Birth of The Jaeger Corps

The next morning Liu wakes up and after freshening up puts on a brand new Ultramarine blue suit he bought yesterday before coming to the hotel. He checks out and gets in the car. Rex follows him.

As Liu starts driving, Rex asks, "Where are we going?"


Liu drives to Hotan Airport. While on the way he calls someone and tells him to prepare a jet. Rex gets a little curious when he drives straight to the runway instead of getting into the terminal. When the guards at the runway gate stop Liu, he takes out his wallet and shows them an ID. The guards salute him and open the gate for him. He stops the car beside a Cessna Citation Bravo ready for take off. He gets out of the car and gets in the Cessna. Liu orders the pilot to fly straight to Shanghai and settles down in a passenger seat. Rex asks, "Who are you?"

A mysterious smile appeared on his face as he said, "You'll find out soon enough."

After 9 hours of flight time, the plane finally landed at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. He gets off the plane and sees a Black Mercedes waiting for him. A military uniform man gets down from the driver's seat and salutes Liu. Liu nods and gets in the passenger seat of the car. The driver starts the car. Around an hour later they stopped in front of a 15-story building in Changning. The building seemed like a mall. Rex thinks why would Liu bring him to a mall. He tried to ask Liu about it but as he tried to do that he found that Liu had already gone ahead to the mall. Rex runs behind him. They get into the building and enter the lift. Rex gets serious again as the lift starts to go down instead of upwards. They get down 7 floors and get out of the lift. The floor looked like a big office and people wearing military uniforms were running around and working at different desks.

Liu says, "Welcome to the headquarters of the Chinese Secret Service."

Rex gets a little shocked. A man comes to Liu and says, "Sir, please meet the general at once. He's waiting for you."

Liu nods. They go through an aisle of office desks and reach a staircase. They get down the staircase and after going through a long hallway they stop in front of a big door. Liu knocks on the door and enters after a rugged voice from the other side of the door says, "Come in."

They get in a big room. The floor was covered in lush green carpet. A bunch of file cabinets were kept on both sides of the room. In front was a big secretariat table with a swivel chair behind it and two more chairs in front. In the revolving chair was seated an old man in his early 60s. Even though he was this old his eyes felt like they could pierce through you. The wrinkles on the old man's forehead seemed to keep track of all the adventures he ventured upon when he was young. The man looked at Liu and Rex. He gestured for them to sit with his eyes. After they sat down the man said, "Liu, is everything you said on the phone last night true?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ok. then." The man moves out and a bunch of faces appear on the big screen mounted to the wall before him. The old man says, "I've contacted the top brass of every single country's military force. Now it's up to you to explain and convince them about your plan."

Liu nods out of respect and gets up. He explains everything to the military leaders and as proof of the truth of everything he's saying, he lets Rex finish the explanation. Once they're done, Liu looks at them and sees some of them still finding it hard to believe Liu's words. So as a last-ditch effort, he says something to Rex telepathically. He then says out loud, "Sir, I know some of you are still doubting me. So, as another proof, I'll show you this. Come, Rex."

Liu gets a few steps back and holds out his right hand. Rex jumps towards the hand and just before reaching the hand he transforms into his spear form. Seeing this, the remaining military leaders get assured too. One of them asks, "So? What's your plan?"

Liu gets back to the table and says, "Sir, I want to create an army. An army of people who can fight using the same spirit powers as me. Rex will contact the spirits and call upon them to find contractors for them while he will also help us find people with strong spiritual energy. So, we can train them and then let them make contracts with different types of spirits."

"Can you do it?"

"As long as you guys cooperate, I'm optimistic that I can."

Another leader asks, "Rex, you told us you were one of the leading spirits. How many others are there like you?"

Rex answers, "There are five of us. I don't know where the other four are. They broke the spiritual connection between us as they wanted to live alone."

"That's a problem. I hope we find them soon."

The leaders talk between themselves and after almost an hour one of them says, "OK. We'll cooperate. We don't see any other way for humanity surviving this invasion"

Liu stands up straight and salutes them.

"Thank you all very much, sir."

"No need to thank us. So, What are you calling this army?"

"The Jaeger Corps."