Chapter 71

"What are the seniors' plans for the next step?" Song Weizhi asked, caressing the little girl's hand. 

"I plan to spend the last few months with Senior Sister in the mountains and forests. There's nothing that can stop us from being together this time." Yao Xintong's eyes welled up with tears. 

After bidding farewell to the two seniors, Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia, the little girl gently shook Song Weizhi's sleeve and asked, "Senior Sister, where are we going next?" 

"We're going to find the other two soul fragments of Xia Xia." Song Weizhi smiled as she embraced the little girl. 

"Does Senior Sister know where the fragments are?" 

"We'll find them as we go." Song Weizhi exchanged 1000 points with the system to obtain the whereabouts of the remaining two soul fragments. Now she only had a thousand points left. One fragment was in the hands of the Sect Master of the Soul Drawing Sect, Lu Ming, and the other was in Gao Chengxuan's hands. 

Gao Chengxuan resided in the Imperial Palace, where experts abounded. Even Gao Chengxuan's guards were at Initial-Mahayana realm. Therefore, Song Weizhi planned to start with the easier one. Although the Soul Drawing Sect was the leader of the demonic cultivators, Lu Ming's cultivation level was only at the Initial-Mahayana realm. With her and Xia Xia both at the Mahayana realm, coupled with the combined efforts of Wei Zhao in the Harmony realm, Song Weizhi felt that obtaining the soul fragment from the Soul Drawing Sect wouldn't be difficult. 

While Song Weizhi was communicating with Wei Zhao, Zhou Qingxue had already left for quite some time. Wei Zhao's injuries were not severe. After taking a few spirit pills, she was not hindered much. Putting aside other matters for now, she summoned her spirit weapon and chased after Song Weizhi and the others. 

So, the three of them appeared openly in Yunxiao City. Yunxiao City was the closest place to the Demon Realm, and the Soul Drawing Sect was also nearby. Therefore, occasional appearances of demonic cultivators in the city were not considered rare. However, the combination of Song Weizhi and the others attracted some attention. Song Zhixia and Wei Zhao, in the eyes of outsiders, had extremely high cultivation levels. On the other hand, Song Weizhi seemed to have only reached the Perfection-Golden Core realm. Moreover, all three had excellent appearances. Song Weizhi's intimacy with Song Zhixia drew the gaze of many. 

"Hey, look at that demonic cultivator over there. Not only does she look good, but her cultivation level is also high. It's a pity about the girl beside her. She's also quite delicate. I guess she was forced to be with this demonic cultivator." 

"Yeah, and that woman in black. Her cultivation level is not much lower than that demonic cultivator. Why doesn't she help the girl?" 

"Hey, I think that girl with the Golden Core realm probably volunteered. After all, that demonic cultivator is already in the Mahayana realm, and there are probably no opponents for her in Yunxiao City. I think we better not talk too much. Be careful; we might not even save our lives." 

The three of them had high cultivation levels, so their hearing was excellent. They had heard the discussion from those people just now. Song Weizhi laughed lightly and leaned against Song Zhixia, saying, "It seems that this time I have to rely on Xia Xia again." 

The little girl blushed at her words and whispered, "Senior Sister, don't talk nonsense." 

"I'm not talking nonsense. In their eyes, I'm only at the Golden Core realm, so I have to rely on Xia Xia, right? Xia Xia, do you mind if I eat soft rice this time?" Song Weizhi said matter-of-factly. 

"Mind? Senior Sister can eat whatever she wants." Song Zhixia pulled Song Weizhi's sleeve and said. 

While the three were chatting, Wei Zhao, who was a bit behind them, lifted the corners of her lips. Fortunately, her Mistress and her Mistress's Dao Companion were fine, and she could relax a little. However, she still couldn't let go of Zhou Qingxue, who had left without saying goodbye. She didn't know where she had gone. Lost in her thoughts, she had already distanced herself from Song Weizhi and the others. 

Song Weizhi turned her head and shouted at her, "Wei Zhao, hurry up. Xia Xia is treating us to dinner." 

Wei Zhao smiled and replied, "Coming." With that, she caught up with them. 

Once the three entered the inn, the inn fell silent for a moment. However, everyone was afraid of Song Zhixia's cultivation level, so they didn't dare to look at them anymore. Only at a corner table did a few people occasionally cast their gazes toward Song Weizhi's table. 

Song Weizhi, of course, noticed but paid little attention. With their current cultivation levels, what was there to be afraid of? 

They started to joke around with the little girl, "Xia Xia, I can only eat soft rice lately. Later, please order some soft dishes for me. If it's too hard, I won't be able to bite." 

Song Zhixia looked at her Senior Sister, who was being quite playful, "Alright, later I'll order some spirit fruits and spirit springs that Senior Sister likes." 

At this moment, Wei Zhao's inner thoughts were, 'I should be under the table, not here.' This is simply showing off in front of her. Annoyed, Wei Zhao drank three large cups of spirit spring water. 

At the corner table, the guests seemed to have been instructed by the attendants and quickly left the inn. 

Soon, the innkeeper brought many bottles of spirit spring water and spirit fruits. Song Weizhi casually picked and chose from the table and began to eat. The little girl kindly embraced Song Weizhi, and Song Weizhi let her do as she pleased. 

However, the man sitting at the table by the wall, seeing Song Weizhi leaning into Song Zhixia's embrace, his expression turned increasingly unfriendly. Unable to endure any longer, he stood up and walked towards Song Weizhi and her group. 

He didn't look at Song Zhixia but turned his gaze to Song Weizhi, asking, "Miss, do you have any difficulties? Why would you be with this demonic cultivator? If you're in trouble, you can tell me." 

Song Weizhi lazily leaned against the little girl, sneering, "Tell you? Based on your meager cultivation? You probably can't even handle one move from her. Why should I bother telling you?" 

The man didn't expect Song Weizhi to reply like this. He was the son of the city lord in Yunxiao City. Both demonic cultivators and ordinary cultivators in the city were extremely respectful to him. He never thought this female cultivator would speak to him like this. 

Then he seemed to understand something and said, "Miss, you don't have to be afraid of this demonic cultivator. It must be her forcing you to say this. Don't worry; I'll help you get away from her." 

Song Weizhi casually took a sip of spirit spring water, looking at the man as if watching a clown, "Why should I leave? I like what she likes. Besides, she is my Dao Companion. Why would I need your help? Mind your own business." 

In an instant, laughter echoed in the inn. The man's face turned red and white alternately, "I am the young master of Yunxiao City. What I said is true. If the young lady needs my help, I can take her away." 

"Go, go where? I see you're blinded by lust, thinking you can take possession just because you look good? It's disgusting. I told you she's my Dao Companion. I'm not going anywhere." After saying this, she ignored the man and started eating spirit fruits with Song Zhixia. 

The man seemed to have never been treated like this before, and he was angered by Song Weizhi's words. He loudly said, "I have already ordered someone to send reinforcements. I intended to treat you with respect, but it seems unnecessary now. I'll kill the demonic cultivator beside you. Let's see who you can rely on then?" 

Song Weizhi's expression turned cold, losing the playful tone from before. "Is that so? I want to see who dares to touch her." 

"You, a female cultivator at the Golden Core realm, dare to be so arrogant with me? In the end, you're just a woman. Rest assured, after I'm done playing with you, I'll send you to the place where female cultivators serve men in Yunxiao City…" 

Before the man could say more, he found a large amount of blood gushing from his mouth. A black aura-emitting sword was lodged in his chest. After a moment, the man turned into ashes. 

Soon, several people from the man's table approached, "You killed him. He is Sun Wenbin, the son of the city lord Sun Shangwu. You are in big trouble now…" 

"Humph, it seems birds of a feather flock together." Saying this, Song Weizhi flicked her wrist, and the demonic sword headed towards those people. Wherever it went, only ashes remained. The inn fell silent for a moment. 

Song Weizhi sighed lightly, "What a letdown. There are always self-righteous fools. Originally, I didn't want to cause trouble, but since trouble has found us, let's use it as a warm-up." 

Soon, Sun Wenbin's reinforcements arrived, but when they asked around, no one dared to speak. When they asked Song Weizhi, she just sneered, "He turned into ashes." 

"What? How dare you say that about our young master?" One of them even wanted to attack Song Weizhi. The people in the inn secretly marveled; these people should run for their lives if they wanted to survive. This woman was not to be trifled with, even more ruthless than the demonic cultivator beside her. 

Song Weizhi raised her demonic sword, and in an instant, the person turned into ashes. Not wanting to waste time with these people, Song Weizhi had already appeared at the door, and with a single move, the reinforcements brought by Sun Wenbin had turned into ashes. 

After dealing with these people, Song Weizhi turned to Song Zhixia and Wei Zhao and said, "No choice. I originally wanted to rest here for a day, but it seems better to go directly to the Demon Realm now." 

As they were about to pass through the checkpoint to the Demon Realm, a deep voice came from behind them, "Return my son's life." 

Song Weizhi and the others were not in a hurry. When they turned around, they saw a burly man standing in front of them. 

"Are you the ones who caused my son's soul to scatter?" The man's eyes burst into a raging fury. 

"He sought death on his own; I couldn't help it." 

"Prepare to die; I'll tear you apart to mourn my son's spirit in the heavens." The man said maliciously. 

Song Weizhi sighed, "Forgot to tell you, your son probably isn't in heaven. The person I killed had their three souls and seven spirits dispersed. When they're dead, there's nothing left." 

"Shut up!" he exclaimed, rushing towards Song Weizhi. 

Song Weizhi remained calm, lifting her demonic sword to block in front of her as several ice blades pierced the man. 

"Ice spirit roots; you're asking for death," the man said. From his palm, he conjured a massive fireball, and with all his might, he sent it towards Song Weizhi. 

Song Zhixia originally intended to help, but seeing that her Senior Sister didn't take this fireball seriously, she stopped in her tracks. 

Unexpectedly, Song Weizhi didn't attempt to dodge the man's fireball. It rushed towards her, scorching everything in its path. 

"Haha, is this all you've got? Watch as I roast you to avenge my son," the man taunted. 

Song Zhixia didn't anticipate that Song Weizhi would be burned by the fire. She and Wei Zhao were about to rush forward to help when, from the raging fire, emerged a person completely unharmed. It was Song Weizhi. She nonchalantly curled her lips and said, "Forgot to tell you, I spent a few months soaking in magma; fire can't kill me. Now it's my turn." 

Song Weizhi's hands rose, and a sphere of light ascended. Although fire and ice were said to be incompatible, this gigantic sphere consisted of half ice and half fire, seamlessly merged by Song Weizhi. She pushed the sphere towards Sun Shangwu, who tried to block it with his palm. However, upon contact, the massive sphere exploded on its own. Ice and fire collided within, creating a powerful explosion that blasted a pit over ten meters deep where Sun Shangwu stood. Sun Shangwu was already mangled beyond recognition. 

"Go fetch his soul yourself," Song Weizhi said, tossing her demonic sword into the deep pit. 

The blade's excited voice echoed from within, "Hehehe, another meal following the Mistress. This one is even a cultivator in the Mahayana realm. What a feast!" 

The little girl rushed towards Song Weizhi like a bird, her eyes reddened. "Senior Sister, what happened? Soaking in magma for months? What's going on?" 

Song Weizhi inwardly cursed, realizing she had let slip some information. She quickly hugged the girl and comforted her, "I'm fine. It turned out to be a stroke of luck. I'm not afraid of fire anymore, and now I have the demonic sword. Be good, don't cry, Xia Xia." 

After comforting the little girl for a while, the trio didn't linger any longer. They proceeded towards the Demon Realm, and this time, no one dared to obstruct them.