After taking a lot of precautions so that no one can see her, (Alice) arrives at the address that (Adrian) gave her....
With caution, fear and special attention, she arrived, bringing the key from the place he had told her he had hidden it in.
She opened the door cautiously and quietly while carrying a large bag containing clothes, food, and first aid kits....
she searched the rooms and the place for him, until she reached the room where he was lying there passed out from the severity of pain and exhaustion...
She threw the bag on the ground in fear, running to him: (Adrian).... (Adrian)?!!!
He woke up in the morning looking around, at the sun rays infiltrating his room, to find himself bare-chested and there was a large bandage on his shoulder up to the middle of his chest...
He got up tired and in pain, trying to move his shoulder, but with difficulty, then he noticed (Alice) next to him on the bed, falling into a deep sleep!!!