
A bright summer afternoon. Somewhere in the Amazon jungle inside the borders of Peru, a team of researchers were inspecting a ruin. The team consisted of 4 young 25-30-year-old members and an old man in his late 50s. The old man was the leader of the research team. While searching through the ruins they stumble upon a big round place. In the middle of the place was a structure that seemed like an altar. The old man goes to the altar and starts inspecting it. He finds a stone tablet beside the altar. The tablet had something written in Sanskrit. The old man thinks, "How did a tablet with Sanskrit inscriptions end up here?" One of the young researchers asks, "What does the inscription say, professor?"

The professor starts reading through the tablet. He says, "अस्मिन् वेदीयां यः प्रभुनिष्ठां सिद्धयति तस्मै सम्राट् भवितुं कुञ्जी दीयते, यः जगत् शासयिष्यति। सः एव एन्टोमोर्फ्स्-सेनायाः नेतृत्वं करिष्यति ।(The one who proves his allegiance to the lord on this altar will be given the key to becoming the emperor, who shall rule the world. He will be the one to lead the army of Entomorphs.)"

The young researcher says, "I don't understand what it means. Who's the lord? What's the key? Wh...."

"Ahh." The professor and the young researcher look up and see another one of them standing by the altar. He was holding his right hand with his left hand as blood was gushing out from in between his left hand's fingers. The researcher says, "Sorry. I was inspecting the altar and mistakenly put my hand on a sharp corner. Eric, give me some antiseptic and gauge." They moved to one side to tend to the injured researcher but they didn't notice the spilled blood on the altar. They bandage the injured researcher. One says, "You're still as clumsy as ever, Sam."

Sam mockingly replies, "Well, I'm sorry."

The professor was going to say something but suddenly they heard a rumbling from the middle of the opening. They turn around and see the altar which was empty before now had a black sword stuck to it. The ground around the altar splits apart separating the altar from them. Eric screams, "What's going on here?"

He didn't have to wait for answers as a sword emerged from the altar and a beam of light hit the sky. A little after many giant-sized bugs started coming out of the crack in the ground. The bugs were oversized versions of insects like ants, bees, etc. Before they could think of doing anything, thousands of bugs surrounded them. Sam tries to scream but as soon as he does so, an ant bug bites off his head. Sam's headless body falls to the ground. The other three young guys too helplessly fall. The professor's face gets distorted as the horrifying sight of all of his student's dead bodies lies in front of him. He tries to run but can't get far before the blade of a praying mantis-like bug impales his back. Before his soul left his body, only one sentence came from his mouth, "What have we done?"

In the next 2 weeks, millions of Entomorphs would spread worldwide. The largest armies in the world would perish as their bullets and explosive shells would ricochet off the Entomorph's body like pieces of rubber. The hope of humanity's survival was lost once the whole continent of South America fell, followed by the fall of North America, then Europe, Africa, and half of Asia.

The Entomorphs attacked the Kashgar Prefecture in China, 15 days after the invasion. The Endomorphs started killing people like flies. 30-year-old Liu Jun Wel was returning home from work that evening. As the attack started he started to run for shelter but had to stop as a dog came in front of him and blocked his way. He decided to ignore the dog and run again but had to stop as the dog suddenly spoke. He says, "Don't run, boy. Come here. I'll help you defeat these Entomorphs."

Those words seemed like a bluff to Liu but he couldn't ignore the dog as the mere fact that a dog spoke human language was more than enough for him to start believing. He went to the dog and asked, "What are these bugs? How will you or I defeat them, when even bombs can't harm them?"

The dog replied, "I'll tell you all about it later. For now, grab my paw."

Liu obliges. The dog again says, "Empty your mind. Feel the connection of your heart with mine. I'll help you."

Liu does as he's told. He feels a connection between him and the dog. The dog says, "Now say the following sentence. O holy spirit. I, Liu Jun Wel, hereby ask you to make a contract with me and help me to cleanse the world."

Liu was shocked again as to how the dog knew his name. But he didn't question it and said the sentence.

The dog replies, "I accept you as my contractor."

A kid was crying in front of a square, being separated from his family as a bee bug approached him. He opens his eyes and sees the huge bee fight before him. He was so horrified that he froze. The bee raised its sting to attack the kid. But before the bee could strike, a spear pierced the body of the bee.

The kid looked as Liu came and picked the spear up.

He turned around and smiled.

"Are you alright, kid?"

The kid nods. Liu then says, "OK. Now, run."

The kid turns around and starts running. Liu hears the dog's voice in his mind, "Liu, heads up. They're coming."

Liu says, "HUH!! How are you talking to me?"

"Our spirit paths have been connected. So, I can talk straight into your brain. You can do so too."

"Like telepathy?"

"Yeah, like telepathy. Anyway, here they come. Let's fight them off as long as your spirit energy lasts."

Liu gets ready to fight as a surge of bugs comes his way.