"Inside woman"

Back in Buckingham Palace, London

Risa and Daffodil had arrived unannounced and they unannounced after the intense conversation between the four sisters.

Queen Charlotte and Tristana were escorted back to the palace, and the visitors were once again allowed to roam the largest private park in London.

While being escorted, Charlotte initiated a conversation with Tristana.

"I kind of felt bad for what I said to Risa earlier." Charlotte expressed her guilt.

Tristana smiled at her with an understanding heart.

"You were just letting out what your heart feels, little sister."


"I know she's been a pain in the ass ever since we were little kids."

"I loved her tenderly and affectionately, and she loved us back but hard and firmly. I never resented her for that because I know that's how and who she is. Importantly, she never fails to be what she's supposed to be, a big sister for the three of us." Charlotte voiced her thoughts.

"I love her deeply, Tris, but what she did to Ray was beyond my imagination and I couldn't forgive her just like that."

"It hurt me to say those words to her earlier because she's my sister, but there's a part of me felf she needed to hear it even though she didn't want to."

Tristana didn't respond but listened to her little sister.

Charlotte then looked at her with melancholic and emotional eyes.

"Do you not still believe that it is best we tell Ray and you and I are his family?" Charlotte asked somberly.

Tristana sighed wearily.

"I don't know, little sister, but I feel like if we tell him right away, Ray will stop trusting us. He'll feel betrayed, and we could lose him for that, especially since he's our most valuable asset in the organization." Tristana voiced her concern.

But Charlotte was just about to speak, Tristana didn't let her continue.

"Before you tell me you know him better than all of us? That's where you're wrong." Tristana interrupted her.

"For your information, Charlotte, I know Ray as well."

"That's why, to me, he's the perfect killer. He doesn't flinch, he's cold, he's unpredictable. He doesn't know love, he doesn't know companionship, and affection. The only feeling he knows is hatred, as of now." Tristana stated firmly.

"Atleast, as of know, he knows where he stands and whom he serves."

Tristana then looked at Charlotte, who was quiet.

"And don't take it for granted, little sister."

Charlotte slowly nodded her head.


Then they continued walking inside the Buckingham Palace.

Minutes later, Tristana resume the conversation.

"We still have a lot time to think about Ray, little sister, but there are more important things to discuss."

"It is imperative that we should discuss them right away." Tristana solemnly said.

"Like what?" Charlotted asked directly.

"For starters, how did Risa and Daffodil know what happened on that day, the day we kidnapped Ray?"

"I can see in their eyes, Charlotte."

"Their eyes tell that they fully know something what we do, what we did, how we move, how we operate." Tristana said worriedly.

"I think someone's tipping them off, little sister,"

Charlotte looked at Tristana with a confused but worried expression.

"As much as I hate to say this, I believe there's a Queenswoman where her loyalty is misplaced."

"What?" Charlotte asked worriedly.

"We have an inside woman in our organization."

Passing through the gigantic palace hallway, the sound of heel clicking echoed throughout the large and spacious corridor.

Izanami appeared, slowly approaching them.

"Izanami." Charlotte addressed her presence.

But Tristana couldn't help but to stare Izanami with judgment.

Izanami then humbly bowed with one knee on the floor in front of the Queen and Tristana.

"Your Majesty, Madam Risa and Daffodil has taken off London." Izanami announced humbly.

"They asked me to pass on their goodbyes and well wishes to you, your Queenwoman." Izanami added humbly.

"Will that be all?" Charlotte asked the humbly serving Izanami in front of her.

"Yes, your Majesty." Izanami answered humbly.

"Then you may rise now."

Izanami then rose as she was ordered.

"This Queenswoman awaits to serve you again, your Majesty." Izanami said humbly and walked away from Charlotte, Tristana and a dozen of personal female bodyguards.

After Izanami left, Tristana looked at Charlotte with suspicion.

Charlotte looked back, knowing what her sister was thinking.

"So, you're thinking what I'm thinking, huh? Tristana asked.

"But I'm not yet fully convinced, Tris." Charlotte protested.

"Then you need to convince yourself since you're the Queen." Tristana suggested.

Tristana then greeted her goodbye with a smile and left the scene as she had more things do on her account.

Charlotte and her bodyguards also left the hallway.

Finally alone in her room, she was in deep though, carefully deciding what to do about Izanami, given the fact that her instincts kept telling her that something was wrong about Izanami.

Charlotte couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

After minutes of thinking, she finally decided something.

"Queensguard!" She called her bodyguard who was guarding outside the door.

The door quickly opened, and the Queensguard hurriedly bowed in front of her.

"You called for me, your Majesty?" The Queensguard asked humbly.

"I would like the presence of my three Queenswomen Hera, Rakshesha and Valkyrie, here at once." Charlotte requested.