Warning: violent content
(Adrian) left the hospital with a fast pace, heading to his car with two of his men, but he was the one who drove the car madly while they were with him....
(Adrian): Why did you kill them?....Why?!!!
(Mark) was silent for a while, then he said: I haven't finished taking my right yet!
Then he pointed his gun at (Adrian) and fired a bullet at him that sounded in the place?!
(Adrian) closed his eyes because he thought it was the end for him, taking the bullet that would end his life, but he was surprised by Philip's trembling hand on his shoulders and spitting blood from his mouth saying: You.... are you okay sir?!!
Then he fell to the ground, his eyes popping out in fright and pain, shouting: (Philip)?!!!!
(Mark) laughed so hard as he jumped like a madman: Your dog took it.... My happiness, I caught your annoying dog.
(Adrian) moved his hands on the body of (Philip) which was full of blood: (Philip).... (Philip)....