warning : violet content
Mr. (Estefan) kept throwing repeated blows and kicks on (Kevin's) body, which was swollen and bled a lot of blood!!!
And with every blow he was screaming and shouting loudly: Come on, coward... Now come out and show me your strength that you boast of.
Until (Adrien) appeared in front of him: Stop...
The grandfather gave a loud devilish laugh saying: Really?!! Are you ordering me to stop?! And I have to obey and stop..... Well then I will leave him, but come you are his replacement.
And before the grandfather finished his last sentence, he pulled out a gun from his back pocket and put it in (Adrian) face , who was quick and pulled out his gun faster and delivered a strong blow that stuck in the arm of the grandfather, and after that he fell to the ground cursing and shouting?!!
But as soon as (Alice) heard the shot, she screamed and stood up, only to be surprised by the appearance of someone holding her hand by force?!!