chapter 21

(Alice) returned to her work and her usual routine, but this time without the appearance of (Adrien) or (Mark)...

So far, three weeks have passed since her return, and neither of them has communicated with her?!!

She doesn't make (Mark) a difference with her, but (Adrien)?!!

Although she feels a little calm after several recurring storms, there is something that bothers her, which is his non-appearance, despite his threat to keep her under his eyes?!!

She finished one of the lists, only to find someone calling her?!!

She turned to smile: (Kevin) When did you come back?!!

To hold him and he hold her happily, he says: Only one day ago, but that hospital wants to eliminate me?!! They sent me to a conference for two weeks, and now, one day after my return, they want me in the hospital?!!

To laugh while they were walking together, she said: Because of course you are one of the most skilled doctors here.... The important thing is that I am happy to have you back.