she grabbed the phone with fear and anxiety, and a trembling hand said: Hello.
Then a voice came to her (Adrian) saying firmly: There is a driver outside waiting for you.... You have five minutes, otherwise you know what I can do... Doctor (Alice)?!!
So he watches every move she actually makes, so there is no need to refuse or try to escape?!!!
He hung up the phone after he gave his orders, so she kept holding it.....
Does she go to (Mark) and tell him that their meeting together at that party opened the gates of hell for her?!!
is she telling him that he asked for her and wants to see her now?!!
To hear his voice coming from behind her, he says: Are you okay?!
She noticed him in panic, turned off the phone, turned to him, saying: Mr. (Mark)....
To pretend that he is looking at his watch and says: I am very sorry, but there is another meeting with a client, so I have to go and leave you early.
To smile reluctantly, she says: It's can leave.