had turned to ashes in the magma. 

Song Weizhi simply flew into the air. With her current cultivation, this distance was nothing, and she couldn't trust the thing in her hand anyway. 

Indeed, the demonic sword revealed its true form as soon as it surfaced. Sealed in the magma, the sword's power had been suppressed. Now, the sword not only had dark red bloodstains covering its blade but also emitted waves of black energy. 

"Hey, little girl, easy to deceive. Make you my Mistress? You're still too naive. Hahaha…" Just as the sword struggled free from Song Weizhi's hand and pointed its tip toward her, Song Weizhi had already slapped it with a palm. The blade was covered with layers of ice, growing larger until it covered the entire platform. 

The demonic sword, immobilized inside, couldn't move. Song Weizhi coldly said, "As expected, you're not a good thing. It's better to throw you away." 

With that, Song Weizhi started to infuse her spiritual qi. The massive block of ice slowly moved towards the edge of the platform. Inside, the trapped demonic sword became anxious, "Mistress, Mistress, I was wrong. We, spirit weapons like me, need a blood contract. This way, you can control me. I really dare not anymore. Trust me once more, trust me once more." 

Song Weizhi had long stopped believing the sword's nonsense. After asking the system in her mind and confirming the truth, she slowly pulled the demonic sword out. She made a small cut on her index finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the sword. Soon, the blood seeped in, and Song Weizhi could feel a connection established between her and the demonic sword. 

When she stopped, the sword lay on the ground trembling. "Mistress, Mistress, I really dare not anymore." 

Seeing the sword on the ground seeming to be in pain, Song Weizhi finally stopped. At this moment, a mechanical voice from the system rang in Song Weizhi's mind, [Congratulations to the host. The female lead soul fragment fusion is successful. Reward: 1000 points.] 

Song Weizhi was a bit puzzled. The soul fragment she obtained was still in her soul, so why did her points increase? 

The system explained in Song Weizhi's mind, [The obtained soul fragment should be from the female lead, and it has already been fused into her body.] 

Hearing the system say this, a long-lost smile appeared on Song Weizhi's face. So, her little girl should be safe. 

It turned out that the thirty heavenly tribulations that day were not without reason. Song Zhixia's flesh was continuously consumed by the demonic creatures of the Blood Demon Cliff, but she gained experience from it. Combined with the three soul fragments in her body, Song Zhixia's cultivation speed was extremely fast. In a short time, she rapidly advanced by three great realms, reaching the Comprehension-Harmony realm. However, her body fell into the demonic path during the process of being consumed by these creatures. 

Originally, Song Zhixia only needed to endure fifteen tribulations to achieve the Perfection minor realm. However, demonic cultivators had to bear twice the heavenly tribulations when breaking through realms. That was why she was struck by thirty tribulations and turned into charred remains. Yet, those ignorant demonic creatures intended to continue devouring Song Zhixia's flesh. They used spirit medicines to nourish her body, successfully revitalizing Song Zhixia's flesh once again. 

When those creatures were about to approach Song Zhixia as before, she stood up from the ground. A black mist enveloped her entire body, her originally peach-colored lips turned into a bright red color, and her charming expression intensified. Her peach blossom eyes, paired with the red clothes she was wearing, gave the impression that she had transformed into a different person. 

Song Zhixia's cultivation had greatly increased, and she could already see the demonic creatures around her that intended to consume her. 

Song Zhixia's lips curled up slightly, and she lightly smiled, "Speaking of which, it was you who saved me. It seems I should repay you properly."