
[scene : Colt is sitting in the classroom, supporting his head with a hand placed on a cheek, boringly waiting for classes to start]

It's been about 4 months since the fight with Zenon. We didn't speak much afterwards. But, for some reason he and Lana stayed out of my hair.

Luna will give birth any day now. I even went as far as to prepare a room in the lab.

Along with some surgical equipment just in case child birth doesn't turn out well.

I'm not taking any risks.

My temper is growing shorter, I can barely keep myself from killing everyone in the academy.

Sometimes I wonder: why do I still go? It's been almost half a year and I haven't learned something useful…

AAHH, what a pain… maybe I should just drop it and dispose of everyone here.

Luc : "Dolion, Dolion…"

*Colt snaps out of his thoughts*

Colt : "Yes?"

Luc : "Pay attention, class is starting."

*Colt looks, sees that Diana has already made her way to the center of the classroom*

When did she get here?

Diana : "Today we'll be learning about barrier magic"



But since it's pure magic… and I haven't seen a good description of it before.

It never worked…

[internal demonic grin]

This… is gonna be fun.

*Diana casts a spell, she's surrounded by a dim blue light*

Diana : "This is a magic barrier, this one protects against magic spells."

A student : "But doesn't that make you invulnerable?"

*Diana de-activates the barrier*

Diana[smiles] : "A good question.. no, barriers don't make you invulnerable, they have their limits before breaking.

Now listen well, this is the incantation used…oh great mana from within, I ask for your protection… against all magic that harms me… magic nullifying barrier."

*The barrier appears again.*

For the past few months I listened to these awkward lines until I was sick.

But I learned to take a serious look and calmly analyze them.

Oh great mana from within : specifies the type : "pure magic".

I ask for your protection : defensive or offensive spells : defensive.

Against all magic that harms me : what we're defending from : magic.

Magic nullifying barrier : spell name.

Those are the parameters required…

Which means… with a bit of practice and patience… I'll master it.


Diana had all of us try it… the rest of the day went to practicing and memorizing this single incantation… I think there might be more types of barriers she's not telling us about…yet.

[scene :Colt coming out of a gate, Luna in the living room]

Colt : "I'm back."

Luna [smiling] : "Welcome back."

Colt : "So, .where are the two of them now?"

Luna : "Sitting outside enjoying the scenery."

Colt : "I thought they got used to it by now?"

Luna : "So? it's very beautiful, this place you made for us, we can never truly get used to it."

Colt [smiles] : "Yeah. Either way this gives us room to talk freely."

Luna [getting serious and a bit conflicted] : "If so, can I ask you something?"

Colt [a bit worried] : "Yes, anything."

Luna [with tears in her eyes] : "You and my parents hardly speak anymore. And it hurts me to see it. Why can't you just tell them the truth?"

Colt [freezes for a second… goes to sit down next to Luna] : "This one's hard to explain…

I think it's because it'll only confuse them more… or make matters worse… I don't really know."

Luna[in a soft surprised tone] : "You don't know why?!!!"

Colt : "I just… hate talking about it… and I don't want their pity… I hate being looked down upon."

Luna : "You know they're not going to do that…"

Colt : "I just… don't really feel comfortable telling them my story. I mean just go and say: I have memories of a different world where humans were worse than this one… as if they'd believe it… and even if they did… remember how shocked you were? I'm just thankful you didn't leave me."

Luna [ holds his hand] : "I told you, I'll never leave you. But it's painful.. seeing you and my parents like this. You're both right. But this can't go on any further."

As much as I hate to admit it… she's right…

At this point I'm repaying her love with pain and misery… and yet she never told them a thing.

Damn it… damn it… this is getting too hard to navigate… I don't think I can find a way out

Colt : "I need your help, I can't find a solution. this isn't something that can be resolved with a spell. It can't be resolved by numbers. I have no clue what to do at this point."

Luna [ slightly tightening her grip] : "It's alright to not know what to do. It's okay to be confused. And you need to experience those feelings more than anyone. I'm here to help. If you have no clue, then we find one together.. that's why I'm your wife."

Colt [resting his head on her shoulder] : "So, what do you have in mind?"

Luna : "I think we should tell them. keep it simple, the truth is the best answer. Otherwise, they won't believe you no matter how good a lie is."

Colt : "And their reaction?"

Luna : "You said you trusted my judgment. do you still do?"

Colt : "Always."

Luna [smiles] : "Then, let me handle it…"

*About an hour later, Zenon and Lana come in*

Luna : "Can you please sit? We… have something to tell you."

*Zenon and Lana exchange glances.*

Zenon [sitting down…looking a bit hesitant and regretful] : "So do we… you go first."

Luna : "No, no.. you first."

*Lana and Zenon exchange glances again*

Lana [after a moment of hesitation, lowers her head] : "We're sorry, we've made a grave mistake."

Luna [surprised by this sudden apology] : "What mistake?"

Lana : "We…"

Zenon : "We overheard you talking four months ago."

[flash back with Zenon narrating]

[scene: Zenon and Lana in their room, lying on the bed]

I was too angry to let you go that easy

*Zenon gets up*

Lana : "Dear, where are you going?"

Zenon : "I can't take this anymore.. I'll go talk to them."

*Walks to the door*

Lana : "But we agreed to talk later."

Zenon : "You let them go.. not me."

*Lana gets up and follows him, trying to talk him out of it.*

*Zenon opens the door.*

Lana : "We can't; they're probably asleep.. SLOW DOWN !"

Zenon : "The worst part is : Luna is fiercely defending him. She knows something and she's becoming more like him every day."

No matter how much Lana tried to stop me… I wasn't listening to reason.

*Reaches Colt's and Luna's room.*

*Luna's voice coming through the door.*

Luna : "What did you mean by greed and ingenuity?"

*Zenon stops, places his ear on the door.*

*Lana comes from behind.*

Lana : "What are you-"

Zenon : "Shh."

*Signals her to come closer.*

*Lana obeys.*

*Colt's voice coming through the door.*

Colt : "Here's a story from my old world.."

[end of flash back]

Zenon : "After that we were too ashamed to look you in the eyes… we didn't know the whole story… but what we heard was enough. I knew I was wrong to accuse him like that, that what I did was wrong. And I couldn't face you until now."

*Colt and Luna stare at Zenon in silence for a while, processing what he'd laid out on them.*

*After a while, the first to speak was Colt.*

Colt [with a playful smile] : "Knew I should've sound-proofed this place when I built it."

Luna [looks at Colt, surprised as can be] : "You're… not mad??!"

Colt [his face gets a bit less playful, yet his smile remains] : "Under any other circumstances, I would've been furious, but in this case.. we were already planning on telling them. so that makes things easier."

*Lana raises her head, looks at Colt with eyes filled with gratitude.*

Zenon [in shock] : "Seriously?!!!"

Colt : "Yeah, why not?"

Luna[smiles] : "If you're okay with it.. so am I."

*After story time*

Zenon [still processing] : "That's heavy… you were indeed protecting us… how can you bear it… knowing how much is at stake?"

Colt : "I have Luna by my side."

*Luna blushes*

Zenon : "Please be serious .. this can't be it."

Colt : "But it is, wrath, hatred, mistrust, fear and a terrifying desire to survive… without Luna I would've been consumed by them."

Zenon : "Who else knows?"

Colt : "Only the people in this room."

Zenon : "What about Mark?"

Colt : "No."

*Looks at Lana*

Can't believe I'm saying it again.

Colt : "Are you okay mother?"

*Lana stands up, hugs Colt*

Lana : "Thank you for telling us… sorry you went through all of it."

*Colt gives Luna a look screaming "help"*

*Luna just lifts her shoulders in a shrug.*

 Come on.

*Lana sits back down.*

Colt : "You don't have to worry about a thing… I'm doing everything in my power to ensure the dark future you imagined never happens."

Zenon : "On your own?"

Colt[puts his arm around Luna's shoulder] : "Like I said …. I'm not alone"

The situation have finally been resolved…

But it taught me something…

Not only magic barriers are dangerous and impactful.

Emotional barriers are way worse…

And thanks to Luna, that giant barrier was shattered.