Navigating pregnancy and magic academy

*Three days later*

[scene : Colt in the Kitchen, the view shifts to show Luna with her parents in the living room]

So Lana and Zenon came to live with us.

Levi and Liam stayed to watch the village.

Turns out this is so rare they want to see it for themselves. Also they want to see what our child will be like. Typical grandparents, except they look as young as us.

I can't believe this happened, talk about lucky. Now ,I know Luna's in good hands.

I decided to remain by Luna's side until the classes start. Or that was the plan until-

[Colt and Luna in their bedroom]

Colt : "So why is it that you were so surprised??"

Luna : "For elves, we have a "you know what" every 3 months unlike humans. Moreover having children is very difficult. A couple can spend decades without children. That's why our numbers are so low"

Colt : "I see now… so did it ever happen before? That a couple had a child this soon?"

Luna : "I've never heard of something like this before."

Colt : " How are you feeling these days?"

Luna : "More nausea, but other than that I'm so happy. we'll be parents. I can't wait to see what our child will be like."

Colt [embraces Luna] : "Me too… thank you, Luna. For such a wonderful gift, I'm so happy."

*Three days later*

Turns out elf bodies don't perceive babies as a threat the way human bodies do. And their strong mana connection keeps them from getting tired during pregnancy.

Mana truly is deeply engraved in everything in this world.

It's a very big blessing.

But mood swings and cravings apparently remain.

At least she won't throw up every morning.

Also, apparently, the mother can't use her magic during pregnancy.

We just got lucky in the exams; as soon as the child's aura manifests that's it.

So I have no way of telling how far along we are.

Either way I'm pulling all the stops, we'll get through this, whatever it takes.

[scene :sun rises, Colt's in the kitchen]

So I got into a routine, I wake up first, prepare breakfast, by the time I'm done

[scene : They're all gathered in the dining room]

Luna and her parents are already up

Once we eat… I make sure Luna doesn't need anything

[scene :Colt working on a square box in a room that looks like a hospital room]

Then I go work on a little project in my secret underground lab.

That was probably how the dryads knew I was of a different world.

The castle was done in a single year, I was building a place to start experimenting, until I found out making electricity directly with magic is inefficient. Sure I can move electrons around, but it really is a pain. And generating enough power for a lab? Nah.

I am not omnipotent, even I have my limitations. But I found one workaround, even better than solar energy, but it's not the time for it yet.

Currently, I'm powering it with wind magic to charge a power supply.

Before I knew it, a week had passed.

And the magic academy was calling.

[scene : Colt standing in front of a gate]

Colt : "I'm heading out."

*Walks through the gate, starts walking the streets*

We decided that Luna was staying behind until she delivered.

Thankfully Lana and Zenon were on board.

Luna was the only one unhappy about this. But I had no intention of risking it, so I promised her I'd be careful and tell her everything that happens.

And I was willing to wipe the royal capital off the map to make her stay put.

Now it's time…

*In the magic academy*

*Colt enters through the door*

*Goes to see a board in the courtyard*

Only two classes, class S and class A….

Let's see here…

Class S…

Dolion , Laverna, Lea and Luc Starlea… prince Edward is here as well.. oh.. that *shows Robert*jackass is with us

So basically, they put all the silent casters together and filled the rest of the 20 with the highest talent they could find.

Guess that weakling isn't a weakling.

*Colt heads to the classroom, finds a few students there including Robert, Edward and the Starlea siblings*

[scene : the classroom is a big room filled with rows of wooden benches rising like steps the further from the board you are]

*Robert was talking with a few students when Colt walks in*

*Colt starts heading to the back of room until*

*Robert slides his foot in front of Colt, the rest of his gang smile*

Wait !! seriously??!! Where did you learn bullying? Did you read a bullying for dummies book? That's kindergarten level.

Fine, might as well make a clown out of you.


*Robert's leg is held in place, Colt just walks past him*

"static" off

*Sits in the back of the room*

*Every student looks at Colt and Robert in shock*

*Robert stands up frustrated and confused that he couldn't move his leg, heads towards Colt*

Great, now he'll try to assert his dominance. Now's the time to decide hierarchies and he's not missing out.

*Robert reaches where Colt is sitting, looks down on him.*

Here we go.

Robert [pissed] : "Hey, commoner… do you know who I am?"


I wanna know where he got the book from.

Colt [pretending like nothing happened] : "No sir, I haven't had the honor yet."

Robert : "I am Robert Blackwood… son of marquis Blackwood"

Colt : "I am Dolion, a commoner."

*The rest of students starts murmuring and gasping*

*Prince Edward silently watches*

*As for the rest… they look at Colt with disgust*

Student1 : "How braisen !!"

Student 2 : "How dare he??!!"

A girl : "Sir Robert is going to make mincemeat out of him."

*And a few other students couldn't help but laugh at Robert*

[internal demonic smile]

Oh yes, keep those comments coming… enjoy it while you can… because I'm gonna enjoy the looks of despair in your eyes as I kill every last one of you.

Robert [about to blow up, grabs Colt by the collar ,raises his fist] : "Why you little."

*As his fist makes its way into Colt's face*

*A female voice suddenly echoes*

The voice : "ENOUGH !!"

*Colt and Robert both look at the source… it was Lea Starlea*

*Robert lets go of Colt, heads towards Lea*

Robert : "You dare? You're only the daughter of a concubine you wretch."


*Raises his hand to slap her*

*A hands stops him in mid-air… it was Luc*

Luc : "I advise you to choose your words carefully sir Robert, my sister is still the daughter of a noble. And you don't want to insult a noble's name now do you?"

Robert [knowing he was up against a silent caster , frees his arm, trying to maintain face] : "Well, she'd better watch her tongue"

*Walks away*

Even more interesting, I wasn't expecting help. I wonder..

*Luc sits next to Colt with Lea sitting next to him*

Luc : "I apologize for his misconduct."

That's something you don't usually see.

A noble apologizing to a commoner.

Luc [looking at the students] : "They call themselves nobles but there isn't a trace of nobility in their actions. *looks at Colt* I'm Luc , Luc Starlea and this is my sister Lea."

Colt [smiles] : "I am Dolion it's a pleasure and an honor to meet you."

Lea [smiles] : "Please, no need to be so formal, we'll be in the same class for the next three years."

Colt : "Uh, thank you, I hope these next three years will be good to us all."

I really suck at these things.

*Diana walks in, everyone stops talking and pays attention*

Diana [smiling, looking beautiful as can be] : "Welcome students, for those who don't know me, I am Diana, I will be your teacher for the next three years. I'm so happy to teach students as talented as yourselves."

*The rest of the students practically swoon even Luc, but Lea seems to be unaffected.*

Damn, she's good.

Diana : "For today, we'll just do introductions and an overview of what we'll be studying."

*About 2 hours later*

*As Colt was leaving after the rest of the students left*

Diana : "Dolion, come here please."

*Colt heads to face Diana*

Colt : "Yes ma'am"

Diana [worried] : "I noticed Laverna wasn't here. Is everything alright?"

Keeping your pawns under your eyes are you?

Colt : "Well, I wanted to ask about that, Laverna is pregnant so she won't be able to attend. Is that a problem?"

Diana [happy, smiling] : "Oh, congratulations , no, it's no secret you and Laverna are silent casters which means you get more freedom. Besides, Laverna's health is much more important."

WOW!! This lady would have made millions as an actress had she been on earth… I almost cried.

Colt : "I thank you for understanding."

Diana : "There was something else, tuitions here are one gold coin per person. If you can't pay, there are some noble families that are willing to pay for you. In exchange, you'll work for them when you graduate."

[A flash of lightning introduces a cutscene of the man back on earth standing in front of a hanging person]

*The man clenches his fist*

[back to Colt]

Student loans, AGAIN, even in this world. BASTARDS!! I knew they would try to bind us. But to think.. they came up with that idea.

Colt [smiling] : "That's a very kind and generous offer but I do have enough to pay."

Diana[keeping her composure, smiling] : "How wonderful!! , you set a great example to what a responsible young man is. I'm so happy to have a student like you."

Colt[smiling] : "It's a real honor to hear you say that."

And so my first day passed.